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Lisa Loeb: "An Hour Alone at Target is the Most Glamorous Part of My Life."

lisa loeb q n a

很少有Xer一代不能一起唱歌,word for word,with Lisa Loeb's 1994 hit song,“留下来(我想你)。”这首歌成了一代人的配乐,这是一种甜蜜而辛酸的赞颂,它表达了我们在试图弄清自己是谁的同时,仍坚持爱的复杂性。

In the two decades-plus since the song was released,勒布做了这么多:她建立了一个多方面的事业,包括音乐,film,电视,画外音工作,还有儿童录音。她发行了多张专辑——包括格莱美获奖的《感受你的感受》——她还推出了自己的非盈利专辑,这个丽莎营基金会,这有助于家庭负担不起夏令营费用的儿童进入夏令营。

And — oh yes — the 50-year-old entertainer also been busy raising a family.  Lisa lives in Los Angeles with her Israeli husband,罗伊·赫什科维奇,and their 8-year-old daughter,Lyla Rose还有6岁的儿子,埃米特库里。

在和她说话之前,我以为勒布是如此成功,以致于她的生活对我们这些战壕中的人来说是无法挽回的,busy balancing work and families and hectic after-school schedules.But when she answered my call from the doctor's office — where she was getting her toe X-rayed after tripping on her kids' scattered toys — I wondered if perhaps our lives weren't so different after all.

As Loeb discussed her children,creativity,她生命中最重要的是什么,it occurred to me that,不管我们的事业多么迷人,motherhood changes all of us in profoundly deep ways.当我第一次听到“留下来”的时候,我回想起那个年轻的女人,我意识到,在某些方面,我们都是年轻人,trying to hold on to what's important while everything about us is changing.



我肯定没有时间做额外的事情。我的重点是我的健康和孩子的健康,包括睡觉,eating well,spending time together.But we have a lot of responsibilities,就像确保我女儿得到她作业完成并准时到达学校,我们都穿着干净。

I drive down certain streets — where I used to be able to pull the car over and get a coffee and go to stores — and it's hilarious to me that,现在,an hour alone at Target shopping for clothes is like the most glamorous part of my life.以前不是这样的。


自从有了孩子,我真的认为我做的更多,创造性地,比我一生中所做的还要多。这是如此重要,我找到了一种方法来关注我的家庭和保持我的事业,我创造了更多的机会。我在做音乐,表演,与喜剧演员和魔术师表演。Part of that is because I want to make a living to ios下载beplaysupport the family.It's a little more intense,and there's a little less time for fluff on the side.


I had a big sort of renewal of my attachment to Judaism before I got married and before I had kids.所以,自从孩子们,I've sort of ebbed a bit away from that.But,仍然,我们做了我以前从未做过的事。像,我们有荆棘— I never did that growing up at all.My daughter learned about it in her preschool years ago and it seemed like something we could do as a family.有一些事情听起来很好,假设,但当你有了孩子,你就会意识到这不仅仅是哲学的问题,it's about practicing what you preach.

Did you feel more pressure to have it together after your kids were born because you are in the public eye?

一般来说,我想确保我把它放在一起。I grew up in Dallas,在这里保持整洁是很重要的。我看着Oprah— I remember she used to talk about how women shouldn't go out in their sweatpants and things like that.我也同意当你们在一起的时候,你感觉更团结。所以,it's just my nature to want to look and be organized.

I am also an older mom,所以我知道刷头发的价值,or even a blowout.  Certain small things that can make you feel more put together.


能够处理最后的变化。像,“哦,everyone in the family is sick and we have to cancel our trip," or,"Ohhh,we wanted to do all those things today,但我们不能这样做,因为从一个空间过渡到另一个空间是不可行的。”

甚至在孩子们之前,我在旅游的时候就有过这样的经历。I'd be somewhere like Australia and I'd think,“哇!我要去看澳大利亚!”我看不到澳大利亚,我看到一个后台房间,I see a waiting room at a TV station.我和化妆师坐了两个小时。

所以,改变计划很困难,但活了一段时间,事情就是这样。You might have to go someplace and your best bet at eating food might be eating at the airport or some frozen,weird meal in the car.所以,it's really just continuing to look back at the small,凡事都要珍惜。

What's a lesson you've learned from your kids?

我只是想他们的脸,他们太可爱了!构成我们生活的小事情真的很重要,and can make for a really rich life.我们仍然在做像看小脚趾这样的事情,感觉很奇妙。


我仍在巡回演出,我去年的唱片也在上映,"Lullaby Girl." I'm excited for people to see all the videos we made for that.Myeyewear line真令人兴奋!总会有新的款式出现。

最后,my summer camp foundation,the Camp Lisa Foundation.We raise money year-round either through the sales of my record,“丽莎营”,或者人们可以直接在线捐赠。学校很重要,butsummer campis the place where you really are challenged and learn to be an individual,作为社区的一部分,and have a good time.I'm excited to help provide kids with that opportunity.


蛊惑,布雷迪一家,Donny 玛丽。

It's a weekday night and you get home in the evening and everyone is starving.晚饭吃什么?

烤鲑鱼配寿司that we make ourselves,有寿司包装纸和日本糙米,avocado,还有黄瓜。


绑腿,cotton mini dress,booties,and a sweater.


Lighting theHanukkah蜡烛边祈祷,and smelling the melting wax.

What's the last thing you do before going to bed?


标题图像通过Lisa Loeb on Instagram.

这里表达的意见是作者的个人观点。Comments are moderated,so use your inside voices,把手放在自己身上,不,we're not interested in herbal supplements.
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