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bob dylan


就像80年代的很多人一样,I was raised by former hippies.That meant wearing hand-sewn gypsy dresses,在外面赤脚玩耍,在我父母的旧录音机上聆听民间音乐的深情。

如果约翰·丹佛的歌词,琼·贝兹James Taylor,Pete Seeger,and Joni Mitchell were the fabric that made up the colorful tapestry of my youth,然后鲍勃·迪伦就是把他们绑在一起的线。

他的音乐就像你骨子里的那种,the kind that both lulled you to sleep and woke you up in a way that you'd never been awakened before.当我的同龄人头撞金属和枪玫瑰时,我在房间里,curled up in a blanket,listening to Dylan's scratchy voice crooning about how a hard rain's a-gonna fall.

也许他的音乐告诉了我,因为我,at heart,more of a lover of words than music.我年轻时的大部分时间都沉浸在陀思妥耶夫斯基的分层散文中,Herman Hesse,and Edgar Allen Poe.In Dylan's lyrics I found those same deep meanings,inventive word choices,丰富的故事情节。He was the musician of my bookworm dreams.

所以我很高兴看到鲍勃·迪伦获得诺贝尔文学奖,which was announced yesterday.At 75 years old,he is the first singer/songwriter to ever be given Nobel recognition for lyrics.Born as Robert Zimmerman,东欧犹太人的儿子,Dylan constantly sought to reinvent himself.Beginning his career as a rock singer,伍迪·古思里的政治气候和影响很快使他转向了民间。

Dylan went on to win 12Grammy Awards,oneAcademy Award,and one金球奖.他已被列入Rock and Roll Hall of Fame,Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame,and创作人名人堂.他发行了37张录音室专辑,including 2016's "Fallen Angels."

尽管取得了一生的成就,his Nobel award is not without criticism.很多人觉得还有别的,more worthy potential recipients.Several prominent authors took to Twitter to debate his win."Bob Dylan winning a Nobel in Literature is like Mrs.Fields being awarded 3 Michelin stars," the novelist Rabih Alameddine tweeted."This is almost as silly as Winston Churchill."

朱迪皮考特a best-selling novelist,quipped,"I'm happy for Bob Dylan,#ButDoesThisMeanICanWinAGrammy?"

Some even went so far as to criticize the authenticity of his lyrics.小说家HariKunzru在tweet上写道:“上行:这是否意味着我们可以严肃地讨论迪伦作为侵略者和边界,顺便说一句,还有剽窃?”

然而,The Academy's own permanent secretary Sara Danius disagrees.She,like me,believes that Dylan's songs were "poetry for the ears." While acknowledging that some might find Dylan a "strange" choice,she reminds us that storytelling and music have long been intertwined.“…如果你回想荷马和萨福,you realize that was also aural poetry.It was meant to be performed,和仪器一起,”她说。

迪伦的胜利再一次提醒我们,时间到了,他们是在改变。Just as the boundaries between religions,cultures,性别也越来越不稳定,传统上分隔艺术的墙壁也是如此。Perhaps no artist better represents that change than Bob Dylan.

I have my own quiet,withdrawn lover of the arts in my own home now.My-10 year-old son spends hours alone,drawing and listening to music.Sometimes I feel sad that he hasn't developed the voracious love of books that I had at his age.But then,I'll walk by his room and hear the familiar strains of Dylan's poetic lyrics and remember that words don't always have to come from books—sometimes they're delivered through the scratchy voice of a musical poet.


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