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什么不该说,以色的犹太人 - 而不是什么和说


在美国,尤其是现在,它既是很难被黑,很难成为一个犹太人。所以,想象一下,如果你愿意,生活是什么样的Black Jew.

即使在我会考虑理想的情况下,在宽松的北加州,我住的地方,导航犹太世界色彩的人常常是尴尬的,侵入性的,和他者化。我经常得到其他犹太人向我提出奇怪的评论谁可能不知道自己的言行影响。而且,虽然我不希望对大家的发言,我知道很多其他颜色的犹太人have unfortunately had the same experiences.


Read on for my tips for what not to say to a颜色的犹太人- 什么,而不是说。


If you are out in a Jewish setting (bar mitzvahs, seders,光明方,等等),看看谁的人是不是白色的,不上他们那里去,并询问他们是犹太人。这个问题可以很快理解为质疑别人的是在一个犹太人的空间权。这使他们感到挑出来,像你怀疑他们。

Instead, introduce yourself! If you are at Jewish event and you see a POC who you don’t know, go up to them and say hi. It doesn’t matter if this person is Jewish or not — although if you’re at a Jewish event, I think it’s safe to assume everyone you interact with is Jewish. Let them correct you if need be. Try to genuinely meet a new person and make a new friend through polite small talk, like, “How do you know the蝙蝠成人礼的女孩?” or “Have you tried the latkes?”


This is a rough one. My whole life, one of the first reactions people had when they found out I was Jewish was to laugh. Whether out of surprise or discomfort, unless someone tells you they are a comedian, don’t laugh at someone’s identity. It is incredibly dehumanizing for someone to laugh at who you are. It is rude. Don’t do this.


3. Don’t say, “Really? You don’t look Jewish!”

这是从电影,我不知道?有一个老派喜剧惯例,依靠这条线?的时候,我听到这个荒唐的短语的数量是无法估量的。如果没有其他原因,不要说这颜色的犹太人,因为它是不是在所有原件;他们以前听说过这个几千倍!除此之外,它显示了一个严重缺乏对评论者的部分历史和宗教理解。有没有办法“看”的犹太, because Judaism is a religion that allows for anyone of any background to take part, rather than some sort of white-race subgroup. And, if we did want to discuss a “traditional” look for Jews, then we would be discussing the biblical Jews who also would not fit the Eastern European stereotype of a Jew that persists today.


4. Don’t ask if or when they converted.

First things first, a Jew of Color can be a Jew without having converted. Secondly, someone else’s conversion (or lack thereof) is none of your business. It is literally a Jewish law to不是捉弄人about conversion and I’m fairly certain that asking a convert this question because of their race would fit into the “embarrassment” category. This question leaves any Jew of Color — whether Jewish by birth or通过选择— feeling badly.


5. Don’t ask if they are Ethiopian or any other specific Jewish ethnic group.

Yes, Judaism has many interesting and distinct cultural groups, but that doesn’t mean that every Jew of Color you meet identifies as a member of one. I personally feel this comment is especially damaging to Black American Jews, whose African heritage is often obscured by the fact that their ancestors often arrived in the U.S. as enslaved people. Even in the age of23andMe公司, this isn’t something worth asking someone.

Instead, get involved with communities of Color inside and outside of your Jewish community. The more comfortable you are with people of all backgrounds, the more supported Jews of Color in your community will feel! And perhaps you will meet JOC from your community who are out exploring other parts of their identity!


颜色的犹太人可以有两个犹太家庭,和颜色的犹太人可以有父母谁都是POC。他们不需要把自己分裂成分数的身份 - 他们可以完全犹太和全黑,或任何其他文化构成他们是谁。



Questions about bar or bat mitzvahs, youth groups, and犹太教堂成员绝对有其积极的地方,但那个地方不适合当你第一次见面的人,尤其是色彩的犹太人。当你问这些种在首次会议的问题,它好像你以确定它们是否满足您的犹太quizzing有人脱落“的准则。”它把对色彩的犹太人压力列出为了安抚你的侵扰所有的犹太人参与和成就。它可以感觉你甚至不想工作一个非常积极的采访。

Instead, save these types of questions for when they naturally come up in conversations as you get to know someone, rather than just out of your own curiosity. It really all comes down to getting to know Jews of Color in your community as you would a white Jew.

8. Don’t ask if they know (or worse: are related to) this other Jew of Color you know.

Jewish geography can be fun sometimes, but this version is extremely problematic. We do not all know each other. We are not all related. Do not ask this.

9. Don’t try to make a joke.

毕竟在quizzing,戳,和推动下,不可避免地,我说白犹太人试图结束谈话时开玩笑说...关于我的身份。我听说过这么多:“你是Blewish!得到它?黑人和犹太人?”或者,“你可以在光明的,而不是吃炸鸡latkes!” Or, as they point to my Afro: “Well, at least you have the same hair as us!” My identity is not a joke. I don’t think of it as a fun, silly fact about me — my identity is deeply important to me. These comments are degrading and, frankly, often racist.

Yes, I am sure it is difficult to close out a seriously awkward conversation you made us have about my race/ethnicity/religion. But Instead of shoving your foot further into your mouth by trying to make a joke, simply say: “It was so nice to meet you!”

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