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How Jewish Celebrities Celebrated Hanukkah in 2020


This Hanukkah was a special one: APandemic hanukkah, in which so many of us couldn’t celebrate with our families and friends, closing out a year in which has many of us mourning terrible losses.

At times, it’s been challenging tofind the light in 2020. But this Festival of Lights, some Jews — and yes, even some very famous Jews — still found a way. What’s more, getting a window into the Hanukkah traditions of these famous Jews during this difficult year has been especially wonderful. It gave us (or at least me!) the feeling that we were celebrating this holiday apart-but-together, as one big, digital Jewish community.

Here is how 22 Jewish (and Jewish-adjacent) celebrities helped bring in the light this Hanukkah of 2020:

Doug Emhoff.

Of course, one of the most移动“Celeb”Hanukkah视频came this year from Emhoff and Kamala Harris, who shared with the country why they love the holiday so much. Imagining the future VP, her Jewish husband, and their two Jewish children light the menorah at the White House for the next four years is making us quiteverklempt




罗宾逊和她的丈夫一起莱斯利奥多姆Jr.,给了我们一个best covers of “Maoz Tzur” ever recorded, shared a video of herself lighting a candle with her daughter, the two of them wearing matchingTichels.(头覆盖物)。这非常特别。

odom Jr.和罗宾逊还分享了一个特殊的,现场录制的他们的移动盖,以及一些超级可爱的Bloopers和怀孕的笑声:官网下载beplay体育ios版

Andy Cohen


Shira Haas, Michael Aloni, Doval’e Glickman, and Netta Riskin

这四个Shtisel星星加入了数百名崇拜粉丝,为虚拟蜡烛照明,一个问答会议,theShtiselseason 3 premiere at a virtual event hosted by Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center on the last night of Hanukkah. They each brought their own menorah for the exciting and festive online event.

Chrissy Teigen

Teigen庆祝她的第一个Hanukkah永远与她的合作伙伴,adeena sussman。她点燃了蜡烛,制作了拉丁科,并学会了扮演德里德尔的内部。在她的Instagram故事中,她显然提到了她的祖母露丝·施发,是犹太人。

Anne Hathaway

HATHAWAY.已婚犹太演员和生产者亚当·舒尔曼2012年,这对夫妇有两个孩子。Hathaway在第一晚分享了她的Menorah的照片(虽然有些人的诈骗者没有点亮,但她在错误的方向上点燃了蜡烛)。“从我们的家人到你的家人,一个简单的祈祷感谢所有带领的人。Hand Hanukkah,“她写道。


This rock band, consisting ofthree Jewish sisters, gave their followers a special present on each night of Hanukkah, from giveaways to musical tidbits, to their favorite tweet of the year.

Foo Fighters

Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl, who is not Jewish, along with Jewish music producer Greg Kurstin (who worked on the Foo Fighters’ latest album, and is the force behind many mega-hits of the past decade, including Sia’s “Chandelier” and Kelly Clarkson’s “Stronger”) collaborated oneight nights of Jewish musical礼物:每天晚上的音乐谱的犹太艺术家的封面。他们的封面远离狂野,而且,老实说,他们都非常令人惊叹。

Daveed Diggs.

OK, so we don’t exactly know how Diggs celebrated光明节, but we know he changed all of ours for the better with his amazing Disney bop for the Festival of Lights: “Puppy for Hanukkah.”

Alicia Silverstone

犹太人无能为用Baby-Sitters Club明星庆祝节日,通过她的儿子,熊举行梅纳拉。

Debra Messing

谈到光明节的小狗,看起来像犹太人意志和恩典starDebra Messing给了她的小狗,可爱的havanese,亨利,假期改造。他看起来很笨拙!

Mayim Bialik

比利克共享相片她的蜡烛灯,一个特别的假期解释者,甚至是一个令人难以置信的光明节蜡烛照明视频。现在我们只需要耐心等待她的新节目,Call Me Kat,对于我们姗姗来迟的光明节礼物。

Alex Borstein

犹太人Marvelous Maisel夫人star got to spend a cozy and very special Hanukkah with her family, including her two wonderful kids and her adorable Jewish parents, with whom she was reunited in person for the first time since thepandemic开始 - 在先决条件测试和隔离后。

Bryan Greenberg

Jewish一棵树山actor Bryan Greenberg shared a photo of his first night of Hanukkah, along with a glimpse into his family’s Hanukkah Zoom party.

Gal Gadot

On theLate Show with James Corden,Wonder Woman明星分享了她最喜欢的thing about Hanukkah: the delicious fried food. She also told Corden that since she moved to LA with her family, it’s been more important for her to light the candles every night and be strict about keeping up their Hanukkah traditions.

Leslie Grossman.

犹太人A默认恐怖故事star and mom summed up the Festival of Lights in a perfect, succinct way.


犹太人comedian, actor, and producer shared a shot from his 2002 Hanukkah movie,八个疯狂的夜晚,并希望每个人都快乐的光明节幸福的第六夜。


最犹太星星,西厢房alum Joshua Malina,在假期开始之前开始了他的第一次练习批次的Latkes,就像一个真正的犹太冠军would。他还分享了一个关于观察孤独的诗意的诗歌,在Hanukkah的第一晚看孤独的诗歌:

Though he didn’t forget to get some Hanukkah jokes in there before the eight nights were over:


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