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Can you spoil reality TV?We aren’t sure, but just in case… Spoilers ahead for幸存者:在战争的赢家。

犹太幸存者选手和全能MENSCH森·佐恩是27岁的时候,他成为2001年电视大赛第三的冠军。当时,他是一个职业足球运动员。他再竞争幸存者 All-Stars在2003年,而现在,在46,他的背部在全状元版选手,因此目前播出的哥伦比亚广播公司,幸存者: Winners at War


森·佐恩幸存者Ethan Zohn and “Boston Rob” (Rob Mariano), compete on幸存者:在战争的赢家。

“我现在是一个古老的,神经质的犹太小伙,有两只猫结婚,” Zohn告诉TV Insider。“我在我生命中的不同地方。只是为了让自己在一个地方精神上,身体上,精神上采取类似幸存者因为它不只是你去那里玩。你必须让自己的身材。你必须让你的大脑集。您可以从您的家人和朋友,你习惯了一切你离开的时候。有一个与外界没有任何接触。我一直生活在美好舒适的生活了一段时间。为了摆脱从我很难“。

当然,如果有人配克服的挑战,这是Zohn。获胜后幸存者: Africa,他用自己的$ 1百万奖金的一部分来启动Grassroot Soccer,一个非盈利性组织,“用足球的力量”,协助打击艾滋病在非洲。他还担任足球评论员,从2002年男子世界杯在韩国和日本的报告,后来又加入了福克斯足球频道。


在2013年3月,Zohn宣布,他已经没有癌症了一年,由于源于他的弟弟细胞移植。同年,他ran the Boston Marathon,并且是足够远从爆炸案,他没有受伤。(是的,他是一个真正的幸存者。)2014年,他returned to the marathon作为一名记者 - 一种情感体验,因为爆炸的许多幸存者再次运行。

Zohn在一个犹太家庭在莱克星顿,马萨诸塞州长大。1997年,Zohn参加了马卡比比赛,效力于美国足球队在以色列。他直言不讳他的犹太人身份,并称赞他的成长,他幸存者: Africa赢得。

在2019年5月在匹兹堡JNF早餐,他said,“我学会了在犹太社区长大的值与那里的人们行之有效。这是更多关于一个自私的比赛是无私的,作为老师,作为社会的一员,是谁与其他人效果很好的领导者。这些是我学到的犹太人中成长起来的东西。” (Zohn also works as an inspirational speaker.)

但是,这还不是全部。Zohn最大的忌讳,根据his official幸存者bio,是“怪异的百吉饼的味道。这不,除非它的芝麻,罂粟,平原,或一切百吉饼“。 (Honestly, agreed!) Zohn often makes Jewish jokes on social media;例如,他张贴了他的猫的照片,声称她吃了afikomen在逾越节:

有地方Zohn的犹太人来到了上一些热闹的时刻幸存者: Africa

在2016年,Zohnmarried室内设计师丽莎海伍德in a Jewish ceremony在佛蒙特州。

一旦Zohn接到电话月份关于竞争Winners at War —它的所有功能,从以往的赛季冠军 - 他立即表示同意,说,经过他的健康挑战,这是一个“huge gift”能够再次比赛。但他意识到不得不做出一些改变他的生活,开始从新罕布什尔州到亚特兰大,以移动的火车在温暖的天气。


森·佐恩Ethan Zohn on the 40th season of幸存者wearing a Grassroots Soccer t-shirt.

他还再次观看了他的赛季幸存者: Africa,这证明是困难的。如Zohnsaid,“我那时27岁,前职业occer player, single, I was on top of the world.Nothing could stop me.”

如 an elder, his strategy going intoWinners at Warwas to research all the other players.One player, Adam Klein, stuck out to him.Why?“I knew that Adam was a superfan and he’s Jewish, his mom had cancer,” he said.“I felt like we could have a good bond together.”

森·佐恩幸存者Ethan Zohn and Adam Klein on幸存者: Winners at War

In the premiere, Zohn said, “I remember dreaming and praying that I’d be alive long enough to play幸存者again, and so it’s a miracle that I’m sitting here today.”

In the third episode, he was voted out — but in a twist of this season, he headed to the “Edge of Extinction,” where voted-off-contestants have the ability to return.So, we are likely to continue to watch Zohn compete this season.

Still, since he was initially voted off, a bunch of interviews with Zohn have been published in recent days, and he’s admitted that it was possibly a mistake for him to return to the show.

森·佐恩Jeff Probst extinguishes Ethan Zohn’s torch at Tribal Council on the third episode

“I don’t think it was a smart decision to play this time, but I think it would be an even worse decision to go next time, health-wise,” Zohnsaid, adding that he would not compete again.

“Building yourself back up after cancer is a difficult process…” he toldET Online。“I did my first two幸存者s, then I had to go through cancer twice and build myself back up and here I go out there and do it again, it’s just a lot on you as a human being.”

All images by Robert Voets or Timothy Kuratek/ CBS Entertainment ©2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc.版权所有。

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