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Anti-Semites ‘Zoombombed’ Our Synagogue’s Shabbat Services

先于流感大流行,我一家五口人很少出席安息日在我们位于康涅狄格州的改革犹太教堂服务。总是有其他事情做 - 体育实践和学校舞会,生日派对和周末外出。

Now, however, with our calendars cleared thanks to coronavirus, we tried services on Zoom one Friday night when we were stuck at home. I found it a pleasant, meaningful way to mark the end of another confusing chaotic week in my new role as the kindergarten teacher known as Mrs. Mom. Plus, I reasoned, with no commute, showers,or dressing up需要的,如何努力,难道是收集我的船员在电脑前?

It turns out my family of fivestill不能为服务准时到达。当我们的法师几乎欢迎我们放大,只有我5岁坐在与我在我们的厨房柜台。她的10和13岁的哥哥们都忙 - 在我的世界领域一个hoverboarding外,一个工作网络。无论央求了几分钟。我的老公用邻居,谁走了过来戴口罩和手套,以帮助我们处理花栗鼠的停留在我们的花园网拘留。即使我的公婆发短信,他们会迟到,因为他们的狗,黛丝,跑掉了。

烤箱计时器响了:在challahs准备好了。我忘了为金黄色闪耀第二鸡蛋洗干净,但他们看起来很好。我们的领唱guided me back to the screen with theMi Sheberach,the prayer for healing. I concentrated my prayer on a 41-year old friend who was recovering from a stroke. My husband came in, nauseous over what had transpired with the chipmunk. We chanted the。My boys joined us. Then — ding-dong — our favorite Peruvian chicken dinner was delivered to the door. In came the food, out came the高乐氏湿巾to disinfect the containers.

Yes, you can have fries.不,你不能有challah的呢。我嘘大家多多。坐在这里,I pleaded.It’s just an hour.

最后,我们把它给哀悼者的Kaddish。我们每个人都从我们的凳子上涨,给众我的胃的观点和我的小家伙的头顶。我的孩子们平息,尊重,因为我们会说,因为这祈祷很多次my grandmotherpassed away in March. The rabbi shared the prayer text with the congregation.

A neon green scribble appeared on the screen — then continued to draw two messy but distinct swastikas over the solemn words. I gasped in, shock.The rabbi gasped, too.屋顶上的小提琴手音乐一开始是充满了人的黑白漫画有一个大鼻子的参与者屏幕打一处来。我的孩子们看着我的丈夫和我睁大了眼睛,知道的东西是非常错误的。然后聊天框弹出与不适当的消息 - 第一,怪异的要求,如果这是一场葬礼,然后粗暴地表明,这是一个狂欢代替。我们眼睁睁地看着,试图处理发生了什么和什么可能发生下一次做准备。这种可怕的感觉超负荷在几秒钟之内展开。这感觉就像时间慢动作移动。

我们的小,600个家庭的自由主义众已经“Zoombombed“。一个局外人 - 也许是一个无聊的恶作剧或者可能是一个极端的黑客 - 不知何故访问的标注,音频和我们的变焦会话的即时通讯功能,分享可恶的消息。

随着流感大流行已经迫使全球企业移动视频会议,Zoombombing已成为可怕的猖獗。今年四月,例如,黑客劫持Massachusetts high school’s AP Chinese class with three minutes of racist messages and images. Alcoholics Anonymousmeetingshave been interrupted with pornography and videos of people drinking. Holocaust survivors about to speak during the Embassy of Israel in Berlin’s Holocaust追忆事件were pre-empted with pictures of Hitler and anti-Semitic chants.

这俩FBI反诽谤联盟发出的警告和指导,从劫持确保虚拟会议,使用私有放大环节,包括密码,并禁用注释和共享屏功能。考虑到这些额外的措施来与成本,但是 - 例如,复杂的访问将使少精通技术的成员参加变焦服务更加困难,而静音的与会者将消除我们一起唱歌。

Fortunately, our rabbi acted quickly to close his shared screen, though I don’t think my children will forget seeing those symbols of hate or the fear on my face. The administrator muted all attendees but I doubt I’ll ever unhear those first few mocking notes of klezmer music.

This was the most outright反犹太主义I’d faced in my 43 years. My grandmother left Poland for New York in 1936; her Jewish hometown was later destroyed by the Nazi invasion. My husband and I felt lucky to raise our kids in a liberal town that closed schools on犹太新年和celebrated Hanukkah with a public menorah lighting. I never imagined I’d be targeted with my children in our own home.

We were silent, watching the rabbi. He apologized and said this was a risk of meeting over Zoom and also the exact reason we needed to be together. We continued the service, with even greater intention.




Amidst all these horrors, who would think to target our sweet, guitar-strumming mensch of a rabbi, and a congregation that always signedthe Shema在美国手语?


Soon after the service, the temple’s board of directors sent out an email. They notified us that they contacted the police and Anti-Defamation League, and would improve security measures for our virtual gatherings. The email also keenly noted that “as this pandemic continues, it is even more important than ever to join together as a community and tonight’s incident makes the message of更美好更尖锐“。

I think that’s why we showed up for services隔离中more than we ever did in person. Even if late or distracted, we helped keep our community strong. Despite wearing workout clothes and ponytails, we were there, peering into each other’s hearts and homes to find connection.

在过去的几个星期,因为有传闻称高圣日服务和宗教学校会在网上,今年秋天,朋友问我是否愿意让我的孩子们希伯来学校和whether I thought tuition should be reduced. I had to consider it: Sunday school in April and May was awkward and clumsy on Zoom, with repeated requests to mute yourself and unmute yourself. Hallie’s kindergarten class mostly listened to their teacher read stories. Noah’s fourth grade class barely touched the Hebrew curriculum.


目睹这样的恨坚定了我的决心,以保持我的家庭连接到我们的地方犹太社区。I’ll keep paying our temple dues and religious school tuition. I understand that building maintenance costs don’t change because of a pandemic. I don’t want the board to have to consider reducing teacher, staff, or clergy salaries.

我的孩子需要的犹太朋友和teachers, even if they only see each other on Zoom. They need leadership that advocates repairing the world and ridding it of intolerance. It won’t be perfect but, as it turns out, nothing is in a pandemic. If there’s a silver lining, I know I won’t miss carpooling or worrying about my kids’ physical safety like I did when I dropped them off after the shooting at匹兹堡的生命会堂的树。

上周五晚上,当服务结束后,教徒在自己家中点燃蜡烛。由于缩放屏幕从家庭扫描到家庭中,我们可以看到每个人的challahs,有痂皮从最轻的亚麻近咖啡地面褐色。最后我们所演唱的旅行者的祈祷,Tefilat Haderech。通常情况下,我们拥抱臂的臂的庇护所。我的五口之家在我们的厨房一起摇摆的声音杂音接手放大。因为我们去我们的方式,我们可以祝福。愿我们在和平的指导。愿我们以健康和快乐的祝福。May this our blessing, amen.

由Grace Yagel形象设计。通过ANASTASIIA CHERVIAK /盖蒂图片视频会议说明。脏话插图由youngID /盖蒂图像

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