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As the old proverb goes,它需要一个村庄养大一个孩子。当我们进入前所未有的大流行summer of 2020,这一周的训练营Kveller研讨会的目标是帮助提振我们的隐喻苹果beplay村庄,以确保他们的结实,有弹性越好!

我们的嘉宾阵容,本周包括两个人谁字面上生活在一个村子里,那斯科基,伊利诺伊州。两者都是犹太教育工作者和极为机智的社区成员。上周四,6月25日,Camp Kvellerhosted Jane Shapiro, founder of theOrot中心新犹太学习和bubbe非凡,和Natalie Blitt,笔者在营拉玛威斯康星州教育顾问,并在I-中心项目主管。

如果你想体验爱和友情of the webinar,you can find it on our Facebook Page。以下是一些关键的外卖,我们从我们的客人了解到:


While many of us may be lucky to have family members who have always stepped up in terms of child-rearing, babysitting, or just helping the time pass, we have entered a new frontier in terms of needs. Now is the time to think bigger, more creatively, and盒子外面when it comes to identifying who may be able to be helpful to your family. Do you have多个孩子?也许是时候,授权,甚至雇用那些年长kiddos辅导员在训练他们的年轻同胞。请问你的妹妹居住在国外?她是你村的一部分;她能读懂你kids stories或者教他们的东西了放大。甚至祖父母,谁可能是自我隔离,因为它们增加了冠状​​病毒并发症的风险,仍然是你们村的一部分。广泛想想在你的生活中谁你可能没有最初在过去被认为是人。


娜塔莉开始叫Facebook群组苹果beplay2020-年,我们不得不编造营。It began when she realized that her Jewish educator colleagues and fellow parents were all struggling with该怎么办与他们的孩子今年夏天。我们的目的是帮助人们集思广益,共享资源 - 它现在包括近2000名会员,营专业人士和家长的混合,谁都是彼此移情和分享实用的建议。此外friends and neighbors互相帮助,我们也看到犹太人组织和夏令营之间前所未有的合作,允许更稳健的产品达到并超过否则将成为可能。荣誉属于大家


Many camp professionals, college students, and unemployed folk are offering interactiveonline programmingthis summer. There are so many options out there, from mahjong lessons to woodworking classes. Check out your local Facebook groups or city programs. Some helpful Facebook groups include2020-年,我们不得不编造营在检疫育儿犹太响应COVID-19和许多类似的选项。不要在你最喜爱的社交媒体平台的搜索,你应该遇到的想法摆。您可能会因为在此期间传播传染性创业精神探索极为多样的产品!另外,后院阵营在您附近的街区如雨后春笋般冒出。

4. Grandparents!

大家都知道,爷爷奶奶摔倒在人群的年龄段与冠状病毒相关并发症的风险更大。的财富socially-distantgrandparent/grandchildren activity ideas are available on the犹太祖父母网络。此外,这是一个安全的空间,祖父母可以同情,悲哀,和债券在失去的时间与在这些珍贵的岁月天伦之乐。

当然,有些爷爷奶奶一直在呼吁为现役,因为许多父母在与their父母为了更好地帮助彼此。这些大家庭都住在同一个屋檐作为一个舒适的吊舱下。这适用于一些,但宿舍紧即可。Plan accordingly! (As Natalie joked, sometimes it takes a villageanda vineyard.)

对于谁住在附近的爷爷奶奶 - 而不是用 - 他们的孙子,要记住这么多的活动可以做6英尺分开(或更多!)。对于简,园艺has long been a pastime she shared with her grandkids, and that’s something they can still do safely together with a few modifications. For those families who are spread further across the country and/or the globe, many grandparents are reading to their grandchildren or playing chess togethervia video chat。仅在会话在线连接可以挑战,所以我们建议可以“一起”做线上活动:着色,board games,看哪些词是由Siri的或谷歌自动更正...可能性是无止境



Next week we will discuss inclusivity and how to address the needs of all kids this summer, with Dori Kirshner, executive director of马坦和霍华德布拉斯,全国拉玛主任Tikvah网络。我们在这一起,营Kveller!苹果beplay

Camp Kvellerto cover a topic or question you have in the coming weeks? Join the conversation at the苹果beplayKveller妈妈Face苹果beplaybook群组

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