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洛杉矶,加州 -  11月03日:Ilana Glazer在2019年11月3日在洛杉矶的好莱坞美国军团到达Netflix的“绿色鸡蛋和火腿”的首映式。(照片由gregg deguire / filmmagic)

一代犹太女性实际上已经长大了ilana glazer.。半十年来,我们看着玻璃窗(和她BFF.和合作者,Abbi雅各逊)在犹太人犹太人犹太人,无巨大的女权主义者身上,而且自己毫不犹豫地广阔的城市。通过这样做,她给了我们所有许可和鼓励自己的所有这些东西。

现在,我们正在看这位33岁的孩子演员和喜剧演员进入新的一页:母亲。Yes, that’s right: Glazer is pregnant. She is expecting her first child with her husband, David Rooklin, the co-founder of Redesign Science, a biotechnology company. The two have been married since 2017, and they are honestly so可爱一起。

当然,Glazer是一位母亲在她们中的许多其他人以及我们的一代人。(That’s quite literally for this writer: I am also pregnant right now.) And just like with everything else she’s done, Glazer has some deeply relatable and powerful opinions about the new, personal journey she’s about to embark on — and, true to form, she’s about to share them through her art.

Glazer announced her pregnancy in an每周娱乐在周三出版的采访-which, funnily enough, was all about her upcoming Hulu film, a horror movie aboutIVF.假阳性

“This was not supposed to happen this way, but it’s just so eerie and cosmically funny that it has,” Glazer toldEW., which also published a gorgeous photoshoot of the actress showing off her bump in glamorous, technicolor outfits. (The film was shot in 2019 — long before Glazer’s pregnancy.)

假阳性,which comes out on June 25, Glazer plays Lucy, a woman who wants to have a baby with her partner, Adrian, played by Justin Theroux (who is more than 15 years Glazer’s senior IRL — we hope that gets acknowledged in the film). Adrian and Lucy approach Dr. Hindle (played by a very creepy Pierce Brosnan) to get pregnant, but, according toew,“随着露西的肚子增长,她的怀疑似乎并非所有人都在塞德尔博士的令人沮丧的诊所。”WELP,听起来很可怕。


“我想到了美国的女性,据说世界上最富有的国家,”Glazer说,“但我们的产妇死亡率正在增长。”她当然是对的:U.S. ranks last在工业化国家,涉及产妇死亡率,黑人女性受到特别影响。“黑人女性的母体死亡率(每10万名怀孕37.1次)是白人女性(14.7)比率的2.5倍,西班牙裔女性(11.8)的比例为三倍,”英联邦健康


幸运的是,天窗与自己即将到来的母性的旅程非常不同。到目前为止,她告诉EW.,这种经历是绝佳的积极态度,尽管她说她缺少通过站立分享她的经验的能力。(老实说,我们都可以使用一个关于怀孕的Glazer Comedy!)。官网下载beplay体育ios版

“我不怕问十亿个问题,”她说。“在怀孕期间有一定的趋势应该看起来如何 - 应该在妇女上留下妇女,但怀孕如此放大。官网下载beplay体育ios版我专门寻求最精神上健康和热情的经验。“

作为已经给予出生的人,即将再次这样做,我真的无法认识到这种方法。在我之前的怀孕中有时候,我觉得终于询问了问题,或表达我的恐惧和担官网下载beplay体育ios版忧 - 我真的很遗憾。作为Glazer学到的假阳性,特权不会保护您来自母体医学的OFT族长方法。被告知,并了解,并且知道每一个出生经历都不同,而且它几乎永远不会是我们已售出的完美幻想,是真正的关键。

“The process of birth is so traumatic and painful, and yet it’s the most miraculous, surreal, real thing,” she says. “It’s like this perfect canvas for the paradox that is our country.”

Amen to that, andB'Sha'ah Tovah到ilana。我们祝她怀孕轻松。官网下载beplay体育ios版

图片通过Gregg Deguire / Filmmagic

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