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‘SNL’ Missed the Mark With Their First Portrayal of Doug Emhoff

Maya Rudolph作为Kamala Harris和Martin Short De Doug Emhoff在SNL上

作为犹太人,嘲笑自己是我们的面包和黄油(或者,你知道,Matzah.and butter, given our current holiday season). For decades — heck, for几个世纪 -Jewish comedians, from Groucho Marx, to梅尔布鲁克斯, to Jon Stewart, toIlana Glazer,曾经常常嘲笑别人笑,经常以自己的支出为代价。

这就是为什么我不能等待一个好的喜剧使溅湿ch aboutDoug Emhoff,第一个犹太犹太绅士,一个不介意在这里或那里扔在戒指中的自我贬低的笑话(甚至透露匹配Passover outfits of his childhood).

不幸的是,在过去的周末,在第一个塞德的夜晚,S.aturday Night Live也k a stab at poking fun at Emhoff — and, well, in my opinion, they really missed the mark. In short: aPassovermiracle it was not.

Before we get to the actual sketch — the first time the annual White House Passoverseder在标志性的素描喜剧节目上,虽然今年也是第一次说Seder是“打开” to the public via YouTube — I just want to say that I’m not here to lob any accusations of antisemitism at the show (at least not today). Did the sketch’s writers resort to some cheesy Jewish tropes? For sure. But the reason the sketch was so cringe-worthy — for me, at least — was how false it rang and unfunny it was. Aside from antisemitism, most Jews do take offense to really bad humor — especially when it’s about us.

When the sketch started, I was feeling pretty good, which is how I usually feel whenMaya Rudolph是屏幕屏幕。而且,总体而言,鲁道夫是一位展示的大师,令人漂亮的伟大的Kamala Harris。我真的很激动,让她的举办节目并做一个关于犹太节日的小说 - 特别是白宫逾越节塞特等有意义的事件。听到她喜欢的话是惊心动的“比斯赫” and “Chag Sameach“with a very solid Hebrew accent. That’s not especially surprising, given that Rudolph was raised by a “pretty adorable Jew” — her father, Barry Rudolph, was her sole parent after her mother,Minnie Riperton, died from cancer when Rudolph was just 7 years old.

And while I would also consider Emhoff a pretty adorable Jew,SNL.’Scedian Martin Short的历史律师对历史律师的描绘是什么。除了依托犹太妈妈Tropes(Rudolph's Kamala描述了四个问题,“学校怎么样?你吃过什么?你什么时候给我孙子孙女?”),短的道格依赖于犹太人的犹太人内巴-用于描述胆小,无效的人的yiddish词。

“我只是一个害羞的娱乐律师,”而且,“我不喜欢陌生人,他们吓到了我,”很短的道格在整个素描中都说,他也承认他在这个虚构的团结休闲休息阶段。IRL,实际的第二个绅士通过自己揭示了许多事件 - 包括今年的真正令人愉快的白宫逾越节呼叫者。在那种情况下,在Emhoff的廉价和干涸的星级Matzah Jabs感到蹩脚,也完全不准确。

现实检查:Doug Emhoff是否似乎有时欣赏和一点笨蛋?当然!但作为他的第一任妻子,Kristen Emhoff,在Twitter上写道,“害羞的娱乐律师他不是。”(In fact, I’m pretty sure “shy entertainment lawyer” is an oxymoron? But I’ve never hired one myself so I can’t say for certain.) Still, Emhoff is a very successful professional and someone who seems quite at ease when speaking publicly.

如果这不够糟糕,那么短暂的特殊内巴在无助,害羞的犹太人和过度暴力的蠕变之间振荡。在素描中,为了帮助Doug克服他的舞台惊吓,Kamala要求他假装它只是其中的两个。立即,短的豆子得到了一点聪明。It’s possible the writers intended to portray this thirst as mutual flirtation, but instead, it just feels like Short morphs into a total horndog, and Rudolph looks ill at ease in those parts of the sketch — which, as a woman who has been touched uncomfortably (as most women have), makes all this an evenlesspleasant viewing experience.

Is Emhoff often visibly affectionate with his wife IRL? You bet! But that affection seems genuinely tender and mutual. He nudges her by the shoulder; she looks at him affectionately. It’s cute but it also seems non-sexual. It’s like seeing your Jewish grandparents holding hands — is it sweet? Yes! Do you ever want to think of them doing anything more than PG-rated stuff? No, please God, nO.。S.O., yeah, thank youSNL.for putting that image in our heads — we don’t want it and please take it back.

通过许多其他先决条件犹太刻板印象的草图周期 -Manischewitz Wine.和Gefilte鱼都被提到,Doug对先知以Elijah和Seder Song的笑话是一个笑话Dayenu.。“(“有一个名叫'Dayenu的逾越节歌曲',如果你只是副总统,”他告诉Rudolph的Kamala。“哦不,那惯于就够了,“她回复了。)几乎就像有人正在检查一个真正旧的犹太人笑话的清单。

更重要的是,短暂的不是犹太人。如果他对Emhoffoff的写照很棒,也许这不会是一个问题 - 我真的觉得是前者SNL.cast member Jason Sudeikis, who is not Jewish, would make for a pretty cute Emhoff — but, instead, it highlights how unappealing his portrayal of the most high-profile Jew in the country’s political landscape is. It’s especially jarring when another iconic political Jew, Bernie Sanders, is played by his actual (Jewish)表哥,拉里大卫。所有伯尔尼桑德斯都剪影SNL.纯粹的光彩?好吧,没有 - 但也是,是的,只是因为大卫就在那里。相比之下,铸造和作用都感觉非常笨拙和脱落。

The seder sketch does have some fine moments, from an appearance ofMarjorie Taylor Greene由CECILY强大而扮演窗户,爬过窗户,这是一个简短的,但凶狠的是Chloe Fineman作为Ella Emhoff,Doug的女儿谁,据向前, does notidentifyas Jewish. The Jewish comedian is definitely a great choice to portray Ella, a professional model, and hearing her say, “黑马拉is serving matzah, while I’m serving looks,” is kind of adorable. Perhaps the funniest part of the sketch comes from Aidy Briant as Ted Cruz, who comes to the seder with cupcakes and pigs in a blanket — “We can’t have pork or bread, so thank you,” is how Kamala addresses his offerings. (Deep cut: The Hebrew name for pigs in a blanket is actually Moses in a basket!)

在一天结束时,真正得到我的是这首先SNL.appearance of the second gentleman is just so deeply unfunny — offensively so. Now, I know,我知道。S.O.me of you are saying, “Lior, it’sSNL.SNL.!!为什么你期望它很有趣,这很少是如此?!“

Well, OK. Fair point. I’m not saying I expected更好的,but I had hoped for something a bit less crass and off-putting. I can honestly say the secondhand embarrassment and somewhat triggering groping made rewatching parts of this sketch for the purpose of writing this piece genuinely hard.

More than anything, this sketch left both my husband and me deeply, deeply uncomfortable, and really not wanting more. SoSNL.,日夜!如果你要这样做,那么这个草图就足够了。

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