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有时候,我个人接受新闻。例如,就像前一天一样,当纽约时报显然决定父母在大流行中没有压力,并且跑得很可爱piece entitled,“儿童的屏幕时间在大流行,令人担忧的父母和研究人员中飙升。”

The gist of the piece — and feel free to skip this paragraph if you’re not a glutton for punishment — is that us parents who are letting our kids spendmore time thanusual (euphemistically) on TV, computers, iPads, video game consoles, and the like are irretrievably screwing up our beloved children. Have a great day, people!

Thank you,纽约时报。因为我一天又一直尖叫17次枕头,我正在寻找新的方式,以便自己感到难过的父母和一个人!

这是事情,纽约时报。Between the whole “pandemic with more than400,000 Americans dead” and the “holy shit, is American democracy going tosurvive insurrection?” stuff… well, I don’t think I’m just speaking for myself when I say I’m feeling just a现在有点强调。事实上,我想如果你是正如他们所说,“你不关注”,就像在深渊的边缘上绷紧。“

作为父母,我基本上是我孩子的情感浇水洞。当他们受到高中学术压力的强调(这是甚至在大流行中,他们来到他们来的人。当他们对似乎在检疫期间击中滑块的友谊困扰时,我是他们来的人。我是谁来,当他们厌倦了厌倦了Pandemic Lifestyle, of the walls of our home, of being with their siblings 24/7, and yes, possibly, even sick of wonderful me. (I know: inconceivable!)

At this moment, the kids are not all right. They, too, are experiencing high levels of stress. As we are all keenly aware,遥远的学校很糟糕。他们没有看到他们的朋友。他们不参加学校音乐剧和才能表演,也不应该参加睡眠和生日派对,这些派对是他们的社会生活的基石。

Instead, families are all在家一起almost all of the time. My family has been cooped up together for so long that I am pretty sure that, blindfolded, I could identify my kids solely based on the smell of his or her fart. Yes, that’s disgusting. But that is to illustrate the similarly off-putting fact that we are all continuously right up in each others’ faces and there’s no sign that’s ending anytime soon. I’m keenly aware of every single one of my kids’ foibles, from who’s a conscientious objector to flushing the toilet to who believes dirty socks are something to be shared on the coffee table rather than put in a fucking hamper.

Sorry, I digress.

As I was saying, these kids, whatever age they are, are going through a lot, too. And they don’t have theemotional vocabulary或者经验处理它。当然,我也不是,但我必须假装我这样做!(我的8岁的孩子确实问了我,“当你被家庭教学时,你是什么因为大流行,妈妈的时候做了什么?”)那是育儿工作的一部分:假装它直到你制作它。因为我是这个房子里的每个人的情感加油站。我是在哪里来填充安全,舒适和爱情 - 当然,Mac和奶酪是食物金字塔上最重要的群体,旁边的鸡块旁边。

So, as the parent, I’m dealing with all the adult stresses孩子的压力。一个d now the纽约时报要告诉我,我通过让他们在iPad上玩耍,我无可挽回地搞砸了我的孩子?认真吗?

First of all, you can definitely make the argument that not all screen time is garbage. And I’m not just talking about those kids who are coding or learning a new language (although, truly, good for you people!). Whether it’sFaceTiming friends或者在我们中间玩马拉松会议,屏幕现在是孩子们的窗户。我对找到研究备份这一点并不真正感兴趣,因为老实说,我们以前从未走过大流行,我相信这一点是一个非常突出的。我们从来没有住过moment like this,如此前大流行的研究和研究有点无关紧要,在我谦虚地看来。孤立我们所有人的觉得巨大,屏幕可以帮助我们略微桥梁划分。

坦率地说,我对讨论的优点不感兴趣时代’ argument right now. Because regardless of what the science does or does not say, I am pretty sure I speak for millions of parents when I say: We Are In No Mood For This.

Look, we are all doing the best we can under these circumstances, and this 2020-2021 thing is hard for everyone. And maybe if we’d had things like, I don’t know, a good familial support system at work, or universal healthcare, or a universalbelief in science, or a sense of communal purpose and responsibility for one another, this wouldn’t have gotten as bad as it has. But here we are, and even though I’m grateful that we’re still alive, there’s definitely not a day that goes by when I don’t feel like crying at some point.

So, to the good folks at the纽约时报: Give us a break.

这是如此重要的是我会直接给父母说:给予你们自己休息一下! I genuinely believe that the most important thing we can do for our kids right now to replenish their senses of self-esteem by treating them with love and kindness. And if they’re playing Minecraft more than you’d let them under ordinary circumstances so that you have time to yourself and a second to breathe? Well, frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.

这落在了同样的育儿建议下,我试图依靠:我们需要在穿上孩子的面具之前穿上自己的氧气面具。如果这意味着你的孩子正在记忆Teen Titanscartoons because youhave to work, or feed your family, or occasionally pee, or maybe even read a magazine article or talk to a friend, then that is OK. Really, in the grand scheme of things, this extra screen time is no big deal. I truly believe that what matters is making it out of this alive. (And by “alive,” I mean not only actually alive, but also not screaming all the time.) That’s it.

特别是在这些动荡的时间里,如果你的家是那种充足的地方,所以每个人都可以为他们的电池充电,这是一个胜利。屏幕时间可以放松儿童,无论是狂欢的观赏一个最喜欢的节目or playing a game that’s educational (or even stupid!) it gives your kid a break.

By the way, screens are also pretty relaxing for adults. Personally, I’m a big fan of my布里奇顿和Words With Friends combo — but you do you! So many of our usual coping and relaxation mechanisms are no longer available to us; we can’t hang out with friends in the normal way, or go about our normal activities. But screen time能够be a way to take a step back from everything and decompress. And right now that’s a good thing.

靠在那里,父母。你没有“得到这个,”因为我们都没有“得到这个。”但是,通过为您的孩子允许一些额外的roblox或fortnite - 也许甚至是一些无意识的scrolling on Instagram或者玩糖果粉碎作为自己的情绪排毒 - 至少你将知道接下来的30分钟将是好的。或者至少有点安静。让我们拿走我们能得到的东西。

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