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E.ssential Lessons in Jewish Diversity That We’re Bringing With Us to 2021


回到2020年6月,国家爆发了。已经被一个可怕的和严重管理的大流行病 - 一个不成比例地影响着颜色的人 - 杀戮乔治弗洛伊德saw Americans take to the streets and decry系统种族主义及其致命的痛苦。我们(大多数)作为一个国家同意,足够了。

But what about the aftermath? In the wake of the re-rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, did we do enough? Simply put, the answer for white and white-presenting Jews has to beno。As we are so often reminded, anti-racist work不是有限的

As we get ready to kick 2020 to the curb, there are some lessons that we learned this year that we can and should take with us to 2021. Of course, we can keep sharing memes and slideshows, but real change comes from actions — and there are actions that we can take to make our homes and our Jewishspaces more welcoming,公平和反种舍。

当然,作为一个白人,德系犹太人,这将是bit weird for me to just rattle off on these important topics from my own limited perspective. So instead, I want to re-share some amazing words that ran in the pages of Kveller since the summer, and some conversations about race and Judaism that we held this year that I think are worth revisiting. They all come from Jewish parents who have had to think about race和ashkenormativityformuch longer than过去六个月 - 他们的观点是值得的。


Back in January, before coronavirus hit this country, Allison Barnes wrote about the micro and macro aggressions that Jews of Color experience in Jewish spaces. As Barnes, an educator and Jewish mom writes, “even in what I would consider ideal circumstances, in liberal Northern California, where I live, navigating the Jewish world as a Person of Color has often been awkward, invasive, and othering.” She createda list of nine things你不应该对犹太人的犹太人说,而是说什么。


6月份,由于黑人生活抗议全部摇摆,Be’chol Lashon’s Marcella White Campbell wrote aboutwhat to say and read to your children about race.She wrote about the importance of acknowledging, seeing, and talking about race with your children, no matter how young they are — and listening to what they have to say about it, in order to gauge what they’ve already advertently and inadvertently taken in.

坎贝尔,巴恩斯和社会工作者Nina Essel也加入了kveller的照明小组讨论,了解我们如何与孩子们关于种族的谈话苹果beplay,以及我们如何提出反种舍犹太儿童。





You can read谈话中的更多亮点并在下面观看:


确保您的孩子们的书籍是多元化的,并且尽可能多的多样化犹太儿童书籍是一个好主意 - 我们有a list of such anti-racist Jewish books right here。When looking for diverse children’s books, we don’t just want stories of Black excellence; we want stories of Black Jews and Jews of Color just living their lives, celebrating holidays, and asking the Jewish questions that all Jewish kids ask.

This year, Kveller had conversations with three amazing Jews who are creating books about the diverse Jewish experience: Aviva Brown, an author of three children’s books, includingE.ZRA的大小安字样问题;莎拉aroeste,拉夫诺音乐家和作者Buen Shabat, Shabbat Shalom;和娜塔莎迪亚兹,优秀的YA小说的作者Color Me In.They all stressed the need for more diverse Jewish children’s books, and how these books can help us understand the full breadth of the Jewish experience. You can watch these two illuminating live conversations below:


尼娜埃瑞特,两个黑犹太男孩的母亲,写了如何we need to make Jewish spaces more welcoming for Black Jewish kids like hers

“Regardless of whether or not your synagogue is diverse,” Essel wrote, “does your synagogue or Jewish organization hold events that explore anddiscuss themesof racial justice? Check the bookshelves of your Jewish preschool, are there图书with racialand ethnic diversity?教室有娃娃不同的肤色吗?请求您的希伯来学校和犹太教育组织提供关于来自中国,乌干达等侨民的犹太人的编程,E.thiopia, and Argentina. Ashkenazic synagogues should offer opportunities to learn about Sephardic traditions, melodies, and history. Jews have always stood up to injustice and were active participants in the Civil Rights Movement, but the fight is not over. Jewish institutions must continue this work.”


While well-meaning Jews are trying to talk to their synagogues about race, it’s important to stress that cries for activism need to be inclusive too: “You tell a group I’m in, ‘We need to acknowledge our white privilege,’ and I can not do that,” Campbell reminded us in June. By saying that from the pulpit to an entire synagogue, we are erasing Jews of Color. So we — and our leaders — need to be more sensitive.


这项工作持续到2021 - 而且!苹果beplay克洛勒仍然决心放大珠宝和非阿什肯纳齐犹太人的声音,以及我们的提交盒子总是打开。您想听的其他观点和对话是什么?您如何在2021年致力于反种舍工作?我们想收到你的来信 - 加入我们的Kveller Moms小组,让我们继续工作和谈话。

Image via Olga Beliaeva

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