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Shabbat–the Jewish Sabbath– is a 25-hour period of rest lasting from just before sunset on Friday evening until nightfall on Saturday.The idea is to take a break from ordinary life,and focus on family,社区,以及精神成长。In our fast-paced lives it can be a welcome change to stop rushing from work to preschool to the grocery store…and instead enjoy a weekly reconnection with the people and ideas that really matter in life.

Lighting Candles

Shabbat's arrival,on Friday night just before sundown,is marked with a special candle-lighting ceremony.

大多数家庭会点两支蜡烛,though there are varied practices.Some families givetzedakah(charity) as part of their candle-lighting ritual,and some give祝福他们的孩子at this time.It is customary to light the candles,然后在背诵祝福的时候遮住你的眼睛。


When you uncover your eyes and see the candles shining before you,the Day of Rest has officially begun.Feel free to greet others with a hearty "Shabbat Shalom!"

Shabbat Dinner

在许多家庭中,the central observance of Shabbat takes place on Friday night,around the dinner table.This is a time for family and friends to spend relaxed time together,reconnecting at the end of a busy week of work and school.


传统上,Shabbat dinner begins with a blessing recited over wine,called基德什,which means sanctification.

·Blessing over Bread

基德什,it is customary to "break bread" with two loaves of challah bread.These loaves are covered with a cloth through基德什.Jewish law requires one to first do a ritual handwashing,然后揭开迦拉,把祝福念在饼上。

Some families also conclude their Shabbat meal with theGrace after Meals.

Set a Nice Table

除了星期五晚上的晚餐,on Saturday many families partake in a festive lunch and a pre-sundown dinner.

The menu at Shabbat meals doesn't have to be fancy,but it is nice to include some foods that are special for Shabbat.你可以看看传统的而不是传统的沙巴特食谱here–but do consider takeout if your week is hectic!You can also add some nice touches to your Shabbat table by picking up flowers on your way home from work,using a tablecloth reserved for Shabbat,or drinking out of goblets instead of glasses.

虽然在家里举行的青年党庆祝活动往往以吃饭为重点,other Shabbat past-times include reading,playing board games,talking,walking,小睡。It can be a major relief to have time set aside for these calming activities that aren't usually prioritized during the hubbub of the workweek.

In traditional homes,Shabbat also comes with a variety of restrictions–such as not driving a car,不打电话,not writing,and not cooking.《托拉法》禁止在青年党上“劳动”;the complex rules of what is permitted on Shabbat and what is not are all based on rabbinic interpretations of what exactly qualifies as "labor."

周五晚上和周六,special synagogue services are convened.Theliturgy感谢沙巴特的礼物,庆祝这一天的宁静和愉快。

Farewell to Shabbat

At the end of Shabbat day,when three stars appear in the sky,是时候举行简短的仪式了havdalah(字面上,separation or distinction).哈夫达拉can be recited in synagogue or at home.It is a short,能吸引幼儿和父母的深情仪式。With a cup of wine,一盒香料,and a beautiful braided candle we recite blessings marking the transition between holy and mundane,light and dark,Shabbat and workweek.后havdalah,we wish one another "Shavua Tov!"–a good week.

这里表达的意见是作者的个人观点。Comments are moderated,so use your inside voices,把手放在自己身上,and no,we're not interested in herbal supplements.
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