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4  - 儿子锁定

我是从意大利米兰写的。我们的城市已经锁定了三个星期,现在我看到了coronavirus pandemicreaching America to the extent that schools are closed, events are cancelled, and some states have now introduced lockdowns. The next step is critical and must happen today: People need to comply and stay home.

意大利的整个国家是封锁中, but with varying levels of compliance and enforcement based on region. The rules, and the enforcement of them, is linked to how quickly the virus is spreading in any given locale, which is measured by the number of new cases reported each day.

In Milan, the rules are clear: You can only leave home to get基本杂货and medicine. The mayor broadcasts an appeal to residents each day, imploring them to be judicious in determining what is essential and what is not. Is having fresh bread every day a necessity? (Maybe it was before, but not anymore!) Walking your dog is allowed, but don’t try to finagle it into a power walk or an excuse to go out for a run. The city, after tracking our collective movement through our phones, realized that even after two weeks of complete lockdown, there were still too many people moving around. In response to this, the mayor closed the parks and called in the military police to patrol the streets. You now have to carry adocument self-certifying如果您被禁止违反该条例,您出于基本原因,并面临着军警的沉重罚款。

为什么这么严重?我们希望不要像贝加莫一样的其他附近城市一样结束,在那里cemeteries are full,火葬场被淹没,需要陆军卡车来推车去其他地方以获得埋葬或火葬。


当我们接近时Passover holiday,Haggadah的话来思考。我们中的许多人不会让我们的大家和朋友一起休息,如我们通常这样做。这将很难。我们经常说,“明年在耶路撒冷!”但现在我认为我们未来的目标将会有点不那么高兴 - 我们可能会满足于明年与我们的大家庭叠加的想法。

Thinking ahead to my upcoming intimateSEDER.随着我的四口之家,今年我将真的要真正提出一些魔力。在过去的五年中,我们与我们的小型改革会众的成员一起庆祝为一群人或个人家庭的房屋。我实际上是我自己的少数少女,所以我需要为此带来一个游戏并使其特别。检查我的用品,我很宽容看,我有足够的matzah粉,让我的奶奶贝夫的心爱Matzah球幸运的是,商店在这里储存良好,所以我将能够做出最多,如果不是全部,则是仪式食物。

这种紧急逾越节规划也让我反思了我们目前的情况,以及如何与四个孩子描述的孩子有关Haggadah: the wise, the wicked, the simple, and the one who does not know how to ask.

这些中的每一个四个孩子react differently to the requirement that every generation at every Passover tell the story of Moses and the liberation of the Jews from Egypt. I feel like a similar parable can be said about what’s happening now with social distancing and individuals’ compliance with shelter-in-place and lockdown orders. We have all read the reports of spring breakers on the beach, people who can’t afford to stay home because they need to earn a living, and people who think this whole thing is being blown out of proportion, and that the situation in the U.S. will never be as bad as in China and Italy. Through the lens of the Haggadah, here is how it would look:

wise son将意识到,通过留在家并保留孩子回家,他将成为解决方案的一部分,不再是问题的一部分。如果没有人蔓延,病毒就无法蔓延。这种平坦化的曲线的想法 - 将同时生病的人数 - 只有在人们的情况下才会发生开始留在家今天。

在米兰,之后hree weeks on lockdown,新的确认案件和死亡人数现在只开始于平线。换句话说,它需要三个星期的严格锁定,开始看到结果。当我的意思是结果时,我正在谈论非常小的结果:而不是每天死亡的600人,我们把它带到550。

邪恶的儿子will say that he is healthy, young, and not at risk to get the virus. He believes that his individual liberties trump any responsibility to his community, that only those who are at risk should comply. He would never assume that he has the virus — he has no symptoms, so how could he? In his mind, this problem is about “you” and not about “me” — just like the wicked one who does not see the connection between what God did for his ancestors in the land of Egypt and himself.

Many of the comments about the epidemic here point to Italy’s aging population. The tone is, “Well, elderly people have had a long life and I guess it’s just their time to go.” These people must not have loved ones over 70, or, if they do, they consider their lives expendable. Or they would be perfectly fine if their loved one died alone in a hospital room, had no funeral, and at best, eventually getting an urn with their remains.

这是今天在意大利发生的事情。Other comments point to the fact that Italy is much more crowded than the U.S. This would be a great argument if you lived in a small, rural town in Nebraska, but shows no regard for the people who live in America’s big, crowded cities, like New York, where the number of cases has ballooned to approximately15,000截至周二早上。

simple sonwill be overwhelmed by the media. He will be由科学解释混淆,快速相信假新闻,被迫在眉睫的潜水声腐蚀(就像来自的那样来自美国总统) or the naysayers that accuse concerned citizens of fear mongering. He will not realize that the political decisions being made about our health and safety are often, at their core, economic ones.

simple sonwill take comfort in the mentality of the masses going about their business, maybe go out and stock up on toilet paper for good measure (Italians remain quite baffled by this one, I must add), and will only realize that we, collectively, are in trouble when the pendulum swings closer to a healthcare crisis.


What I am seeing in my own teenagers after three weeks in lockdown is something different. My son is very project-based and seems content to be working on his films. My teenage daughter, on the other hand, feels very isolated, lonely, and unhinged. She is having a hard time managing the endless unstructured time. What started out as a fun, electronic media paradise now feels like a prison.


我an American citizen — I moved to Milan five years ago — and I recognize the difference between my home and adoptive countries.我没有想象将获得国家锁定命令,并在街道巡逻的国民卫队中,给予罚款,以确保合规性。

This means it is up to individual people to把他们的社区放在第一位,将集体良好放在上面的个人不便之上。从这种流行病中出现的社区将是与最聪明人的人。



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