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Despite the fact that the past few days have been,很简单,unbelievable,这不会是一篇哀叹美国犹太人地位的文章。

星期六,a murderer went into the Chabad synagogue inPoway,California在安息日,on the last day of Passover — to kill Jews.He succeeded.He murderedLori Gilbert-Kaye,一位60岁的犹太妇女,根据许多说法,jumped into the line of fire to save her rabbi,伊塞尔·戈德斯坦.Zichrona livracha: May her memory be a blessing.这件事发生在六个月前the massacre of 11 Jewsin the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.

I have traveled to Jewish communities,living and dead,around the world.我曾站在一堆灰堆前,灰堆是犹太人在马格达尼克烧焦的骨头和肉做成的,波兰。I have welcomed Shabbat with songs at a synagogue in Buenos Aires,Argentina.我有一个自发的sheva brachotmeal made for me by the Jews of Singapore.There are Jews all over this planet,and all of them have realized,at one point or another,that they are not immune to the push and pull of history.

Just over a week ago,many of us gathered with friends and family atPassover seders,我们在那里读哈迦达书,a tribute to Jewish survival.We reminded ourselves,as we flipped through wine-stained pages that we read every year,that in every generation,they have come to kill us because we are Jews.

And here we are.他们在门口。Again.

Do I believe,likePeter Beinartand卡莉皮尔迪斯,这是黄金时代的终结美国犹太人?不,I do not.I believe that the 2020 election may decide whether the sun has set on the美国人Golden Age,but that's another blog post for another time.我还没有得出美国民主已死的结论,or that we are irrevocably submerged in darkness.我不愿意以恶报恶。Because once you do that,evil has,in fact,won,因为你自己的屈服。

It's true that here in the U.S.2019,我们生活在一个动乱的国家。我们正处在一个仇恨的狗被鼓励和释放的时代。We live in an era where the voices of hate are magnified through the mirrors of social media.I believe we live in a time where people look into their phones rather than into each others' eyes and souls.

我也相信我们能够——而且我们必须——改变这一点。我们改变这一点不是因为“害怕”或“心烦意乱”或“心碎”,而是因为下定决心,resolute,and,above all,ourselves.

In the wake of murder andanti-Semitism,我不会隐瞒我是谁。我是犹太人。And if one day I have to say those words while being murdered for being a Jew — like so many millions of others of my people — so be it (hopefully #nottoday).

In the meantime,我要每天在这个星球上吐气说这些话:我是犹太人。And no one will make me hide who I am out of fear.

Yes,we live in a world where there are risks to being actively Jewish.I personally believe that those who hate us have always been there,but they are now emboldened because of certain political elements in our society.And I feel the only answer is to鼓起勇气.

I'm going to continue to send my children to Jewish nursery school,where they hold hands walking into the building under the protection of armed security guards.我要把我的孩子送到Jewish camp,where they cannot receive packages due to the risk that they would contain bombs.

我要继续去会堂,学习祷告,和我的犹太人同道。I will go out into the bigger world,and speak as a犹太人反对反犹太主义.

I am going to continue to build my home and my family around the scaffolding of who I am: a Jew,一个惊人的遗产和历史的继承人。And I'll balance up there,between my pride and my fears,like a freakingFiddler on the Roof.

But that's not all.我将继续写信给我的政府代表,讨论对我来说最重要的问题,确保他们听到我的需求。我将继续支持犹太组织,如全国犹太妇女委ios下载beplay员会和反诽谤联盟,积极支持打击国内恐怖活动。ios下载beplay

Yes,我将与我的人民一起哀悼。但我也会livewith them,every day of my life.我希望你能加入我。

We are the people who are charged with the responsibility of healing the world.完成这项工作不是我们每个人的责任,but neither are we free to desist from it.So let's get to work.

这里表达的意见是作者的个人观点。Comments are moderated,so use your inside voices,把手放在自己身上,and no,we're not interested in herbal supplements.
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