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我猜我们没有听说这个问题,因为我们大多数人参加别人的家宴。我们没有自己的主人。We are welcomed to someone else's table,centerpieced with their lovely seder plate,and don't give a thought to what went into assembling it.

I hosted my first seder a year after converting and marrying my husband.这是一件大事。We'd just purchased our first house.We were starting a family.我们想在芝加哥欢迎我们的亲人来到我们的世界,而不是每年一次的东渡之旅。我想扔一块高高的莎草,one for the ages.我丈夫的家人接受了邀请。The guest list swelled to 20.And then I spent weeks planning and scheduling.

我在大事件前一天去购物。穿过杂货店,我检查了我名单上的辣根,西芹,两打鸡蛋,shank bone—whoa.等待。呵呵。作为一个主持新秀的家宴的人,我以为我只是闲逛到肉类部门。因为我们家没有人守犹太,我很肯定珠宝能满足我的需要。


嗨!I'm wondering if you can help me out.逾越节明天就要到了,我的家宴餐盘需要一块小腿骨。




第二肉类部门员工偷听到我们哦,是啊。是啊,we did have some of those seder bones,但他们都走了。明天再来,我们可能还有更多。

And this is how it goes. "Come back tomorrow and we might have more."

不是在风险高的时候拖延,我参观了巴克敦的食品杂货部门,埃奇沃特and Lincoln Park that day,striking out at each place.我很惊慌,因为我花了宝贵的时间开车走遍了整个城市,我没想过去斯科基或格伦维尤的犹太杂货店。我只能看到我完美的幻想塞德盘子蒙羞,因为盲目裸点的小腿骨应该是。Would anyone notice if I used a dog bone?那是胫骨,正确的?

最后,after a frantic call to my husband in which we decided to phone canvass all local butchers,在湖景的一家小肉店里,我几乎喘不过气来。他们同意帮我拿三块腿骨。Believe me when I say that I nearly broke the sound barrier speeding my way over there to pick them up.


现在,I am not telling this story to take anything away from the traditional meaning of the shank bone on the seder plate—the symbol of the 10th plague and how the Jews slaughtered lambs and marked their door posts with the blood to signal that the angel of death should pass over.不。

但是,我忍不住想另一种解释胫骨的含义。It has been said that it represents the arm of God.我喜欢这一点,因为我现在知道我不是唯一一个感觉需要神的干预才能找到它的人。



RECIPE: Funfetti Matzah Cake for Passover

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