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There is something unique about the盐湖城真正的家庭主妇,the newest installment of the hugely popular Bravo franchise created, in part, by the very Jewishly identified安迪科恩(who is also the father of the最崇拜的本)。

当然,这是真正的家庭主妇,涉及整形外科,时尚和drama。但也有强烈的重点on religion, an element not nearly as pronounced in other Real Housewives iterations. Given the location of the show, it is no surprise that the Latter-Day Saint religion is the predominant (but not exclusive) faith being discussed while the cameras roll.

一个成员RHOSLC船员是Lisa Barlow,他出生的犹太人,但在她的青年时代仍然居住在她的纽约州的LDS教堂。她称自己为“摩门教2.0”,这是一个她在演出的第一季的课程中推广的概念。但是,究竟是什么,是摩门教2.0?基本上,这是一个对宗教充满热情的摩门教,拥抱其教导和智慧 - 不一定感到需要在教义和规则上得到全能。

在巴洛的情况下,这意味着她认为她的信仰与拥有一家与丈夫的酒公司之间没有矛盾,沉迷于酒精,摩门教信仰禁止的东西。她还没有显示通常与摩门教女性相关的其他品质,例如适度的衣服, submissiveness to her husband, and a single-minded focus on family.

In short, Barlow — like so many modern moms — is a工作狂忠诚和爱在商业,家庭和宗教之间分裂。她是摩门教摩门,但完全是为了自己的条款。巴洛很清楚,她爱她的宗教,对它充满热情,但她有信心练习自己的方式。

像摩门教,犹太教也有很多规则和规范。但是我们可以从巴洛的摩门教摩门教徒训练中学到一件事是犹太教不一定是一个全无的主张。有可能练习犹太教,和传播犹太传统to your children, even if you are not following all the rules. This may sound like a no-brainer and yet, over the past year, during my countless virtual visits with rabbis and their congregants, I have heard stories of Jews who refrain from practicing because they don’t want to “do it wrong.” This, I feel, is a problem: We need to provide models of Jewish practice that combat this fear.


Take candle lighting at the outset of沙巴特。Torah禁止在安息日创造火灾,所以犹太法律要求蜡烛在日落前点燃。但是,许多犹太人 - 特别是在工作周末已经过时和疲惫不堪的忙碌的妈妈 - 根据规定的时间,尤其是在冬天早期的冬天,尤其是在冬天的蜡烛。但为什么要错过这种美丽的仪式,这有可能用这么多意义注入生活?虽然犹太法律需要照明沙巴特蜡烛,许多人完全度均点燃蜡烛nt reasons. For example, lighting candles on Shabbat allows individuals and families to create a designated space for personal reflection. It also provides an opportunity for thanksgiving, a feeling of being connected to the Jewish people, and passing down an age-old tradition that is authentically Jewish. For many Jews, these personal attributions can be more significant than the legal regulations about timing.

日落后照明沙巴特蜡烛是我所谓的“混音犹太教”的一个完美的例子 - 一种练习犹太教的方式,即通过用个人意义造成正宗仪式甚至创新来练习“混音”的长期做法。但就像巴洛受到LDS信仰的更传统的信徒受到批评一样,有些人怀疑任何混合版本的犹太教的能力,争论完全保真对传统是保证其传播的唯一途径。

然而,知道这么多宗教自由犹太人感到强烈的联系感identification with Judaism, I am optimistic. For example, over the past year, many Jewish institutions have survived — and even thrived — by pivoting and creating 2.0 or remixed versions of their organizations. Consider streaming services on Shabbat, a practice many synagogues would never have contemplated prior to the pandemic. Yet, the availability of streamed services has resulted in greater attendance by members and others at many synagogues.

Barlow is not someone most would consider a role model for Jewish tradition, given that she is a Jew by birth but notby choice。尽管如此,我认为她的摩门教2.0品牌可以教导今天的大多数犹太家庭有很多关于如何接近犹太传统的事情。她谨慎地讨论她对摩门教的热爱,但她选择性地拥抱其原则,专注于让她对她宗教感到愉快的人,并且故意忽视不适合她和她的家人的人。


Image by Lars Niki/Getty Images for N+B Body And Beauty / Ken Redding / Getty Images

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