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This Jewish Queer YA Novel About Camp Is a Must-Read


我开始阅读Camp通过L.C.罗森因为它真正辉煌的封面,其中有亮片补丁设有两个男孩走进彩虹色调帐棚的剪影。我不知道如何任何人can resist books with sequined covers — I certainly can’t.

但正如我开始钻研这本书 - 或者更确切地说,我兴高采烈地在一个坐在吃尽了 - 我发现了一个细致入微,智慧和令人振奋的故事。Camp发生在营外域,田园诗般campfor同性恋者teens where they can just be themselves. But unlikeSchitt的小河which imagines a world without homophobia,Camp是一个关于如何有毒的阳刚之气可能会潜入甚至最安全的空间故事。该书的主人公是兰德尔说:“兰迪” Kapplehoff,一个奇怪的,指甲热爱波兰犹太剧院的孩子谁伪装自己变成“德尔,”法兰绒穿着乔克,为了在他的美眉,帅哥和理想哈德森阿伦森-廉取胜,谁也恰好是犹太人,和谁,根据他在网上交友,是“masc4masc” - 只吸引到男性的效gay男子。

L.C. Rosen is the pen name of Lev Rosen, a Jewish queer writer who lives in Manhattan with his husband and very adorable cat (the proof is onInstagram)。罗森管理在这个清爽的YA小说,他的第二个雅力士,他的第六出版大部头一些非常伟大的故事功勋。

在心脏中的欺骗计划Camp —inspired by 1950s and 1960s Doris Day and Rock Hudson movies likePillow Talk —可似乎很畏缩,值得在更短的手脚麻利。但罗森的小说是在“拖”人人辉煌评法相有时 - 奇怪的人,特别是 - 为了适应并觉得我们是值得爱的。



我认为一件事我们经常不考虑同性恋者kids are learning sex from. Even in liberal schools, sex ed barely touches on queer stuff. Because of that, queer kids often turn to porn and expect that to be a reality. I have no problem with ethically made porn, but it’s fantasy, not reality. If you think the first time you have sex is going to be like a porno, you are going to come out disappointed — not just in the sex, but probably in yourself. Queer kids need to see healthy, realistic sex scenes and also need to get their sex ed from somewhere. I tried to do that in both红心杰克andCamp

What was the most challenging part of writingCamp

Well, first of all, there’s the plan: Randy’s plan to give himself a butch makeover and pretend to be someone else is, of course, terrible. It’s a terrible plan and all his friends tell him as much, but I have to make the reader willing to believe that Randy thinks it will work. That was difficult. The other part was Hudson — he’s built up into this dream man in Randy’s mind, but all his friends are telling him he’s not worth it. That was a difficult dissonance to maneuver, but it has to do with this one conversation they had when they were younger, which Hudson has forgotten, where he essentially tells Randy that he should be himself. That’s something no one has told Randy before that moment, and even if Hudson doesn’t mean it quite how Randy interprets it, it makes Randy feel powerful.

Is there a reason why you chose to center this book around Jewish characters?

Well, part of it is because I’m Jewish myself, and while I value that culture and that part of my identity, I’ve never been super Jewish in any sense, so I always like to show characters who have my kind of casual Judaism — an important part of our identity, but not a religion, exactly. The other part of it is because I actually went to a Conservative Jewish summer camp — where I got the bulk of the homophobia I got growing up — and so summer camp is a very Jewish thing to me.

What was your Jewish upbringing like, and what does being Jewish mean to you?

所以,我的家庭是不是一个犹太教堂的一部分,直到我很喜欢11,我的乡亲像“哦,得让他吧mitzvahed”,所以他们加入了附近的犹太教堂,这是东正教。这是对周围我要来与我的性取向时,也是如此,所以有很多事情,但我们非常Reform Jews going to an Orthodox synagogue, which was all kinds of culture shock.

I went from a very non-religious, cultural Judaism to the rabbi preaching that homosexuals’ names wouldn’t be written in the book of life on Yom Kippur… It was like living in two worlds a lot of the time, and one of those worlds very clearly didn’t want me if I was同性恋者,which I am, so I turned away from it as quickly as I could. I stopped going to synagogue. I haven’t been in years, because to me, the religion of Judaism is one that is homophobic. My parents go to a Reform synagogue now, much more welcoming, fine with my being gay, and I know the community has become much more welcoming overall these past years. But it’s hard to reconcile this new face of Judaism with what I experienced.

It honestly sounds like the犹太夏令营你去了外域营的对面 - 你觉得你不得不在“拖”来参加夏令营?你认为犹太集中营能做到更具包容性的空间?

我其实很出营地。这就是为什么我有这么多的同性恋恐惧症。我认为这是我向他们挑战。我已经从纽约怪异的孩子(和其他孩子分别来自康涅狄格州),人们已经奇怪地看着我,所以出来是我是喜欢,“认为这是奇怪的,得到这样的负荷!”And I don’t want to say it was all bad — I have some great friends from that camp, people who stood up to the kids (and sometimes counselors) who called me “fag” regularly, people who had no problem with who I was.

事实上,我在那里工作。几年来。这是在对同性恋的憎恶了更阴险 - 我拉到一边,以确保我从来没有说过我的性取向我的营员。我穿了骄傲彩虹一次,当野营问为什么我的老板一跃而起,说:“他喜欢他们”之前,我可以回答。他们害怕如果离开了有一个奇怪的辅导员(通常有不止一个),那么他们将不得不与他们的父母麻烦。


Camp即将拍成电影,祝贺吗s! I love that Kit Williamson, who is a queer creator, is working on this project. Do you feel like that’s important?

Having an all-queer team (the producer, Dan Jinks, is also queer) is part of why I went with them. I was approached by other producers as well, but they were straight and, talking with Dan and Kit, they really understood the book, the importance of the book, and I think that that’s because they’re queer. And of course, having a queer voice to interpret my queer voice, that’s所以重要的是,因为我知道他看到我的故事,他的故事,对于我们来说一个故事。这并不是说直人不会喜欢它(我爱很多关于直人的书),但第一个观众,我们在心中将是奇怪的人。

你有没有最喜欢的犹太人LGBTQIA +小说?

这是一个完全高谈阔论,文集编辑由兆洛克和Laura西尔弗曼。这是犹太人的故事集,其中的一些奇怪的,包括夏令营一个我其实可以避免读出来时,因为我不想在我的头上,当我在写Camp。But it’s a great and diverse group of Jewish voices.


That there’s no right way to be queer, and anyone who tells you as much is (intentionally or not) hurting you. That masc and femme are both types of drag, and you should be able to pick one, the other, or some combination of the two to dress yourself in any day. That just because straight kids will often see you as just the queer kid doesn’t mean you can’t be some other kind of kid on top of that — jock, nerd, theater kid, goth, whatever. You get to try on all these identities, same as the straight kids do, and take the parts of them you like the best to assemble who you want to be. You get to be whoever you want to be. Don’t let anyone tell you you don’t. But also — and this is important for teen readers — be who you need to be to keep yourself safe, too. You can keep who you are like a secret inside if you need to. That’s one special talent all queer people have.


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