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莎拉·西尔弗曼提醒她的粉丝,反犹主义Is Real

在kveller苹果beplay,我们总是在这里为喜剧演员Sarah Silverman.对她的讨论犹太身份, whether she’s being laugh-out-loud funny or 100% serious.

On her weekly podcast, The Sarah Silverman Podcast, the comedian covers a wide range of topics,from politics与你的前任成为你是否真的是早上的人。她还倾向于讨论犹太主题和犹太身份quite a bit, even at unlikely times. Take this week’s episode, “Death Creeps in Through the Gums” — in a bit about the importance of flossing, Silverman adds, “Hashem granted me with beautiful teeth.”

在3月初的一集中,谈话特别真诚的转弯。在“凯文哈特,盟友,新的斯威斯凯,”Silverman,50,对她的个人经历真实with antisemitism— with a smidge of humor sprinkled in, of course — as well as the Jewish community’s need for non-Jewish allies.




幸运的是,在她说话之后,Silverman补充说,随后使用这个术语 - 这是to JTA,意思是“以比最初商定的价格讨价还价而讨价还价”,并从中世纪的犹太人的反义石头诞生了关于犹太人的廉价或囤积金钱 - 在她的学校下降。

但以免我们都认为她与反犹太主义的经历只是一个“童年的事情”,Silverman澄清了这一切但是。例如,她回忆起最近的户外立场秀,a较新的喜剧演员(who was not Jewish) made a joke: “All Jews already have vaccines because they know people.” Silverman says “everyone laughed and no one had a problem with it.”

那么银行对比“犹太人可以照顾自己”或犹太人“不算”的假设对比许多旨在的人的巨大意愿尊重给他人并政治上正确。她说她读过最近发表的书,犹太人不算数由David Baddiel挖掘为什么抗病主义往往被遗弃出关于偏见的对话。英国政治编辑斯蒂芬布什审查这本书时代英国说:“'它是如此抓住 - 我在一个坐着的读书中读到它,尽管不同意它的大部分。”

Baddiel - 一个女家,就像Silverman一样,也是一个喜剧演员 - 深入了解所有犹太人富有的广泛信念,以及那是一个人的反义。随着Silverman的说明,这不仅仅是不真实的,但“财富不保护任何人从种族主义中保护任何人”。

Silverman用可见的情感指出,在德国拥有一家拥有一家砖制造公司的Baddiel家族的故事。尽管他们的财富,Baddiel的整个家庭都被绑架了并被执行at Nazi death camps. Only Baddiel’s grandmother escaped and survivedthe Holocaust。Silverman reflects that stereotypes about Jews’ relationship to money are “not harmless — they lead to action,” pointing out that some of these damaging tropes got people on board with Nazism.


这不是Silverman首次对她的犹太身份说话。回到11月,Silverman说道on霍华德斯特恩秀关于电影和电视中的非犹太女演员的铸造,扮演领先的犹太人角色。Emphasizing her familiarity with antisemitic tropes, Silverman commented, “Like, the parts I get to play, you’re either a sassy friend of the main character, who’s just in charge of exposition…” she says, “or you’re this c**ty girlfriend before the guy realizes what love really CAN be, or you’re that guy’s book agent, or scumbag executive.”


Header image by Brad Barket/Stringer/Getty Images

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