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When you are raising a child with special needs,it often feels like the diagnosis takes over your whole life.我的女儿有自闭症在我们的生活中,孤独症没有一天,也没有一个小时或一分钟不占据中心地位。


对我自己来说,我发现与我女儿在一起的每一天都会涉及到我的许多策略。我整天都在期待她的一天,试图预测出哪里可能有麻烦,什么对她来说可能是困难的,什么可能使她陷入感官和/或情感的超负荷。它涉及到对我们要去的地方有很多的思考,anticipating where the hurdles might be,试图找到一种方法来避免它们,或者至少是预测它们,这样我就可以让她做好准备,尽量减少过度刺激的可能性,使她失去对情绪和行为的控制,陷入崩溃的境地。

Doing this not only takes up a lot of room in one's life,但往往会让你很难和孩子一起享受任何东西,因为你总是在考虑下一个障碍,下一个挑战,the next trigger.你最终对孤独症如此痴迷,以至于很难记住你的孩子不仅仅是一堆问题和行为的总和,而且只是一个体验世界的孩子,不管这意味着什么。


为了我,that reminder came the other day when my husband and I took our daughter to Kennywood Park–in my opinion,美国最好的游乐园之一。Although corporate owned for the past six years,Kennywood still retains the homey feel of the park which was family owned and operated for over a century.Growing up in Pittsburgh as I did,肯尼伍德是匹兹堡的一所学校,我想和我的女儿分享一个我经历过很多美好回忆的地方。她当然很高兴去,尤其是期待着公园里的三个水上游乐设施。仍然,对任何一个孩子来说,去游乐园都是一种乐趣,for a child with autism it can be a land mine.风景,声音,smells,炎热的天气,排队等候,not to mention the sugar and junk food,are all triggers for her.

我丈夫和我同意了,as we always do on days where we go to places where there are so many triggers,我们将由质量而不是数量来决定。重要的是我们的女儿今天过得很好,not that she ride every single ride.We would let hers,rather than our own,期望决定一切。

So,我们从旋转木马开始,went to the paratroopers,袋鼠跳,最终,水会流动。排队花了一段时间,等待很艰难。我看着她通过脚本和拍打她的手臂来减压,我看着其他的孩子和大人盯着她看,comfortable doing so since my daughter didn't make eye contact with them.I watched their glances and a few whispers as my她这个年龄的女儿身材高大,带着B罩杯爱抚地抓着她的填充海马,试图通过亲吻和拥抱她的父亲和我来减压。我看着那些同样的父母和孩子,几次我的目光捕捉到了他们自己。

Autism was there with us at Kennywood Park,一如既往。

但是,when my daughter stepped on all those rides,I saw something else.As she turned round and round or flew up high or got drenched with water,I saw a girl,enjoying the thrills and freedom that a day at the amusement park brings to a kid.As she spun around laughing her head off with her dad on the paratroopers or on the kangaroo jumps with me,我看到的第一件事不是孤独症,但只是一个享受刺激的孩子,幸福,还有游乐园的笑声。在那个短暂的时刻,she was just a kid.


虽然我已经知道我女儿的孤独症比她的孤独症总数还要多,it's great that life can give us those reminders.


The opinions expressed here are the personal views of the author.评论被缓和,所以用你内心的声音,keep your hands to yourself,不,我们对草药补充剂不感兴趣。
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