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Love ‘Unorthodox?’ Watch These Shows and Movies Next


Unorthodox,theNetflix limited series about a woman who leaves her Haredi life in Brooklyn for Berlin, has been着迷世界各地的观众。人们真正与这个电视节目,这是华丽,细致,拥有来自恒星希拉哈斯和艾米特Rahav阴燃的表演迷住了。


我们在这里帮助。如果你曾经深爱的所有方面Unorthodox, we hope you will like these movies and shows as much as we do.

If you want more positive and nuanced portrayals of religious Jews


Fill the Void(亚马逊3.99美元)

“This is one of the movies that we all liked,” Alexa Karolinski, one of the producers and writers ofUnorthodoxtold me, saying that when theUnorthodoxteam was doing research, they tried to watch movies and TV shows about Orthodox Jews as possible.

填补空白,主演Shtisel的哈达亚龙,是我的最爱之一,并作为Karolinski说,这是由鲁马Burshtein导演的电影招标,谁是自己是一个犹太人传统的女人It’s a beautiful story about an Orthodox Jewish woman who is trying to navigate the world of matchmaking and marriage as she reconciles with the loss of her sister. It’s kind of like an OrthodoxEmma;它是忧郁的,浪漫的,充满希望。


婚礼计划is Burshtein’s second feature film, and it is just as delightful as her first. Noa Koler is an absolute revelation as Michal, an Orthodox woman in her 30s desperately hoping to tie the knot. After finding out her fiance doesn’t love her and calling off her engagement, she uses the date of her booked wedding hall as a sort of deadline to find a new match.

Ushpizin(YouTube的$ 1.99)

这2004年的故事片是极端正统派的夫妇谁没有子女和破产的幽默故事。住棚节,摩西,丈夫期间,会从两个人谁提醒他黑暗的过去的访问。这部电影被写了和星舒利·兰,以色列音乐家谁和演员谁在1998年成为一个Braslev Hasid。

妇女的阳台(Amazon $3.99)

一个迷人的,有趣的犹太东正教吕西斯特剌忒的版本,这部电影讲述了一群女人为自己的地方战斗 - 和自己的阳台 - 在耶路撒冷的东正教教堂,之后更保守的拉比拒绝建立一个他们。这是一个宗教和女权主义者的喜悦!


这lovely Yiddish language film stars Menashe Lustig, an ultra-Orthodox Jew playing a fictionalized version of himself. After his wife dies, Menashe is separated from his son, whom he loves dearly. It’s a careful and emotional film, which was painstakingly shot over two years. The care with which the filmmakers sought to portray the Borough Park religious community is palpable, thought to make it accessible to them, the movie does not feature any women’s faces.


OK, this is just me reminding you that屋顶上的小提琴手is available to watch for free if you have a Prime membership. Not only is it a super important piece of Jewish culture, but it’s also a good reminder that so many of us not-so-observant Ashkenazi Jews did come from Orthodox Judaism in one way or another.



What can I say that I have not saidmany前约Shtisel?What a show, what a cast (including, yes,Unorthodox的希拉哈斯),何超正统派犹太人的特殊写照昭示着在它的美丽,人性和复杂的宗教生活。如果你还没有看过有关的节目Shtisel家庭,放下一切,现在这样做。如果你已经看过了,取心脏:创作者及演员的表演已经证实,一旦流感大流行结束,第3季will be in production, so that’s something to feel delighted about in these troubling times.


这TV show about a group of young national-religious singles trying to navigate life and romance in Jerusalem is a glimpse into a different kind of religious life that people outside of Israel may not be aware of.


此限量系列告诉以色列电视和电台主持人,阿尔玛,以及她对加入Braslev哈西德教派之旅的故事。它是基于由诺亚亚龙 - 大雁,谁加入该教派自己,与她的前夫,尤瓦大雁一起写了一本书。以色列音乐家和演员的一个显着的演员,这是一个令人心碎的小节目这绝对值得关注。

戒律(与主题订阅Amazon Prime,免费)

在希伯来文,戒律被称为Kipat Barzel,希伯来期限为铁穹,以色列的反导系统。但也因为它的双关语包含单词kippah(我们称之为yarmulkein Yiddish) in it. This powerful show is about a group of ultra-Orthodox and religious Jews who join a religious unit in the IDF, many against their family’s wishes.

Autonomies(与主题订阅Amazon Prime,免费)

在这种异位节目从Shtiselcreators Ori Elon and Yehonatan Indursky, Israel is divided into two states, with a Haredi autonomy in Jerusalem, and the State of Israel, whose capital is Tel Aviv. It’s an impeccably produced fascinating exploration of the religious tensions in the Zionist state.

If you want more stories of Jews who have left ultra-Orthodoxy




One of Us(Netflix的)

这documentary tells the painful story of people who have left ultra-Orthodoxy. It tells their struggles, which, as you know from watchingUnorthodox当他们离开他们的宗教,几乎没有结束。这是一个重要的文件,让那些谁离开他们的社区告诉他们自己的声音复杂的故事。

Felix & Meira(Amazon $2.99)

这部电影,其中发生在蒙特利尔的米莱恩德附近,讲述梅拉(哈达的亚龙的故事Shtisel),超正统派的女人,谁娶了Shulem(Luzer Twerksy,的主题之一One of Us) but falls for Felix, a non-Jewish man. Just like Esty inUnorthodox,梅拉对音乐有一种秘密的热情,她的债券与Felix过来。


A tale of gay love between an ultra-Orthodox butcher and a troubled young man, this award-winning film stars Zohar Strauss fromShtisel和标志性的以色列音乐家和演员兰·丹克。

我的父亲,我的主(VUDU $ 2.00)

技术上不是一部关于谁离开哈雷迪犹太教犹太人,这个电影是关于一个年轻的男孩,他的天生的好奇心,是由他的父亲haredi阻碍,导致悲剧性后果。由大卫Wolach,自己的前Hasid制成,这令人难忘的电影,讲述重男轻女的骄傲,是令人难忘的和超越宗教的界限 - 这是发生了什么令人心碎的探索时,我们什么,我们希望我们的孩子成为思想和我们的父母之爱碰撞。




Babylon Berlin(Netflix的)

这迷幻虚构秀一战和二战之间探索柏林和描绘国家社会主义的兴起。很难在一简短的句子来形容,但它的真正最独特,迷人的表演我曾经看过的一个。它拍摄到完美和有才华的演员阵容非常easy on the eyes, which just adds to its appeal.


这German medical drama is not as exciting asThe Knick, but it’s an interesting exploration of the German hospital that made history, recounting, among others, the story of Jewish-German Nobel winner Emil Behring.

If you want more bubbe

Oma & Bella(亚马逊)


If you want more Shira Haas

Harem (Amazon Prime)

这captivating Israeli TV series from 2018 is actually about a Jewish cult leader with multiple wives. Haas stars as the leader’s 15-year-old granddaughter.


这tragic melodrama earned Shira Haas an Ophir Award, one of the biggest acting awards in Israel. Haas stars as the love interest of the film’s main character, a teen boy whose parents struggle with substance abuse and an eating disorder. It’s a dark, heartrending ride.

The Zookeeper’s Wife(HBO)




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