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瑞秋最近不是自己。She used to be active on the debate team,跑道,and always be up for a slice of pizza after school.But now,her friends are seeing her less and less,她似乎对自己过去真正热爱的活动持矛盾态度。Her parents think she's just being moody,但她的朋友们怀疑这种“怪癖”正在取代瑞秋的生活。她知道自己感觉不舒服,but can't seem to explain why — after all,there's nothing "wrong." But Rachel doesn't need a reason to feel upset—sometimesdepression在没有触发或任何原因的情况下爬起来。

What is depression?

Everybody gets depressed once in a while,and you can sometimes feel moody or really,really sad without being diagnosed with depression.但如果你经常感到沮丧,and it's interfering with your daily life,你可能有抑郁症。Clinical depression is often diagnosed when you're feeling sad,hopeless,或持续抑郁两周或更长时间。


Teenagers may experience or show depression a little differently than adults.青少年抑郁症最常见的症状是change of behavior-有时情绪化或情绪化是很正常的,但是,如果你感觉失控或者你在努力表现得“像你自己一样”,那可能是抑郁的征兆。

Emotional symptoms
-Feeling hopeless
-Feeling sad
-Feeling easily annoyed or irritable
-Loss of interest in things you used to enjoy
-Difficulty concentratingThoughts of death,死亡,or suicide
-Thoughts of death,死亡,or suicide

-Loss of energy
-Changes in appetite;增重或减重
-坐立不安;躁动不安;being unable to sit still
-Use of alcohol or drugs
-Poor performance in school
-Being frequently late or absent from school or activities
-Making a suicide plan or attempt,or talking about suicide

What causes depression?

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses,affecting 11.4% of teens across the U.S.Several factors can lead to someone developing depression,例如:

大脑中的化学物质可以控制你的情绪——如果没有足够的化学物质,or if it isn't being absorbed correctly,that can lead to depression.

As a teen,your hormones are in full force — which can cause or trigger depression.

如果父母或家庭成员患有抑郁症,you are more likely to experience depression as well.

-If you've experienced an upsetting life event,anything from flunking a class to the death of a loved one,这个

No reason or cause at all
You don't need to know why you're depressed in order to feel the symptoms.No matter who you are or what caused your depression,你的症状是有效的,你应该得到治疗。

What are some ways to treat or alleviate depression?

有几种不同的治疗抑郁症的方法,and not every treatment works for every person.Sometimes a combination of treatments works best  —it's all about working with your doctor to figure out what's right for you.当你遇到医生时,辅导员,or trusted adult about how you've been feeling,be honest.Like with any disease or disorder,如果医生不知道症状的存在,就不能治疗。

Types of therapy
Problem-focused and action-oriented therapy to help you change your behavior and thinking

Interpersonal psychotherapy
关注人际关系如何影响我们的情绪,以及我们的情绪如何影响我们的关系(如果你觉得自己的抑郁症让你无法与朋友相处,这可能会有所帮助,or if you feel like a negative relationship may have incited your depression)

Family-focused therapy
如果你的抑郁症影响或受你家人的影响,you may be asked to attend therapy together

Your doctor may prescribe an anti-depressant or another medication that's been approved to treat depression,usually in combination with therapy

What's the relationship between depression and suicide?
-If you or a friend is having suicidal thoughts,伸出手来寻求帮助。Untreated depression can be extremely dangerous,没有人应该感到无助或沮丧。

如果你认识的人有伤害或杀害自己的计划,call their parents immediately.If their parents don't respond or react appropriately,call 911.

如果你有自杀倾向,call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) to be connected with a trained crisis counselor 24/7.

如果你或朋友感到沮丧,但你认为你不需要立即采取行动,继续读我们的书如何帮助页面to find other ways to help with depression and suicidal thoughts.

Special thanks to our experts:
Lois Flaherty,MD,Child development psychiatrist,美国青少年精神病学协会(ASAP)前主席,哈佛大学精神病学讲师

朗达CBoyd,Ph.D.费城儿童医院临床心理学副教授,Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences


这篇文章是这里的一部分。系列,which seeks to destigmatize mental health,
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纽约andThe  Jewish Board.
你可以找到其他教育的心理健康资源 在这里.

这里表达的意见是作者的个人观点。Comments are moderated,so use your inside voices,把手放在自己身上,不,we're not interested in herbal supplements.
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