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How I Manage My Postpartum Anxiety During the Pandemic


最后,它并不真正的问题是什么是先 - 产后焦虑和失眠成为一个单一的,可怕的存在我不能踢。几个月来,我什么都试过有人建议:平静的音乐,芳香疗法,营养补充剂,瑜珈,冥想,行使, therapy, acupuncture. Remarkably, despite the fact that postpartum anxiety and insomnia are quite common for new parents, there’s a dearth of concrete advice, and I found myself bouncing from one idea to the next, hoping that something would stick.




It’s safe to say that the past few months have not been great for my anxiety. Among other things, the global pandemic shut down flights, and my wife and I got停留在以色列与我们的宝宝五个月结果。2月份以来,我们一直生活在与我们的父母,并保持我们的事业漂浮 -working at night当白天的在美国和白天提高我们的小家伙。这是一个time

幸运的是,在整个这一切,也有帮助始终保持狼在我的脑海在海湾的几件事情。并非总是如此 - 有肯定是时刻,当我觉得自己的牙齿在我的脚跟咬 - 但大部分的时间。足以让我现在和运作。足以让我睡在大多数夜晚。

First,我的家人和朋友- 这样的慷慨,这样的open spirits。我的父母和我的岳父岳母毫不犹豫地拔掉他们的生活,让我们能和他们呆在一起。他们搬到家具,移动日程安排,照顾我们的小家伙,这样我们可以工作(或打盹!)。他们支持我ios下载beplay们,当我们失去了工作。我的父母驱车各种方式来帮助我们在我的岳父岳母的房子,每周两次,几个月两小时。朋友和家人下车bags of clothes并为我们的宝宝的玩具在很多场合,他成长为一个蹒跚学步在我们的长住在以色列。

第二,治疗和药物治疗。我开始在产后阴霾的几个月去年秋天在纽约一个治疗师会议。当我们发现自己生活在大洋彼岸,我坚持了在放大我很高兴,我做到了。放大疗法起初奇怪 - 既奇怪以上且小于常规治疗亲密 - 但我习惯了。每星期有一个空间,把我所有的恐惧和挫折,一直是关键保持漂浮。我也一直把我的抗焦虑药物,并与我的心理医生跟进在线。让我大声地说这一部分:有很多是母乳喂养的母亲安全的药物。他们帮助。这是不是一个失败,它是自爱和自我保护。

第三,自理。这是一个巨大的。经常锻炼(在家里,有一个应用程序 -我用向下狗HIIT和瑜伽), trying to sleep whenever possible (read: family naps in the afternoon with our kiddo), eating nutritious food (and indulging in chocolatey treats). Chatting with my best friends on the phone.Reading books,即使只有几分钟。丘比特ng on music when I shower. Listening to a calming podcast while I clean the house. Anything, really, that makes me feel cared for — each of theselittle things让我觉得我还是有超过我的天怎么会看一些控制。

当然,这些都是说起来容易做起来难。我每天都感谢我的幸运之星我妻子的鼓励和支持ios下载beplay。She keeps me accountable but also reminds me to forgive myself. Which brings me to the fourth, most important, most difficult contributor to my health.

Compassion for myself and for others。This one is so hard, but when I manage it, it’s also the most powerful. Finding tenderness for myself when I push myself too hard (staying up ‘til 2 a.m. to meet that deadline) or not hard enough (I really should be exercising, but maybe I’ll pour a glass of wine instead).寻找理解对于别人的时候,我们在对方炸掉,或者只是懒得做的菜,或买错种类的奶酪。记住,这些都不是真正的东西此事。记住,明天又是新的一天,我们得到再次尝试。记住,我没有是正确的所有的时间。

Next week, my baby will be a year old. Yesterday, we celebrated in my parents’后院我们的直系亲属,洗手液,以及所有。阳光明媚,我们的小家伙是蹒跚学步时左右花鸟指向,使每个人都笑背后的手术面具。We sang “Baby Beluga” and “Old MacDonald.” We danced at a安全距离吃胡萝卜蛋糕。

learning curveof this past year has been steep, like a precipice I’m liable to fall off at any moment. But by leaning on others, by learning to lean on me, I haven’t fallen off yet. I’ve learned that I’m not going to finish learning any time soon. It’s about getting up each day and trying again, trying again, trying again. Being grateful for the chance to try.

Image by Olha Khorimarko/Getty Images

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