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birth story


Here's a beautiful slideshow made by contributing editor Tamara Reese of her second child's birth.Read below for the full story.


当我摇摇晃晃地走进浴室时,我注意到背痛比前一天要剧烈一些,而且我的粘液塞显然已经不见了。我们预定了一个公园游玩会,当我刷牙的时候,我在卷发滑梯旁的一堆覆盖物中,生出了一个栩栩如生的婴儿。我决定打电话给我的导乐.We were on the phone for 20 minutes,and by the end of the conversation she said,"No park.You need to call your husband to come home,找个人带你儿子去,and head to the hospital." I told her I didn't want to assemble the troops for a false alarm and she said,"Since we've been talking you've had a contraction every two minutes.现在最好在医院。”

It was 10 a.m.

A dear friend came over to feed my toddler while I showered and frantically realized he had no clean clothes.我朋友抓起脏洗衣篮递给我一根香蕉,saying,"Eat this,he'll be FINE.I know how to wash clothes." I finished getting ready and ate a bowl of Cheerios and some soy yogurt.The intense cramping and back pain had me stopping to breathe.在那一点上,事情变得很清楚了——我是一个注定要做苦力的妈妈。

我丈夫10:30到家,我们把剩下的东西都扔在一起。Once he saw my contractions were coming pretty frequently he kicked it into high gear and we jumped in the car.He drove like a felon as I squeezed his hand through each contraction.


我们登记入住并与我们的杜拉会合。一位年长的医生在分诊时遇到我们,问是什么把我们带进来的。我冷冷地做了个鬼脸,设法提到我在分娩,经过一次快速的检查,他浓浓的眉毛扬起,因为他说我长了7厘米,需要分娩。住院护士问我什么时候要我的epidural,在我丈夫告诉她之后我不想要任何止痛药she asked,"Did you go natural with your first child?" I replied no and saw a slight smirk on her face as she walked away."We've got a ‘natural' in Room 10."


接下来的大部分都是模糊的。The back labor was intense and coming about every minute or so.我的斗牛士教我丈夫如何在宫缩时对我的臀部施加反压力,以减轻疼痛,并将婴儿送入产道。他们轮流这样做,当我们听我们的婴儿玩具在宫缩之间大笑。他们帮我喝了一口佳得乐,把冷抹布放在脖子上。My arms were exhausted from being on all fours through intense pain so I tried to lean on a birthing ball or have my husband hold me up.每次宫缩越近越长;感觉就像有人拿着大锤砸我的尾骨。一旦抗生素袋空了,我丈夫就让护士把我的静脉注射锁上,尽管她提出抗议,he said,“这就是她想要的。”那一刻我为他感到骄傲,因为即使我知道他认为我是个疯狂的孩子他支持ios下载beplay我。

在疯狂中我被检查过,还有七厘米,我的水还没破。不久之后,nine centimeters and the water bag was too tight around his head to be broken.我的整个身体因内脏疼痛而颤抖,有一瞬间我告诉自己我是一个白痴,因为我没有药物而生孩子,然后突然,“我得推!”人们在房间里转来转去,谈论着可能再次检查我,我大声喊道。"I'M PUSHING MY BABY OUT NOW!" and on all fours I pushed as hard as I could.


几分钟后,我背着,squeezing my husband's hand and begging them to take down the GIGANTIC mirror that magically appeared over my head.我想要一个天生的孩子;我没说我想看。I shut my eyes as tight as I could,再推一次,然后告诉自己,“下一次推你会碰到你的孩子,它会像地狱一样痛,但你会见到你的孩子的。”

Less than three hours after arriving at the hospital,I pushed a third time and我漂亮的8磅3盎司男孩was born followed closely by a gush of amniotic fluid.


They placed him on my abdomen and I reached down to grab my son while nurses encouraged him to cry–and cry he did.He wailed in my arms and I felt my husband's tears trickle onto my face as we marveled at the newest addition to our family.他在各个方面都很完美,即使我的医生缝合了一个二度撕裂,I smiled.I felt more joy and pride than I have ever felt in my entire life.My body made this person and I bravely and confidently gave birth to him on my own terms.他们说你没有自然分娩的奖章,但实际上你得到了更多。I have never felt more powerful,自信,或者比我那天更女性化。


Happy birthday,我的爱。Three hours,三推,然后你。

The opinions expressed here are the personal views of the author.评论被缓和,所以用你内心的声音,keep your hands to yourself,and no,我们对草药补充剂不感兴趣。
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