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Mayim Bialik的4岁儿子正式断奶


看马,没有nummies !

Well,不塞耶斯,prepare to be proven wrong.All of you snarky mamas who glared at menursing my 3 1/2-year-old on the NYC subway,prepare to be amazed.And to all of my family and friends who wanted to chastise me about nursing a walking,talking,思考,笑着叫弗雷德的小个子男人,thanks for holding your tongues.

因为我们做到了。弗雷德不会在结婚典礼上或高中毕业典礼上护士。I didn't need to break him of a "habit" and teach him "who's in charge." I didn't need to set boundaries you thought I should have set when I didn't want to set them.


Fred weaned this past Thanksgiving,exactly a year from hisnight-weaning Thanksgiving of 2011,我不情愿地开始——尽可能地温柔,and days before I releasedthe public statement that I was getting divorced.

从一年前弗雷德晚上断奶开始,他每天护理一次,but not always once a day.有时他会在没有护理的情况下走几天。晚上断奶后,他可以在床上以外的任何地方护理,since it invariably made him think of nursing all night,在他3岁之前,他一直是银河系幸福生活中真正的冠军。我不想再回到过去了!

So just to sum up: I nursed Fred four to six times a night for three years.我工作的时候抽了从我得到这份工作起,我就一直为弗雷德工作。生活大爆炸when he was 18 months old until he was 3.我用过拉莱切联盟的书断奶是怎么发生的and照顾你的保姆*to gently test his growth and maturity and set reasonable boundaries for him.我没有在任何地方照顾他,任何时候,但我确保满足他的需要,也让我的满足。

I loved nursing Fred.弗雷德喜欢并需要护理。这是最好的营养,养育,and bonding ever.最好的疾病预防措施(我们都感染了H1N1,当我们像狗一样生病的时候,照顾弗雷德整整两个星期都很健康。I had difficulty nursing both of my boys.照顾弗雷德从来都不是痛苦的,我和画眉搏斗过很多次,但我们做到了。我们做了很久。我们做得很好。我们当然是护理专家。

Over the year since Fred night-weaned,他开始几天没有护理,我不愿意提供,我也不会拒绝(这就是所谓的“不提供不拒绝”的方法),我确定他是想要吃点小吃还是喝水,而不是“麻木”,当他非常沮丧或非常受伤时,他倾向于不想要任何东西,除了护理。有时,当他感到非常舒服的时候。

When Fred night-weaned,他养成了从瓶子里喝水的“习惯”。He had never had anything but breast milk in a bottle and only when I was working,but we decided that if he needed to suck and transition from nursing on demand,我们会给他一瓶水,当我们准备好的时候就把他从水里抽出来。(AS)vegans,we don't offer cow's milk,and the high sugar content of alternative milks was not something we wanted to have him drinking.) And so it went that the bottles of water he started drinking when he night-weaned slowly stopped being asked for,until we couldn't even remember when the last time was that he asked for one.

过去感恩节的这一周,我和我的前夫都知道我们会宣布离婚,我们斗争的隐私权也会公之于众。To our family,对于我们的外部自我,to the public,慢慢地,小路,给我们的孩子们。

I was working until the Wednesday of Thanksgiving week,so my almost-ex took the boys up north to his folks' the Sunday before and I was set to meet them once I finished work.如果弗雷德没有能力照顾,那就需要四天了。他四天前走了,但这感觉不同。一个巨大的转变即将发生。内部,externally.我们家里的每一段关系都将要改变。即使是在我和房地产业之间。

Fred knew I wouldn't see him for several days.当我坐在房间里的沙发上时where he was bornfour years and three months prior,he latched on happily and only nursed for a minute or two that day,since toddler nursings tend to not be long at all,especially when they start spreading them out by several days.他通常都是从两侧护理的,因为在我们大多数的护理关系中,我的导管很容易堵塞,and it became our habit to make sure both sides were nursed on.

That day,虽然,he was distracted by his older brother shouting something,笑,在隔壁房间玩。他那双蓝色的大眼睛,不可能长的锥形睫毛,飞来飞去,落在隔壁房间里。声音的来源,hisbeloved older brother他自己已经照顾了两年并改变了。我胸口以外的世界在呼唤,and he hopped off of my lap and ran to the world waiting for him.

That was the last time Fred nursed.I wanted to shout after him,"Choo-Choo,you forgot the other side!" But I didn't.I held my tongue and watched him go.My big boy.In jeans.With a big boy haircut,finally,多年的金锁乞求

弗雷德在那一天之后的几个星期都没有问过护理的问题。And it wasn't until much more recently–it's been three months now since he nursed–that he asked to nurse. But now when he asks,他知道这很有趣。That he's a big boy.他不再喝酒了。


如果我说我不想把他锁上,让他变得更好,那我就撒谎了。我们现在有其他方法来安慰弗雷德。当他非常沮丧或非常受伤时,我们躺在沙发上,他每天早上都在那里护理,下午,晚上and we rock and I sing to him hisfavorite lullabies.他紧紧地抱着我,and I hold him tight,我知道照顾弗雷德从来没有什么不对的。Even when he was in 4T jeans.With a mouth full of teeth.Even when people laughed and sneered and accused me of horrible things no mother should ever be accused of when tending to the normal and beautiful needs of her mammal child.它从来没有错,总是对的。

弗雷德养了四年又换了。And then Fred weaned because he was ready.我们准备好了。我用悲伤、快乐、绝望和欢欣来照顾他。His,mine,谁知道?We were one for so long.For four years and change,我们是我们自己的世界。

Go out into the scary wonderful crazy broken world,温柔可爱的弗雷德。Take your fear and conquer it,当你受不了的时候回来找我。我可能没有牛奶给你,but I have a heart forever etched with your name,你的脸,你的眼睛,你那难以置信的迷人的锥形睫毛,只有你才能流泪。

谢谢您,弗莱德for being my nursling.


Check out Mayim's book about亲密育儿法andabout raising empowered girls.If you buy anything on Amazon,包括Mayim的书,by using these links,其中一部分利润将用于支持梅耶姆在科维尔的写作。ios下载beplay苹果beplay

这里表达的意见是作者的个人观点。Comments are moderated,so use your inside voices,把手放在自己身上,不,we're not interested in herbal supplements.
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