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如果你盯着所有人shtisel.season 3- 在三月举行的Netflix上首选 - 从耶路撒冷的更多虚构的Haredi家族中可能已经是Jonesing。不幸的是,虽然美国“适应”目前在作品中,我们尚不知道第4季会发生(这是what we do know).

如果你是一个粉丝Israeli TV然而,电影,你可能已经注意到我们的心爱shtisel.演员出现在你看过的很多其他事情。这是因为以色列代理世界相当小,而且像Helming那样令人难以置信的才华横溢的恒星shtisel.真的会在很多节目中扮演。(此外,由于工资通常与各国的工资不相符,以色列演员真的不得不喧嚣善良!)

So one great way to get yourshtisel.修复只是观看其演员成员的一部分 - 而且是很多。Sure, nothing quite matchesshtisel., but among these shows and movies you might find a new fave. Let’s get started!


Let’s start with the unofficial star of the show, the dreamy迈克尔阿纳尼谁扮演折磨艺术家Akiva Shitisel。是的,aloni可能很容易在眼睛上,但他也是一个伟大而相当多才多艺的演员。(他甚至指示自己的电影,——这意味着“歌”在希伯来语)。Aloni开始了他career as a teen as a host and actor on children’s shows, and has moved on to more serious TV. He is also currently the host of the Israeli version ofThe Voice。Here’s what else you can watch him in:


Based on the celebrated book by Amir Gutfreund, this excellent award-winning TV show tells the story of four soldiers who reunite more than a decade after their military service to solve a mystery in South America.

In the show, Aloni plays Dotan Friedman, known also as “Himmler,” the onlyAshkenazimember of the crew who comes from quite a privileged background.

The Greenhouse Academy(Netflix)

Aloni has a guest role as in this teen show’s 3rd and 4th season as a villain in the this drama at an elite high school.Greenhouse Academyis actually based on the Israeli showHa’Hamama(The Greenhouse). This Netflix adaptation is helmed by the same Israeli creator (Giora Hamitzer) and features quite a few Israeli stars.

我们的男孩们(HBO MAX)

Aloni plays a Shin Bet investigator named Itzik in this Peabody-nominated show about the kidnapping of Mohammed Abu Khdeir, which helped lead to the outbreak of the2014年加沙争夺战

Out in the Dark(Vudu)

In this romantic drama, Aloni plays a lawyer who falls in love with a Palestinian man.

嘉a Haas (Ruchami)

接下来,我们继续前往Shira Haas,因为当然。哈斯,谁令人难以置信,就像Ruchami一样令人难以置信shtisel., also won our hearts in the international hit非正统。但这两个基于Netflix的节目不是唯一可以在现在国际知名女演员中找到的唯一节目 - 首先是以色列女演员提名的艾美。哈斯,很快就会明星为Golda Meir在Barbra Streisand生产的有限系列中,在她的职业生涯中发挥了许多挑战性,沉重的作用。这是你如何观看她的表演。警告:这些都不是轻娱乐!

闺房(Amazon Prime)

在这个节目中关于一个kabbalistic崇拜,哈斯扮演泰勒,魅力和操纵邪教领袖的叛逆孙女。2018年表演是基于Goel Ratzon的真实故事,Tel Aviv中的一位五角洲崇拜领导者,以及他所招募的女性的48名儿童加入他的邪教。


Haas is truly intense in this movie about a daughter in a power struggle with her controlling, punishing military dad. Fun fact: Yoav Rothman, who plays Hanina inshtisel., also stars in this one.




Haas Stars Ofjessica Chastain在这部电影中关于一个波兰Zookeeper的妻子,帮助隐藏犹太家庭华沙动物园。哈斯在这部电影中播放了一个年轻的犹太女孩,这部电影基于真实的故事。这部电影对Haas特别有意义,幸存者的孙女,她用Chastain形成了“特殊亲密关系,没有言语”。“即使你在框架中没有看到她,她也发现了一种能够在你100%到达那里的方式,她会在那里设置并给她所有人,”她在一个面试

Noble Savage(Amazon Prime)

哈斯扮演一个年轻青少年男孩的爱情兴趣饮食失调在这个赢得了她的奥普尔奖的这部丝身叠电影中 - 以色列最负盛名的代理奖。

伊瑙(Amazon Prime)

Haas stars with哈维凯特尔and Lior Ashkenazi in this movie based on a book by Meir Shalev, about a man who goes back to Israel after 40 years away, where he finds his brother running the family bakery and married to their childhood love. It was one of the actress’s first English language roles.


