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现在,虽然我很想前往澳大利亚或瑞士 - 甚至我当地的杂货店未经我的家人78个电话 - 我承认,这一切都不是很快发生。作为六个孩子,谁的年龄在5至21的妈妈,我意识到,这个阶段在我的生活是专注于希望,梦想,以及下一代的一天到一天的需求。

因此,而不是事物的遗愿清单,我个人想实现的,这里是我的bucket list为抚养孩子。这些都是10周的事情,我希望他们学前I踢谚语桶(除非养育杀死我第一次)。我希望你会发现这些目标,以适用于你的家人也是如此。


Mensch是意第绪语项大致意思是一个“好人”。 The word cannot fully be described by the confines of English, but, in short, it’s someone who acts with honor and respect for themselves and others.

这超越了开门的人或在公共汽车上给人让座。它更像是别人的思维和想要做正确的事。例如,通过一个房间行走时,如果孩子一看到一个Child B级忙自己的生意,他们通过平安无事。但是,因为我们得开始的地方,我希望,在最,最起码,我的孩子不会做错误的事情,比如一个孩子撞上孩子B.(I didn’t want to bang into her!I promise I didn’t see her standing right next me!”)是的,没错。



不幸的是,仅仅教授“请”和“谢谢”是不够的。毕竟,“愚蠢的,请你把盐递过来,”还使用单词“请。” How about just making requests without any superlatives or opinions (especially those which categorize someone’s intelligence which, last time I checked, wasn’t an integral part of any of this).


有了这么多的孩子在我们的家,每个人都知道其他重要大家如何(或者,更确切地说,他们是怎么想I认为其他人更重要的是比他们)。但是,我希望我的孩子们明白,一个sibling是谁的人是永远连接到你。从出生的那一刻 - 当他们是如此的可爱,有趣的 - 当他们成为“愚蠢”在上面的盐请求,当他们长大和他们比调味品更需要彼此。兄弟姐妹forever此外,没有其他人在你的生活有你这么多敲诈信息,所以要善待对方。你永远不知道你做了什么不希望别人知道。




和时间。这意味着,当妈妈和爸爸出去了晚上,它不只是从混乱脱身。嗯,好吧 - 有时是从混乱脱身。但也因此,我们可以记住为什么我们在第一时间结婚,并希望给你的,为什么你应该要结婚了一个健康的例子,太多。因为,在这一天结束,无论紧张或混乱的事情是如何,与你爱的人度过你的生命的价值比什么都重要。


如果你删除它,把它捡起来。如果您洒它,擦拭它。如果你踢了她,甚至用“意外”,说对不起。仅仅因为“你不是故意的”,并不意味着它不会伤害;说对不起,下ti试图做得更好me.If yoursiblingssee you take ownership of your actions, they will start to take ownership of their own, too.

7.How to do laundry.

It doesn’t get doneby itself.Enough said.

8.The importance of privacy and personal space.

If I close the door, I want to be alone.Whether it is to use the bathroom, take a nap, or eat some chocolate in peace — no, Ireally don’twant to share — is the door closed?Then leave it closed.Everyone needs to have time to themselves.You want it (at least, I assume you do, because you guys are always kicking each other out of each other’s rooms).Giving each other and yourself space andprivacyhelps you get that much needed downtime.Everyone needs time to be by themselves, to think and to relax.When you give others space when they need it, it shows you respect them.Refer to #10.

9.Listen to others.

This goes even when the “others” are your parents or friends.People have things to say.While you may not always think it’s relevant, listen.Ask questions.Think.Respond appropriately.Part of mastering communication (see #2) isn’t just talking — it’slistening.Listening shows you care about the other person.And trust me on this one: If you truly listen to someone, they will (probably/eventually) listen to you.So if “Stupid” in the salt request doesn’t appreciate the nickname, stop using it.


Our old friend theGolden Rulegot it right: “Do unto others as you would like done unto you.” If you wouldn’t like it done to you, thendon’t do itOr, at least think first.And then think again.And, before you kick/punch your sibling back, stop and consider the retaliation, especially if said sibling is older and/or stronger.Remember that you aren’t the only ones with feelings — or kicking ability — in this world.Just imagine if everyone in the world treated everyone else with respect.There would be world peace(!), greater economic advancement of underdeveloped nations(!), and you might even get moresummer vacationand less homework out of the deal.

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