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Quarantine Turned My Husband into a Chef


我猜的迹象已经出现。当我们第一次已婚,nine years ago, my husband surprised me晚餐。We were 21, high school sweethearts, just kids.

“Meat sauce with a special ingredient,” he had said with a boyish grin. It took a lot for me to swallow that first spoon. But I did. “Cinnamon?” I asked, trying to sound casual, suppressing a gag. “I definitely taste cinnamon.”

“Yup,” he said proudly. I ate a couple of spoons of the dish and snuck the rest in the garbage.

Over the years, when我做饭,he would hover around在厨房问他能做些什么。他是谁需要保持他的手忙的那种人 - 运动员和贸易建设者和革新者。


除了在这里和那里的奇洋葱,但是,厨房是我的域名。这是不是故意的,但我很喜欢做饭,妈妈的摩洛哥风格后采取和准备辛辣的食物,这是他喜欢的。但是,随着我们长大,所以没有our careers,意味着我是wh回家累ipping up a快速晚餐or he was simply throwing chicken on the grill. On Fridays, for Shabbat, dinner was usually a team effort — but with our schedules, it was usually takeout, along with my mother-in-law’s鸡汤她每星期预留我们。

A few months ago, however, during my maternity leave, we moved across the world to Israel. Suddenly, we no longer had my mother-in law’s soup to pick up安息日前。我觉得通过学习代配方的责任吓倒,所以我的丈夫把它代替。他的第一个鸡汤呈水样便。但是,他的下一个尝试是我们曾经有过的最好的一个。在那之后,他被视为“心灵鸡汤家伙。”那就是它的程度;他会下班回家,享受spending time与小家伙,而我做的饭。

然后流感大流行击中。我们被转移了锁定条件,在我们的公寓,我们两个和我们的孩子嬉戏。锁定意味着我的丈夫不能去工作,最远的we could legally venture was 100 meters from our home. Part of the reason we移居到以色列was so that my husband’s free spirit could enjoy surfing in the ocean and the active lifestyle that a Mediterranean climate had to offer. But none of this was possible now. I shot worried glances his way as he paced in the confines of our living room.

“Should I make dinner?” he asked one quiet evening between alarming news reports on the rising cases. I pondered the idea. I was hesitant to give over the reins — other than the soup and the grilling, he hadn’t made从头晚餐因为臭名昭著的肉酱。但他踱步了这么多,所以我们切换。我看着小家伙,而他掏出食谱从茶水间,我已经好几年没开了。

这是因为如果东西点燃。而且不只是火的吸烟者,我最近得到了他为他的30岁生日。一些休眠火花做饭的激情ignited in him. I watched him move about in the kitchen, rummaging through cabinets, pulling out ingredients, and neatly laying them out on the counter in preparation for his dishes. He soon started researching techniques to improve his smoked meats, even制作自己的混合调味料和咖啡磨。他每天都做一些不同的东西,从多汁胸肉和蒸饺在自制chimichurri和切成薄片的茄子生牛肉片用玫瑰香水蘸取馅饼。是,rosewater

It wasn’t long before he decided to give baking a shot, too, looking up recipes I’d never attempt. He’d set his timer and knead the dough at length, then fold it, roll it — you name it. Our place began to smell like a French patisserie (my literal dream) as he pulled freshbabkas,羊角面包和酥皮柠檬馅饼出炉。

“Sarit, I realized cooking is just like building,” he said one day as I watched in awe as hecarefully constructed拿破仑,管道的奶油,用完美稳定的手和眼睛,让我集中不得不把目光移开。“这拿破仑让我想起了一个平铺的后挡板...粉扑面团平铺。你必须小心地将它放下。”

“我明白了,”我说,浸渍我的手指到柠檬奶油和偷偷舔,通过的味道在我嘴里爆炸震惊。他一夜之间冷藏它,正是因为the recipe指示。我想他可能会到一些东西。最复杂的食谱给我头疼,相同的方法,宜家手工做。他带技巧的全新的水平在我们的家庭。

他的菜是如此的美味,我开始了一个Instagram的网页,现在有超过2000的追随者,被称为Eatsz_Eatsz by Sarit and Zvi。我的照片和风格的食物,展示他的厨艺和创造力。我个人最喜欢的是新鲜出炉的羊角面包是需要三天做准备。它的滚动和折叠与堆积黄油的层中的生面团的严格的,重复的过程,随后制冷小时。我通常极其渴望咬成一个,所以我倾向于问他,如果他能找到一条捷径,把它们放在烤箱越快 - 你知道,让整个过程滚动。“我可以,如果你要我,但他们不会的味道一样,”他回答道。他很看重他的手艺。

他还得到相当the reputationaround town, taking friends to the local butcher to help pick out the perfect cut of meat, and he offers advice on challah baking. Friends have been asking, “Has he always been this good of a cook?”


I have yet to make dinner since that night three months ago. When most of the锁定限制被取消,他还是放不下所有的烹饪和在工作和冲浪之间的烘烤。不幸的是,似乎以色列可能对被标题另一锁定,但我不再像以前那样担心他踱步。幸运的是,他的新的激情在这里停留。

Do I miss cooking? Not even a little bit! One day, I’ll look back at this crazy time in our lives, the time when the world had stopped and predictability became a laughing matter — but the一线希望是一个人才被揭露和我的丈夫成为一名厨师。

Image via奥尔加Strelnikova/盖蒂图片社

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