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星期五早上8点,我在纽约市驾驶,就像一只没有头部的鸡,跑进了哈莱姆和上西方的每个药店and东侧 - Walgreen,仪式援助,妈妈和流行商店,如约瑟的药房 - 希望确保我的妈妈2019冠状病毒病疫苗

看,我一周的唯一进球是让她接种疫苗,因为她超过75岁。实际上,我的目标是得到all在我的大家庭中的老年人接种了疫苗,包括我的以色列在女王和姐姐在华盛顿州的岳父的岳父。我的父亲在布鲁克林的自治市镇公园前一周接种了疫苗,因为他是牙医或因为他超过75岁, I wasn’t quite sure because they didn’t check. That’s why I was also wearing a long skirt and tights, and had my mother do the same — in case we had to schlep out to our old neighborhood in hopes they’d take her without an appointment.

我说了一点S.hehecheyanu祝福每次我看到我的朋友和亲戚以色列接种疫苗at arealwarp speed. (My mother-in-law and her sisters, all of whom are in Israel, are all vaccinated. My 40-year-old sister-in-law is scheduled for next week.) As an Israeli citizen myself, I’m contemplating heading there for Passover with my Israeli husband — after the country has finished its goal of vaccinating citizens, of course, and as soon as I ascertain whether foreign nationals can get a shot without health insurance. (Rumor has it that you can.) I’ve had very little luck finding available vaccination appointments for my American relatives, but I’ve gotten several notifications on family What’sApp groups for last-minute shots in Israel (“if you’re in Ohr Yehuda right now, head to Macabi HMO, they have extra …”)

The thing is, my mother曾经星期五的任命。我已经确定了它,整整一天导航系统 - 在纽约州和纽约市网站之间切换,每四分钟击中刷新 - 以确保预约。然后是我女儿的父母犹太日学校told me to go to the easy scheduler at Mount Sinai. (I guess not only the Torah was given there!)

但后来,他们在医院的约会被取消了毫无愉快。取消。“Because of sudden changes in the allocations of COVID-19 vaccine that we are receiving, we unfortunately have to temporarily pause scheduling of non-employees at this time and cancel patient appointments… If our supply increases, we hope to be able to reschedule and open up appointments again soon,”their website报道。从而开始在城市之前疯狂的搜索用完疫苗,根据市长的警告。


What’s more, the rollout to healthcare and frontline workers has been uneven at best. I’ve seen many friends get vaccination appointments — a telehealth therapist, an out-of-work social worker, a Zoom university professor — who probably need them less than the elderly.

It’s the ultimate Lifeboat Ethics, deciding who gets the vaccine and who does not. (Indeed, as we celebrated the High假期by Zoom,我们都没有注意到有多痛苦Unetaneh Tokefprayer felt? “On Rosh Hashanah it is inscribed, and on Yom Kippur it is sealed — how many shall pass away and how many shall be born, who shall live and who shall die, who in good time, and who by an untimely death, who by water and who by fire…” ) People who切线在社交媒体上致力于纠正。

面对这一切的广泛的不称职,让我的妈妈疫苗变成了个人。It’s not only because she’s older and lives alone, putting her at较高的风险焦虑和抑郁症。这是因为作为一个犹太女性在布鲁克林举起正统,然后在布鲁克林居住在以色列并作为一名记者工作,我为自己骄傲get things done

In Israel, we journalists called this type of person a “fixer;” others used “组合者。” In Yiddish, my mother said, this type of person is called a “macher,“虽然俗气,但是,常常用于适用于影响的人。虽然有些人已经涂了这种特性,但是涂抹了这种特性 - 见证了这些特点迈克尔科恩,特朗普总统的臭名昭着的固定器 - 这种能够在系统上工作的能力,成为一个骗子,而不是几个世纪的被排除在其中。(见:中世纪的Moneylenders,犹太人好莱坞。)

所以,我去了Facebook:“帮助苹果beplay,我母亲的疫苗被取消,该怎么办?”我发布了,编辑我原来的乐观帖子,让她在本周初获得预约(pu pu pu)。建议开始涌入。一位朋友,一名医务人员谁也担任志愿者疫苗接种者,周一为我提供额外的任命 - 但它会导致她取消预约,希望我可以同时抓住它。(有成千上万的救世者纽约人试图做同样的事情,它并不是我们的青睐。)另一个被问到我的母亲是否有Rabbi,因为mother’s rabbi had arranged 20 appointments for shul members. Many more wrote of pharmacies around town that had vaccines.

这就是为什么我开车到他们每个人的原因,一个接一个地,只发现他们被铅铅,并在他们的邮件上签名。我无法想到她持久的六个月或更长时间持久这一生 - 这就是我担心的是,直到新的政府获得一致的系统。(“只要one-third ofavailable doses have been injected thus far; state and local distribution is indisarray; the government has currently onlysecured enough dosesto vaccinate less than half the U.S. population by the end of June; and much of the general public is being told to wait patiently until仲夏或以后收到他们的第一次拍摄,“根据一篇文章NBC.

What really irks me is that in Israel, when they realized there were seven doses每个辉瑞小瓶instead of the recommended five, they used those unauthorized extra two doses. Here in the U.S., however, they discarded them. I personally do notneed疫苗作为生命或死亡的问题(当然,除非你算像我每天都要在我的豆荚里脱离某人)。因此,虽然我将考虑飞往以色列,或者在最后一分钟的机会上跳跃,但是将丢弃的日期注射,否则我不会撒谎或欺骗这样做。

到底,我的妈妈得到了疫苗。我希望我能说这是我的meshuggeneh.perseverance that did the trick, but it wasn’t me. As she stood on standby waiting for my call,我的母亲,所有自己,都登录了自己的医生网站并找到了一个插槽for exactly the same time she had an appointmentat Mount Sinai. My sister found a slot there for her father-in-law, too. With my Israeli father-in-law vaccinated earlier in the week, I went into the Sabbath with all of my goals accomplished.

Now I’m taking names of friends’ parents, in case all those other waitlists I signed up for call me. A fixer always needs something to fix. Here’s hoping I can pay it forward and give the appointment to someone else.

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