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我喜欢光明节 - 但由于我的孩子的原因是非常不同的love Hanukkah

My kids love it because each one of the six of them have a hanukkiah, and I let themeach lighttheir own, which apparently appeals to their respective inner pyromaniacs. They love spinning dreidels and the built-in “Intro to Gambling” class they receive, courtesy of a four-sided top and chocolate gelt (in lieu of actual money). And, let’s be honest: Theylove getting presents,即使我们在家庭中提供的礼物也是类似于大票商的“储存填料”。


This year, as you may be aware, has been a veritable shitstorm of derailed plans and thwarted expectations — and that’s if you’re lucky, and everyone in your house has remained healthy and well. We are all grappling with今年悲伤, whether it’s the grief of having lost someone or the grief for the应该是的一年。与死亡和悲伤相比,有这么多的取消或推迟的辛库斯,但与自己的损失感觉很小:酒吧和蝙蝠Mitzvahs,婚礼,生日派对,舞会,假期。无尽的缩放学校和缩放会议足以让任何人再次看一台电脑。在选择自己的冒险书籍(我写的东西上,让您生活的情感令about here经常被谴责。但这是真实的,因为这类生活方式筹码了:我们只是没有用每天制造潜在的生命或死亡决定。散步走动时。被蒙住眼睛。

In short, this is exactly why I need Hanukkah.

我需要光明节 - 这不仅仅是因为我的深刻,持久,永恒的爱炸土豆。(全面披露:我是酸奶奶油,但是,老实说,我可能会把它切换到今年的SRiracha,因为#2020。)我需要Hanukkah由于我绝望地渴望光明。

在今年的这些最黑暗的日子里,我们都太敏锐地意识到我们一直在黑暗中感受到的so长。这不仅仅是因为太阳在午后的许多人的下午落实了:我们的国家被各种力量撕裂了各种动力。是否是通过拒绝拒绝科学的人穿面具, or those who deny the election results, or those who deny the existence of inequities andsystemic racismin our country, there’s a lot of people who seem to prefer the dark.

To this, I say: Bring. On. The. Light. We all need to be reminded, now more than ever, that darkness can be conquered by even the smallest flame. We all need to remember, amidst all this sadness, that希望可以存在in a sea of despair.

On Hanukkah, we celebrate a small band of Jews who refused to assimilate and deny who they were. Under the oppression of the Syrian-Greeks, Jews who wanted to continue to be Jewish — to keep Shabbat, to keep kosher, to circumcise their boys — had to do so in secret and in darkness.maccabees.were Jews who fought against the oppressor, and in doing so, got their Temple back, as well as the ability to live their lives as Jews. Once their ragtag volunteer army in need of a shower (see what I did there?) won the war, they could live their Jewish lives once more, proudly, out in the open, out in the light.

According to legend, when the Jews redeemed the Temple from the Syrian-Greek oppressors, it was totally desecrated — and there was only enough oil to light the Temple menorah for one day. But, miraculously, that oil lasted for all eight days that it took to make more oil.

This year, that legend has resonance as a metaphor in these dark times. Just when we think we’re running on empty, that we have nothing left to give? (You know, that feeling you’ve had for months now?) Well, that little bit of strength and hope that we have left isn’t inadequate: It’s actually more than enough. Because in that little bit that remains,有弹性。有可能。有光。

我们是犹太人的一点点people that remainsafter centuries of persecution and genocide. Anyone who bets would have put the odds against us long ago. And yet, despite all the forces against us over the generations, we still live. And yet, despite everything, as Jews we still believe it is our responsibility and our purpose to put light into the darkness. It is incumbent upon us, individually and as a people, to infuse the world with hope, with purpose, with kindness, and to repair all that is broken.

maccabees.took on an army so much bigger than they were, and won. And Hanukkah today shows us that even the smallest flame of light — of hope, of determination, and of love — can eradicate the darkness around it.

这就是我今年需要Hanukkah的原因:提醒自己和我的家人(谁知道,也许甚至是你!)总是有能力在黑暗中形成光,但是很大。我们可以制作自己的奇迹。事实上,we are the miracles。这是一条消息,我相信我们都迫切需要在这些黑暗时期听到。

You may not be able to invent a vaccine for Covid-19 — though if you can, good for you! — but you can put light into the darkness, and thus, in your own way, defeat it. Hanukkah means “rededication” — and I’m using these days to rededicate myself to putting light into the world. There is so much we can do to fight the darkness. You can reach out to some friends today, whether by phone call or text, and check and see how they are doing in these rough times. You can buysome little gifts来自当地商店并支持正在挣扎的小企业。ios下载beplay你可以务必发送周到的个人谢谢你的顾问,因为这些人都是英雄。您可以用Covid-19送餐或一些拼图(或两者)送餐(或两者!)。

当你今晚点亮你的光明节蜡烛时,甚至最小的蜡烛都可以在最大的黑暗中看出差异。这些都是我们最黑暗的日子;他们是如此黑暗,我们中的许多人甚至不知道我们在这个黑暗的隧道中的内容。但我们正在向光线进行。我相信你。我们相互相信。我们是奇迹。And we can all make more light than we thought we could. Hanukkahsameach!!让灯光。

Tomertu / Getty Images的标题图像

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