当然,我们不得不提及非正统再次,以防你没有机会根据同名书观看这种令人难以置信的Netflix迷你赛。在该系列中,这是一个虚构的承担Deborah Feldman“自传”,哈斯扮演了Esty Shapiro,他在布鲁克林逃脱了她的Satmar社区并搬到柏林。角色赢得了她一个艾美和一个金球奖提名。

Zohar Strauss(Lippe)

Zohar Strauss is an accomplished actor, acting coach, and… IsraeliSurvivorcontestant. Yes, that’s right, Israeli actors have to make a buck! A lot of us were fairly angry at hisshtisel.在演出第1季放弃他的家人之后,他在演出中放弃了他的家庭,但在赛季2和3中,他一直在救赎的道路上,老实说,我们不禁爱他。这是你在生活中获得更多Zohar Strauss的方式:

瞪大眼睛(Amazon Prime)

A movie about a forbidden love affair between two men in a Haredi Jerusalem neighborhood. Strauss stars as a family man who falls for a handsomeYeshiva学生who drops by his shop.

卡卡曼制造商(Amazon Prime)

Another movie about a forbidden love affair between two men, this time a baker in Berlin and a married Israeli man. Strauss plays the brother of the latter, who doesn’t react quite well when he discovers his brother’s lover.



姐妹(Amazon Prime)


Mary Magdalene(Hulu)

Ok, so Strauss isn’t the onlyshtisel.演员在这个鲁尼玛拉和Joaquin凤凰上玩关于Mary Magdelene的Joaquin Phoenix。施特劳斯在电影中扮演约翰,Shira Haas(Ruchami)扮演Leah,以及哈斯斯·亚伦(利比比)扮演莎拉。还有一系列其他以色列演员在这部电影中。

Neta Riskin (Giti)



That’s right, Riskin played a role in thisSacha Baron Cohen.miniseries! You can see her as Tova in this show, which based on the现实生活故事of Israeli spy Eli Cohen.


Riskin plays Anat, an Israeli tour guide and a possible莫萨德代理人in the dramatic second season of this thrilling Israeli spy show.错误标识是一个具有惊人的钉子掌握,所以如果你正在寻找一个伟大的,悬疑的以色列秀,我强烈推荐它!


风险在这部电影中有一个角色,除了纽约犹太人的理查德之外,哪些明星macherwho befriends the futureIsraeli prime minister。风险扮演汉娜,总理在电影中员工主任。


风险素在这方面不仅有一个角色娜塔莉波特曼电影based on the famous Amos Oz book — she was actually Portman’s Hebrew coach, helping the Hollywood actress perfect her Hebrew accent.

Doval’e Glickman (Shulem)

守护者是shtisel.家庭,它的顽固,比生活大于族长。对于大多数以色列人来说,Dirove'e Glickman是守护者的星星,是一个令人难以置信的熟悉的脸。喜剧演员和演员主演Zehu ze!是该国最受欢迎的喜剧素描,1978年至1998年间播出,2020年在2020年回到了一个新的赛季,而且与搞笑的原始演员一样。

Unfortunately, there are not a lot of places for international audiences to watch Glickman, though you’ll soon be able to watch him and Sasson Gabay (Nuchem) in the movie奥斯陆。这里有几种方法可以获得守护者修复:

Big Bad Wolves(Sling)

在这个黑暗的喜剧恐怖 - 惊悚片(是的,所有这些东西),Glickman扮演Yoram,一个男人,孙女被绑架,强奸和杀死。他的儿子吉迪试图将公正的双手正义。什么是(我的意思是公平,之前也是如此)是黑暗和黑暗的搞笑。甚至Quentin Tarantinois a fan of this 2013 movie, which is truly not for the faint of heart.


This delightful comedy stars Glickman as one of a core group of friends of a professor who dies right before he is expected to get aNobel Prize。随着船员的其余部分,他试图躲避他的死,直到宣布奖项。Sasson Gabay播放Nuchemshtisel., also stars in the show. Which brings us to…

Sasson Gabay(Nuchem)

Sasson Gabay is a star. I mean, truly, don’t tell me you’ve watched him as Nuchem and didn’t subsequently want to watch him in everything? Like Glickman, Gabay is an accomplished actor and a really brilliant comedian. The actor, who is of Jewish Iraqi descent, has played a lot of roles of Arab men through his career, both in Israel and abroad (because, typecasting). Here’s where you can watch him:


Gabay Stars作为埃及爱乐队的领导者,意外地在Beit Hatikvah的小镇而不是大城市的佩塔蒂卡瓦,他们应该在那里玩音乐会。加筋后来在屡获殊荣的百老汇音乐中重新改造了这一辉煌作用基于电影

rambo III.(Hulu)

嗯,是的,加巴耶扮演兰博的阿富汗朋友,亚利亚,摩西亚,在rambo III.

Gett:Vivian Amsalem的试验(Youtube,$ 2.99)

In this truly excellent but brutal movie about the process ofgetting divorced通过以色列兔子,加巴耶在一个rabbi上扮演一个rabbiBeit Din.for a woman trying to separate from her husband.

Header image via Yes Studios/ CSA Images /Getty Images

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