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Photograph of a collection of vote badges

Do you think about November 3, 2020? I do. I think about it every single day, because that is the moment when we will have the opportunity to seize the reins of power and change the direction of our country. How? By voting.

无论我们是对事物的相同的政治方面与否,想必大家都同意,votingis of paramount importance (unless you’re on the side of voter suppression, in which case please come on by! I’ll happily kick your teeth in). Not only do I believe that, as Americans, we are obligated to vote — I also believe that the need to vote has roots in our Judaism.作为圣人希勒尔说,“不要自己从社区中分离出来。”(Pirke Avot 2:5)。人自己从社区中分离时,他们相信他们是不负责其内部发生的事情 - 和投票也许是我们的责任最明确体现在我们的民主的作用。

(Plus, let’s face it: It doesn’t make sense to separate yourself from the community, because you live in the community! Your vote is your voice — if you don’t use it to advocate for your own best interests, then other people’s voices will drown out yours.)

我以前也写过关于我如何在这,自从我有了孩子,我从来没有去投票站投票单独的重要性,相信如此强烈。我觉得这是关键instill in themthe imperative to vote and participate in our democracy.

所以,现在你得到它:我喜欢能够投票。和美国的多投,越有利于我们的国家会。因为我们只有一个代议制民主,当绝大多数人实际上是代表,这只能发生在我们所有的投票。(不,我不是在鼓励选民欺骗 - 仇敌,去别处巨魔)。

但所有这一切的工作现在开始。我打电话给我的分辨率今年#20for2020为:我试图注册的2020年每星期我意识到这是雄心勃勃的20层新的选民 - 作为一个作家,六的妈妈,和播客主持人,我还挺有东西怎么回事 - 这不是一个目标,我将一定符合,但我要去尝试。

Just imagine if each one of us made it our personal mission to even register 20 new voters each month; elections have been decided by fewer votes than that. In the third Congressional district in my own state of New Jersey, for example, Congressman Andy Kim was elected in 2018 by the slimmest of margins: Just more than 3,900 votes decided that election. If I get 20 new voters registered each week, by the time October comes around, I’ll have registered around 800 people. And that is just me, one individual.

对我来说,这new year’s resolution比体重减了一磅一个星期更加可行 - 我碰巧知道一个事实,因为我做了,我的新年几年分辨率运行,现在我看看!叹。但是,不管 - 选民登记将让更多的差异对我国,无论我的衣服尺寸是什么。


这里只是伸手去登记新选民,无论是通过实际做文书工作,让他们注册,或通过教育种植的种子,以确保它们这样做的几种方法。你选择哪条道路,不要担心:我指望它作为您20 2020年!

1. Get educated!

Go to your state and county websites and find out what you need to do to register to vote. Print out some forms so you see what you need to do in your state/county to vote, so that you have them at the ready. Just like that, you’re on your way! I often say to people I come in contact with as I go about my day, “Hey, are you registered to vote?” If they’re not, I simply pull out my docs. Admittedly, I’m weird, but hey — I do what I gotta do.

2. Are you a self-starter? If so, get started!

Contact your local high schools,犹太教堂, and other institutions about reaching out to 18-year-olds to make sure they are registered to vote. (Some states, like mine, have motor voter registration where you can opt to automatically register when you get your license, but many others do not.) You can pair up with your local Federation to do this, too; it’s a nonpartisan effort in the best interests of our community and our country to get more people to vote. Last year, I met with people from my local Federation to start a venture to get people registered to vote (“New Year, New Voter,” complete with a shofar logo!). We created a video of young people talking about why they feel it’s crucial to vote, and we connected individuals and synagogues with resources to register, whether their home state or the state in which they attend college. You can see our work这里.


Sign up to volunteer with人头数,一个伟大的组织,让你在注册音乐会和音乐节的新选民。(最重要的是:你去参加音乐会也为免费!)

4. Do you want to be moved?

Find out where and when new US citizens are sworn in close to you by looking into it这里. Then, attend a swearing in and offer brand new Americans the forms and chance to register to vote!


Do not worry! You’ve got options, too. Go toVote Forward,在那里你可以写在你选择的各种状态,伴随着他们需要把在邮件以便进行选民登记的文件字母传统代表性不足,尚未登记的选民。

6. Let younger people do the work!

Connect your local school with When We All Vote, which aims to engage and educate teens about the necessity of voting. This organization focuses on the importance of education for would-be voters.这里有一个行动计划to bring to your local high school history department’s attention.

7. Coordinate with local organizations with people power to do the legwork!

I’m working with the National Council for Jewish Women to tap into all their hardworking, engaged members for help on the ground — whether it’s coordinating with local high schools, faith-based institutions, or senior centers, or any of what I’ve mentioned above. Coordinating with an organization can be helpful in getting you a motivated squad of people to help you help your country.


Contact local street fairs and events in your community to see if you can set up a table to register voters. You do not have to be affiliated with an organization to do this: all you need are forms, maybe a clipboard or two, some pens and good sneakers. Instead of meeting friends for brunch, how about you get some friends together and make a day of it?


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