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仇外心理是一个现实问题 - 不只是一个字用于在赎罪日祈祷


There’s a prayer Jews say, theviddui当我们悔改,请求原谅为我们的罪。While there are other occasions to recite it, many Reform Jews primarily do this only at Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur, cataloging our sins from the previous year, and then letting go.

这个祷告的开口处叫做ashamnu,我们的集体罪被记载在字母顺序排列。在Gates of Repentance,the High Holidays prayer book my family’s synagogue used when I was growing up,这些违法行为在英语和希伯来语上市,引进开始的:“我们的罪是荣辱与共的字母。”

The sins of arrogance, bigotry and cynicism, of deceit and egotism, flattery and greed, hatred, injustice and jealousy. Some of us have kept grudges, were lustful, malicious, or narrow-minded. Others were obstinate or possessive, quarrelsome, rancorous or selfish. There was violence, weakness of will, xenophobia. We yielded to temptation, and showed zeal for bad causes.

当然,X是离合诗一个棘手的一封信。作为一个孩子,每年一次我坐在长凳上想想 - 如何,而不是捏造与开头的单词的X条目“恩,”我们得到了一个实际的X字:xenophobia。I’d think about how to pronounce it and spell it. (Yes, many writers remember when and where they first learned new words, like an athlete’s memory of that first successful contact between golf ball and club.)


每一年,我想它在shul,誓要做的更好 - 但赎罪日之后会有一些提醒。“试图做个好人”是我一生不变,但作为一个十几岁,我更侧重于K(不守结怨),避免C(犬儒主义)或O(是顽固)。

I certainly never worked the word xenophobia into conversation. After all, those two-dozen alphabetical sins were, by definition, things we needed to avoid.

Now that I am an adult, I am still a Jew, of course, but I am also another J word: journalist. I’m a person who critically analyzes information for a living and strives to share accurate facts and underreported points of view.

These days, what was once merely an annual reflection now is a perennial concern. And as we prepare to usher in a new Jewish year, 5781, xenophobia is a word that is used regularly in news articles. It is scribbled in Sharpie onwell-worncardboardprotest迹象。它在我的Facebook饲料和Tw苹果beplayitter上弹出。这是一种侮辱,是肯定的,但是当它被销售作为“美国第一”,对一些人来说甚至成为一种荣誉徽章,作为埃里卡李节目她的书,America for Americans: A History of Xenophobia in the United States

在these unprecedented times, a word that was once obscure and erudite is now omnipresent. It comes up in critiques of the demands for birth certificates from Black and brown political candidates; in pushback on certain immigration policies; inanti-racism work。New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez used it in her90-second speech在民主党全国代表大会。Pre-pandemic, in 2019, the city council of Charlotte, N.C., home to this year’s Republican National Convention, passed a resolution condemning the President’s past “racist and xenophobic” tweets. Bette Midlerwas criticizedfor making xenophobic jabs at the First Lady’s accent.

The Days of Awe — which includes Rosh Hashanahand Yom Kippur,以及介于两者之间的日子 - 总是努力工作:反射在过去的一年里,自我规划,为即将到来的一年,对于任何不法行为提供有意义的道歉,并成为一个集体忏悔的一部分。当涉及到社区悔改,这个想法是不是一个一直致力于阿尔法名单上的每一个罪(至少,人们希望不!)。相反,通过阅读在一起,我们既包括我们自己的越轨行为,我们的邻居。

Like many of us, I’ve already engaged in a lot of introspection this year. Being quarantined afforded time for reflection about what the world is like and what I’d like it to be. As theBlack Lives Mattermovement became a national daily conversation, I read the works of more authors with whom I hadn’t been familiar. I examined the racial etymology of words I used casually. I thought about my role in这些公用犯我坐在聚集在田纳西州国会大厦前示威,阅读谋杀美国黑人,他们用粉笔写的,不知道怎么这么多是如此迅速地被遗忘的名字。谈到她的新书,有一次,我是你:爱情回忆录与恨撕裂美国,玛利亚伊诺霍萨促使我思考我如何可能已经看到了,只有通过我家的玫瑰色的镜头告诉犹太裔移民的故事。

During the High Holidays this heated election year, I am more inclined to forgive and forget certain transgressions. After all, things that would have been significant in the past — a client scheduling an important meeting在犹太新年, or being frustrated by a friend who asked me to buy her a concert ticket and then backed out — seem completely irrelevant now, and that’s not just because, in the case of the latter, that live music is not on the social schedule these days.

But I am less inclined to ignore others. I need to speak up when I hear someone call the coronavirus “Kung Flu.” Or when someone posts a meme of the Twin Towers and the words, “We all came together after 9-11,” I need to remind them that such calls for unity overlook the threats Muslim Americans endured in the aftermath of the attacks. I now amempowered touse the word xenophobia outside我的犹太教堂的避难所。毕竟,这是不够的,只是避免和忏悔者按字母顺序排列的罪 - 我们必须积极地叫他们出来的时候,我们看到他们。

对于我们许多人的, ashamnuis just one prayer for just one part of the year. Thanks to the events of this year, I’m working on a newashamnu, with transgressions I intentionally will fight一年之久。C is for complacency. S is for silence. And, of course, X remains xenophobia. Please join me in making sure that combating xenophobia, individually and as a community, is something we Jewswill do daily, and not just on the High Holidays. No matter if we know how to spell it or not.

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