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9 Things Jewish Moms Really Want for Mother's Day


Mother's Day is coming up on Sunday,而当我们dolove chocolate,a boozy brunch (mama wants her bloody mary!),and hand-drawn cards from our little Picassos-in-training,作为妈妈,我们觉得应该告诉你我们想要什么,what we really真的?want (and no,it's not aZigasigg,ha

Here in 2019,there is much that is broken in this country — like a healthcare system that doesn't take our pain认真地,terrible maternal死亡率,and sexual harassment in the工作场所.说真的?there's so much in the world that can be improved upon,但我们只选择了九件我们希望母亲节能改变我们和孩子游戏的事情。


到目前为止2019,全国各地的学校和学院至少发生了8起枪击案,with 17 fatalities.在二千零一十八,有24起学校枪击案,有35人受伤,75人受伤。

简单地说,this is not OK.Our kids should not feel like their school — a place where they spend the majority of their week — is not safe.我们不应该让我们的孩子去学校——一个应该为他们的未来做准备的地方——和常忧他们的未来可能会被子弹打劫。

1996年在苏格兰学校枪击案之后,英国改变了法律,全国没有学校枪击案since.但在这个国家,有很多想法和祈祷,and very few actions from our legislators.This needs to change: help elect political officials who will do more than offer platitudes.你可以把钱捐给每个城镇and妈妈要求行动.


You may be surprised to know that the majority of women getting堕胎在美国— about 59% — are moms,根据Guttmacher Institute.也,作为妈妈,we know how hard the task of raising a child is — and we would never want someone to be forced into it against her will.

Which is why we're infuriated at the galling assault against abortion rights — a right that has been decided in Roe vs.Wade。然而,诸如此类GeorgiaandOhio正在制定有效禁止所有堕胎的法律,and the majority of these laws are being created and passed by white men who have very little knowledge about how fertility or 官网下载beplay体育ios版pregnancywork.这个国家的妇女已经因为miscarriages.

Abortion shouldn't just be a women's issue.After all,在每一次意外怀孕之后,官网下载beplay体育ios版there is a man.一个可以自由离开苏格兰的人,当一个女人被惩罚时-在乔治亚州,可能有终身监禁。And that should make us all incensed.


三。Better and支付所有人的产假

你认识美国吗?是唯一一个没有nationally mandated产假?Well,it is.

1993年《家庭与医疗休假法》规定unpaid为新生儿或新收养子女的母亲休假-如果他们在一家有50名或以上员工的公司工作,that is.This leaves a lot of people vulnerable;不是每个人都为这么大的公司工作,每个妈妈也不能休无薪假期。

12周?对于大多数妈妈来说,这还不足以让她们再次感受到遥远的人类。它也远低于世界上大多数最富裕的国家。加拿大保证一年带薪休假,这个UK提供38周。这些是更加人道的政策;leaving a newborn baby before you're ready is devastating,physically and emotionally.

Federally,if we claim to care so much about mothers,我们应该确保他们都有时间从艰难的分娩过程中恢复过来,以及与孩子建立联系的时间。


Here's another infuriating thing that the U.S.不能上飞机,even as other industrialized countries take it as a given: climate change.Almost all科学家们同意气候变化是我们面临的最重要的危机之一,yet our government can't seem to agree that it's even a thing.

Unfortunately,the ones who will pay the price for our inaction will be our children.这不太好。You can ios下载beplaysupport the绿色新政,and other climate-related initiatives.We need to stop this NOW because,12年后,它也会晚的.



And now that the Democratic primary race has begun for 2020,我们已经听到了关于“可爱性”和“可选择性”。说真的?Democratic Jewish women will vote for whomever the Democratic candidate is (as they should!).但在我们的一生中,要求一位女性总统是不是太过分了?尤其是当有这么多天才的时候,聪明的女人现在就跑?

为了我们的女儿和儿子,我们需要有人打破这个玻璃天花板。如果你想帮忙,你可以给艾米丽的名单,这有助于在全国范围内竞选女性候选人!让我们努力改变我们对候选人必须成为什么样的先入为主的观念,and call out double standards when we see them.


别搞错了,我们爱我们的配偶,and appreciate them.And even though many of them do "a lot," that doesn't mean that they're all doing their公平分享!

Whether it's carrying a family's emotional load or doing the majority of the housework,研究表明,大多数家庭工作仍然落在母亲疲惫的肩上。We moms need a break!So dads,next time you get home,想想什么can do (maybewithoutbeing asked?) instead of unwinding.不要总是以为妈妈已经得到了!

7。Equal pay

冰岛,it was just declared illegal to pay a woman less than a man for the same job.In the U.S,我们还没有真正做到。根据皮尤,性别工资差距正在缩小,but it's still nowhere close to being abolished.女人每赚一美元仍然能挣到80美分,and that difference is much more pronounced for Black women (around 60 cents on the dollar) and other women of color.What's more: that gap can widen,取决于state.

A皮尤study also found that women are significantly more likely to take significant time off,减少他们的工作量,甚至在他们有了孩子之后就完全停止工作了。And as lucrative professions demand长时间来自员工,很多妈妈都不能摇摆(见6,以上)。

Here are some提示如何解决这个问题。

8。Adequate spaces to pump at work

联邦法要求女性雇员有足够的时间和地方为她们的孩子泵牛奶。但事实是,this isn't always实施.一个狭窄的储藏室或洗手间是notspace to pump.但这不仅仅是空间的问题——女性也需要足够的时间来打气,which many stressful jobs do not allow.从乳腺炎到供应不足,不能充分地抽水对母亲来说是痛苦的,导致许多妈妈在准备好之前停止母乳喂养。

Here are some指南工作场所如何支持母乳喂养的妇女。ios下载beplayThe fact of the matter is,that women should be the ones making the choice of when they want to stop breastfeeding — not their bosses.


除非你想完全相反,and that's OK,too!无论你是想带全家去远足,还是独自呆在家里,享受一个安静的房子,thisis the day that moms get to do what they want.母亲节快乐!

这里表达的意见是作者的个人观点。Comments are moderated,so use your inside voices,把手放在自己身上,不,we're not interested in herbal supplements.
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