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With the world-wide hullabaloo over the new yet-to-be-named Prince of Cambridge,我觉得应该给凯瑟琳和威廉一些关于第一次育儿的建议,虽然我的一些观察结果对一个出生在特权和巨大资源中的孩子不太适用。

My aunt gave me the best advice of all about parenting,and I must say that her grown children are incredibly centered and mentally sound.她告诉我成功育儿的关键是接受,即使孩子还在子宫里长大,总是你的错。As soon as you realize that whether you neglect your children or have the capability to give them everything they need,你的孩子最终会躺在治疗师的沙发上,抱怨他们的母亲。

也就是说,我给新妈妈们写了一张便条,royal or those of lesser bloodlines,以相对清醒的状态度过最初的几年。

1。The post-birth obsessive worrying is perfectly NORMAL.From the first time that I drove with my infant daughter in the car and until today,我大脑的某些部分被专门留出来处理所有最坏的情况,我必须保护我的孩子。我会想象那些小东西,像伤口和瘀伤,and then move onto the big stuff,比如重大的危及生命的事故。Choosing a school program,from their first nanny to kindergarten and onward,will keep you awake at night,至少一个月;没有人比爸爸妈妈更喜欢照顾孩子。

尤其是住在耶路撒冷,司机让波士顿人在路上显得胆怯,何处terror attackslurk as a potential daily event,I must shut down my imagination.当我女儿3岁的时候,在她生日那天,她差点被我们房子前面的一辆车撞了。In fact,the vehicle swerved and crashed into the flower vendor on the corner to avoid hitting the two of us.On her birthday.我说的那个青年党HaGomel祝福thanking God and the Universe for the prevention of what is every parent's nightmare.

2。"You will not get sleep for the next 18 years."啊!This statement repeated itself over and over during my 官网下载beplay体育ios版pregnancy,看看这个,这是真的!Because when the baby is young you wake up every two hours to nurse,and until they sleep through the night,每当你的小男孩或小女孩需要换尿布或一杯水或是修补被罩时,你就会醒来。And once they learn how to sleep well,他们觉得他们更喜欢你的床,and you have much less space than you used to for your legs.Much worse if you also own a cat,who displays typical signs of human sibling jealousy,and decides that if the kid gets the pillow,他抓住你的腿。


三。Nothing belongs to you anymore: your material goods,你的时间和隐私。Your breasts belong to the baby while they are nursing,and the food you have on your plate must be more tasty than the meal you have given your toddler.你的24小时时间表将永远满了,and you will not be able to sit on the toilet or take a shower in peace for a long time.

我4岁的女儿独立演出,but my day revolves around her.从她早上5点起床的时候起。until I drop her off in nursery,我们在一起。从8:30到4:00我工作,and my patients cannot be late,因为我必须准时接她。From the time I pick her up from nursery until she goes to sleep,我们用晚餐、玩耍、洗澡时间和bedtime ritual.一旦她睡着了,we adults try to stay awake,maybe read a book or watch some television or have a grown-up conversation,but many nights I just can't keep my eyes open.

我不记得我以前作为一个单身女性有空闲时间的概念;我不知道我是怎么打发时间的。也,荆棘is no longer a Day of Rest,而是36个小时,我女儿没有托儿所,一天半的全职活动和运动,玩“生日聚会”、看书和骑自行车的好时机,但不是上帝禁止午睡。

Even your friendships will change,你会发现和你儿子或女儿班的母亲建立关系和约会是最方便的。你的社会生活将会发生巨大的变化,部分原因是你没有力量去参加晚上10点开始的音乐会,部分原因是很难保证一致性babysitting.

4.The best investment you will ever make for yourself as a mother or father is to cultivate a stable of several beloved and local babysitters.And I add to that,出去的房子至少一周一次,don't lose yourself as an adult and as a sane person because this little amazing being demands all your attention.I have a list of about six babysitters I like,其中两个我信任而且更喜欢,然而这里墨菲定律即生生不息。when you truly need someone to watch your child,所有列表都不可用。This only stresses the importance of building a social network of friends with children of the same age,因为如果你需要的话,他们会很乐意带另一个孩子进屋,然后被卡住。孩子们让彼此忙碌。

5.扔掉那些让你觉得自己是一个无能的母亲或父亲的书,因为当所谓的专家声称你的孩子或幼童没有达到某个特定的里程碑时,它应该已经发生了。.有选择地关注所有在育儿区周围的善意人士,谁会坚定不移地说他们更了解。It is your baby and you know him/her best.Who cares if your neighbor's son can read at the age of 3?每个孩子都按自己的计划前进,在正常参数范围内,and most importantly,they do stuff when they're ready and not a moment sooner.

Babies emerge from the womb only when they are ready,and the pattern repeats.周四早上,我被错误地告知我已经逾期两周了,not open at all,and that I would be induced.Labor started that evening and I gave birth at Hadassah Hospital on Friday morning,literally 40 weeks to the day I conceived.

我女儿在突击队里爬了好长一段时间,我们担心她没有“按时”开始走路。几位儿科骨科医生和物理治疗师检查了她,告诉我们她完全有能力走路。她只是不想。在20个月大的时候,她开始走路,能像其他朋友一样奔跑和跳跃。As Israelis say,"It will work itself out before she gets married."

In anticipation oftoilet training我买了一个小女孩想要的所有配件,as well as stickers and treats for bribery.我的孩子不感兴趣;diapers represented the known and comfortable option.后来有一天,她决定成为一个“大女孩”,事情发生了,不要大惊小怪。我甚至没和她谈过关于夜间尿布的事;I let her sleep naked,一周之内她就接受了全面的训练,她独自一人。This strong-willed daughter of mine,我现在对她很了解,只不过是种下了一个想法的种子,而不是在这种情况下推来推去,造成压力。


相信你的直觉,记住,it's all your fault.

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