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This Holocaust Survivor Has Dedicated Her Life to Sharing Her Story — Even While Getting the Covid-19 Vaccine

When 97-year-old Jewish great-grandma Mira Rosenblatt showed up for her Covid-19疫苗约会2月2日在西奈山布鲁克林,护理学生Sylvie Jean Baptiste正在进行一项款待。虽然Baptiste的工作包括在疫苗接种后的15分钟期间监测患者 - 如果他们紧张,往往会向他们提供零食或与他们聊天 - 她并不一定期望有一个与a的移动,强大的对话大屠杀幸存者

Baptiste接近Rosenblatt,谁New York Times报道穿着“覆盆子贝雷帽,然后推着一个明亮的蓝色助行器”,看她拍摄后是否在做好准备。Rosenblatt恰如其来地回答说,她并不紧张,说:“我经历过的方式。”


A resident of Midwood, Brooklyn, where she’s lived in the same apartment since 1968, Rosenblatt is a mother to four children, a grandma to eight, and a great-grandma to four. This is quite an accomplishment for anyone, but all the more so considering she survivedthe Holocaust作为一个少年。

根据这Knight News,皇后学院报纸,罗瑟特长大在波兰索斯诺维克的五个兄弟姐妹,当时有大约20,000名犹太人的人口。她的家人拥有一家商店和祖父,拥有一家制造铜管的工厂。1939年,当Rosenblatt为15时,她和她的家人被纳粹迫使a ghetto


One night in 1945, while being forced on a midwinter,Nazi-led死亡3月期间,囚犯不允许食物,休息或外套,罗瑟特和另一个名叫Basha的女孩逃到树林里。这Times报道称,Rosenblatt吃“撑了下来ing worms and other creatures, digging into the frozen ground to find them, and sleeping in holes underneath snow for warmth.” She eventually found refuge at a dairy farm, hiding her Jewish identity and working for on the farm until the end of the war — all while hiding four other Jewish girls she met while hiding in the forest.


在随后的几十年中,Rosenblatt向她的家人致力于她的生命并告诉她的故事。多年来,她经常和高中和大学生谈论 - 如此深刻的观众成员移动了一些观众,其中许多人都会探望她的家,成为朋友。在大流行期间,她使用了孤立的时间来自我发布回忆录,Strength: My Memoir在她女儿的帮助下,贝琳达·利拉维的帮助。



令人难以置信的是,在她的约会的一天,Rosenblatt计划在夜晚为美国雅·弗什姆社会的夏季演讲。超过一个小时 - 尽管有任何副作用the vaccine, which can include fatigue and fever-like symptoms — she shared her incredible story of survival. Among the 250 attendees was her new fan, Baptiste. “It would be hard to tell if she had side effects from the Zoom,” she told the时代。

Levavi通过kveller确认,在活动中苹果beplay发言远未对她母亲的问题。“无论她感到多么糟糕,与人交谈并分享它[她的故事]就像浇水植物 - 它补充了她,”她说。“她感觉就像她存在的一个重要原因。”

Two other nurses heard Rosenblatt’s story atthe hospital那天。包括Kristine Ortiz,后来买了Rosenblatt的书,并在那个星期后来来到她的家来签名。“当你有一个幸存的人在这样幸存下来时,你仍然无法帮助,但仍然存在,”她告诉“Times。“肯定是泪水。我不得不要求某人后来接管我几分钟,因为我感到震撼了这个故事。

Rosenblatt’s strength, vulnerability, and bravery are超越令人钦佩— and we are so fortunate that she can continue telling her story thanks to the added protection of the Covid-19 vaccine. As Rosenblatt herself told这Knight News, while facing adversity has challenged her faith at times, “I still believe in miracles.”


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