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它花了超过字kvell出现在一本英语书前一个世纪。它甚至没有一本书,真的:1952熟悉犹太词语手册was just 34 pages of useful words “for making friends with Jewish Merchants.” It was produced by Joseph Jacobs, the advertising company that came up with the idea for theMaxwell House Haggadah

This was the time when American Jews were beginning to assimilate and little-known意第绪语单词were turning up in mainstream media. Writer/actor Gertrude Berg was starring in the original television comedy,The Goldbergs其中介绍的观众的一个犹太家庭在布朗克斯。(作为参考帧,这是之前65年蚊梅塞尔开始做栋笃笑。)


Kvelling不是唯一的家长和祖父母;它只是孩子给你无限的机会这么做。这就解释了为什么冰箱都贴满Hebrew school的杆式数字家庭牵手证书“本月曼希”,泛着预-K报告卡,和蜡笔画。


真正的兴奋是不计算;它发生在moment, like when your kid rounds home plate and his teammates give him a high-five, or when your husband is called up to the stage for an award. Kvelling wells up until you burst with joy and pride. You just can’t help it.

事后Kvelling?Thatyou should be mindful of, as delayed kvelling can sound an awful lot like bragging, and nobody likes the sound of someone tooting their own horn.

In general, kvelling is cool — but be careful, and take heed of what the bubbes say: Kvelling too loud or proud can put you at risk of attracting theevil eye,which strikes when things are too good. Announcing that your son got straight As will only provoke the evil eye to make him get a D on his next spelling test.


You can distract the evil eye with a good kinehora, but can you fool the evil eye with a humblebrag? This is when you cloak your kvell in a qualifier. As Derek Thompson wrote in大西洋组织,a humblebrag is kvelling dressed in a kvetch: “I’m exhausted from Memorial Day weekend; it’sSOOOhard to get out of Nantucket.”



大多数kvelling是个体的,近距离和个人。这是你的孩子,配偶,兄弟姐妹或朋友表达骄傲。但也有其他机会kvell - 对一些关键kvelling类阅读。


This is whenyour child has a small part in a bigger achievement — say, when you find yourself cheering wildly because the Purple Tigers won the T-ball game. Only one of the players is yours, but they all remembered to run to first base! Cheering them on builds camaraderie, and in this competitive world, it feels good to be on the same team, both literally and figuratively. Communal kvelling is not exclusive to Jews; it extends to all the parents in the stands, the grandparents in the audience, and everyone who’s clapping at the finish line.

作为父母,你有多年的办学音乐会,报告卡,生日派对,田径比赛,学校选举的,并成人仪式项目— all excellent opportunities for communal kvelling, as in: “Michael was so cute as the third hamantashen in the second row in the Purim play. I was kvelling.”

公共kvellingmust be discreet. Remember not to wave, whistle or hoot; you must not do anything to embarrass your child or draw attention to your kvelling. And don’t kvetch about the kid who sings too loud. Kvetching cancels kvelling.


This is when你很难知道的成功者,但依然很自豪他们的成就。距离kvelling是那种kvelling你只是偶然发现的 - 毕竟,这是不是在那里你认识的人。

例如,您在犹太教堂一个是周六和bat mitzvah girlwalks up on the bimah. You don’t recognize her but still find yourself tearing up during her speech; you didn’t know that her grandfather was a大屠杀幸存者。You’re kvelling over how poised she.

或者你在图书馆和会议室碰到一个学生音乐会。单簧管独奏为六年级学生所以熟练。你玩过乐器全部通过学校,但你从来没有独唱。你kvelling - 释然 - 当孩子扮演的最后音符和掌声启动。

You distance kvell because you can relate: You’ve been through a similar experience; you can imagine how the parents feel and how much effort the child put in. You share in their pride of accomplishment.

Tribal kvelling

这是当你感到自豪的一个犹太同胞的成就。你从来没有见过Ruth Bader Ginsburg,but along with thousands of other Jewish women, you kvell when she gets a good medical report, and you kvell when she walks into the Supreme Court.

我们kvelled当我们观看蒂凡尼·哈什的成人仪式视频。“她甚至从托拉阅读 - 她是如此的热情!”You do this because we are one tribe – and a minority one, at that. The actions of one of us reflects on all of us. When they do good, we feel good.

The opposite of tribal kvelling is cringing when a fellow Jew gets in trouble. Bubbes have been known to comment on a news report of a corporate embezzlement: “Oy. I hope when they catch the guy, we don’t find out that he’s Jewish.” Of course, there’s a Yiddish word to describe this communal cringe:盛大的,这意味着装置丑闻或耻。麦道夫是典范的盛大。

Retrospective kvelling

This is when you look through your kids’宝宝相册,old Facebook posts, or your high school yearbook and relive the kvell-worthy moments. This reminiscing can stir up not only nostalgia and longing, but joy and gratitude.


Kvelling never gets old. That’s why we suggest taking plenty of photos and videos of all the amazing, one-of-a kind family moments. You’ll just be ensuring lots of future kvelling.

Image by CSA Images/Getty Images

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