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当我是一个有抱负的作者时,这就是我所知道的:我知道如何成为一个苏联 - 犹太移民在美国。但在20世纪90年代初,当我第一次努力获得一本小说发表时,没有人关心这一点。

我的手稿留下来了。(当然,这当然是在电子邮件之前的日子里返回,这意味着我需要沿着自我解决的盖章信封发送 - 这意味着我需要支付拒绝)。

最后,一位编辑告诉我,“没有人感兴趣in the USSR, but we do publish first-time authors in our Regency romance line. Would you like to give writing one of those a try?


I hustled off to the public library, where I checked out eight — the maximum number allowed — Regency romances. Reading them over the span of a week, I learned that Regencies are romance novels set in England during the Regency period (1811-1820).These books几乎完全关心伦敦上层阶级的交配习惯,正如任何观看的人一样Bridgerton知道,被称为“吨”。思考Jane Austen那Sir Walter Scott, Mary Shelley, and, later, Georgette Heyer.

There were no Jewish lead characters in the Regency romances I read. (In fact, Heyer wasnotoriously antisemitic。)然而,历史上,有一些Jews in London当时。一个小数甚至是接受高社会— though this was only if they were willing not to be “too Jewish” or were flat out hiding it.

Clearly, the safest route for me, an unpublished author barely a year out of college, would have been to pitch a perfectly traditional, conventional, by-the-numbers Regency romance. But… write what you know.

So, I wrote about Jews. The book that eventually becameThe Fictitious Marquis为一位高诞生提供了一位关于她母亲的宗教背景的秘密。她从绞刑架中救出一个罪犯,并将他作为贵族的成员。他们的婚姻只是名称。这里没有扰流板,但是看看你是否可以猜出它是如何结果的......

The Fictitious Marquis是我的第一本书;我的第二个是另一个题为的摄政盗贼在心里(which had no Jewish characters). I’ve since published a dozen more novels, including twoNew York Times畅销书,以及我最近的历史家庭佐贺,The Nesting Dollsis all about Jews. So, to be honest, I didn’t really giveThe Fictitious Marquis自1995年首次出来以来多年来的思考。

也就是说,直到netflix布里奇顿,在圣诞节第2020天发布,乘以风暴夺走了世界。该系列,基于本书Julia Quinn系列,是一个感觉!超过6300万个家庭在广播的第一个月内观看了它,使其成为fifth-biggest launchof all time for the streaming service.



我应该看到什么是“第一个自己的声音犹太历史”小说?这是正确的:The Fictitious Marquis!!

我必须承认,我被嘲笑了。当我写它时,我从未越过我的脑海,我正在做一些革命性的事情。我从来没有发生过,犹太作家没有,达到那一点,放了一个Jewish character在历史浪漫中,即使它被设定在一个与其欢迎态度对外人的态度并不恰恰的。我只是写了我所知道的。

有趣的是,Bridgerton’s creator, Julia Quinn (nee Cotler), is Jewish herself, though I have yet to see any Jewish characters in the series. (She does参考Touro犹太教堂,最古老的犹太人犹太教堂,在北美,在她的美国历史中,The Girl With the Make Believe Husband.) TheBridgertoncasting may be color-blind, allowing more people to see those who look like themselves represented on-screen — but, in both style and mannerisms, all the characters seem to be cut from the same Anglican cloth (no different than when actors of color perform Shakespeare).

代表,我们被告知,事项。成长,我绝对没有期望它,因为没有像我这样的虚构角色。唯一的Jewish characters我遇到的书籍或电视是美国犹太人,它根本没有反映我的身份和经验。而唯一的俄罗斯人物是a)不是犹太人,b)可怜的移民,他谈到可怕的英语,或c)邪恶的共产党人,最常见的是捕获驼鹿和松鼠。

我绝对没有对代表的期望,当我的孩子们 - 现在21,17和14岁时,这常常惊喜。他们不希望它;他们要求它。当然是黑色,犹太人那and the offspring of an immigrant, those opportunities are still few and far between, but we are getting there! (For instance, they find the Asian immigrant family of新鲜的船更可靠的是,完全同化的美国犹太人金贝格斯.)

这就是为什么它让我开心,向前迈进,任何可能受到启发的犹太读者Bridgerton要接收幽默浪漫,将能够看到至少在我的“第一个自己的声音犹太人历史”中所代表的一个版本,以及所有的其他犹太历史浪漫that came after.

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