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5 Takeaways From the Purim Story for Modern Jewish Parents

在欢乐的犹太节日of Purim, we’re supposed to eat triangle cookies and drink until we are completely obliterated and can no longer tell the difference between Mordechai, the hero of the Purim story, and Haman, the villain. Or, to make this a bit more relevant for our current moment, perhaps should we drink until we don’t know the difference betweenZoom和谷歌相遇!或者,我们喝酒,直到我们不知道是不是律师或猫!你得到了我的漂移。

Purim this year also happens to mark the一周年这件美妙的东西被称为Covid-19大流行。我的意思是,独自的这个事实应该足以让你喝酒!意识到我们已经忍受了近12个全月的地狱景观hundreds of thousandsof Americans dead — and with no clear end in sight — is an idea that brings me so much pain and sadness that I just took a brief break from writing this piece in order to place an order online for my favorite pre-made jalapeno pineapple margarita. Three bottles’ worth, actually. But who’s counting?

Sadly, like last Purim, we won’t be reading the megillah all together. Nor will there be any rowdy Purim carnivals or parties (at least I hope not!). What’s more, the idea of gathering with friends or family通过缩放不再是一种新颖性。所以,而不是陷入绝望的坑,我们今年的假期怎么样?具体来说,也许你想知道,“普遍的故事为我作为父母有什么教训?”或者也许你并不想知道这一点。没关系。我仍然认为你会发现这五个外卖器非常相关。

1. No Nudes!

The original queen of the megillah — before our犹太女主角以斯帖,让出现——王后瓦实提。We know very little about Vashti, except that she seemed to have some standards. When the king, drunk from a multi-day Persiapalooza, sent word to her to come and dance for him and his friends — and many have interpreted this passage as saying that she was supposed dance naked.Vashtisent back the message, “I don’t think so.”

一方面,她总是被放逐并踢出了宫殿。不清楚!但另一方面,她确实留下了一些相似的尊严和自尊的完整 - 我认为这是#GoAls。

Moral for today与你的孩子们谈谈如何让他们做一些他们知道他们可能会后悔的事情,即使众所周知的党的每个人似乎都感受到不同。在近代,这可能意味着任何数量的东西,从意思是给药到送裸体的自鲷。做你自己的女王,听你的肠道。如果听到你的肠道让你放逐,无论是来自你朋友集团的王国还是从文本链中?好吧,生活很长,今天的灾难将是明天的不舒服记忆。Vashti达到了全面自力更生,现在在俄勒冈州运行自己的有机蘑菇农场。好的,那不是真的。但它可能是!

2. Haters Gonna Hate


Moral for todayIt’s hard to accurately predict whether Haman would have become a bitter, aspiring genocidal maniac if Mordechai hadn’t refused his request. However, my hunch is that Haman was always going to be a hateful sack of garbage, regardless of Mordechai’s actions. The育儿课程以下是,您的孩子的行为不是别人的社会病学或自恋器或其他可怕的缺陷的原因(例如,有吸引力的种族灭蚊剂)。所以,我会对我的孩子说,你做你,不要躲避你是谁,因为恐惧。作为我们的贤者,Taylor Swift, has said, “Haters gonna hate.”

3. Some Things Are Greater Than You Are

如上所述,Madechai告诉哈曼,作为犹太人,他不会向人们(只上帝)屈服。不是鞠躬可能看起来不是一个大的交易 - 但在这个特殊的背景下,这是一种行为tremendous braveryand faith. Note that, in the Purim story, both Vashti and Mordechai abstain from doing what is expected of them in the name of something greater. While Vashti’s motive can be assumed to be modesty or pride, in Mordechai’s case, he is not just thinking about a single person — himself — but as a representative of an ideal. He sees his acts as a manifestation of who he is as a complete person, and of who he is in the world and the place he wishes to hold in it

Moral for today它可能值得与我们的孩子讨论我们今天的“鞠躬”。我们推迟了科学吗?Covid crisis,或者我们是否接受了我们的风险并邀请朋友在里面的播放?我们留在家里保护我们的较大的社区, or do we go and do as we please? I think we have to show our kids, like Mordechai showed Haman, that there are things that are more important than just the passing moment (for example, maybe not having the indoor playdates in deference to the idea that we’re trying to slow the spread of a pandemic).

4. Antisemitism Exists

在我们的故事中,哈曼基本上讲述了国王,“有一定的人,分散和分散在你境界的所有省份中,其法律与任何其他人的法律不同。他们不遵守国王的法律,它并不是陛下兴致他们的兴趣。“这是我的朋友,是教科书反犹太主义- 犹太人在“正常”的人中生活的想法,并没有遵守土地的法律(这是不真实的,顺便说一句) - 今天仍然是一件事。

Moral for today反犹太主义是当天获得追随者和声音。是的,在右边和左侧的政治鸿沟中有反犹太主义,我会采取争议的立场(这是一个笑话 -it’s Purim!) that BOTH ARE BAD and need to be called out, Esther-style. Nothing good happens when antisemites share their “viewpoint” and go unchecked — and that’s true whether or you agree with their positions on taxation or abortion or not. We must talk aboutantisemitism与我们的孩子:它在那里,它有牵引力,以及如何打击它。那是我们的。


Think about how crazy it is that Esther basically entered an ancient version of单身汉嫁给一个国王的醉酒。通过一个21世纪的镜头,似乎有点粗略和非责任 - 绝对是notaspirational for today’s youth. But one thing I do admire is how this girl, who was arguably conscripted into a sketchy marriage, didn’t, say, develop a weird fetish for acquiring peacocks, or cultivate a taste for decadence and/or depravity. Instead, when she found herself in a position to save her people,她采取行动. At the crucial moment, Esther told the king that she was Jewish, and that Haman wanted to kill her and all the Jews. The king feels this will simply not do, and Haman was not only fired from his position, he was executed.

Moral for todayNone of us should ever sign our kids up for a beauty contest so they can marry an inebriated king. However, weshould确保他们是个人speak up on behalf of their people, even when they are afraid. At several points in the Purim story, Esther is afraid to use her voice. But she overcomes her fears and does it anyway — and we are all here today because of it. Each one of us may not be married to a degenerate king, but we each have the power within ourselves说话而且出于我们所信仰的东西。我相信普遍的故事的力量在于,在纸上(羊皮纸?)的人可以被视为最不强有力 - 孤儿犹太女人 - 是,在最强。我们每个人都有能力,通过我们的小方面,改变世界的更好 - 只需是我们的真实自我。


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