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HOLLYWOOD  -  11月11日:女演员薇诺娜·赖德到达

薇诺娜·赖德已经作出了很多头条新闻最近的(并且得到了众多微博的主题),因为她在Netflix的原创系列主角“奇怪的事情“。 The show has basically gone viral–everyone is talking about it–and it’s been a sort of a reprisal for Ryder since her role in “黑天鹅“。

莱德,谁是出生的薇诺娜劳拉Horowitz和是犹太人,最近在接受采访New York Magazine她乔伊斯Byers公司,谁是一个小男孩谁去在热播电视剧失踪的母亲的角色。没有一个母亲自己,很多人都问她莱德如何“理解”是什么样子,对此她解释说,她作为一个阿姨的角色帮助:

“I’m getting asked a lot, ‘You don’t have kids, so how do you know how to act like a mother?’ I know nothing could compare, and I haven’t had that experience, but when my niece was born, I felt like I would jump in front of a car and die for this little person I didn’t even know yet.

其实我觉得巨大同情她。我觉得她是这些人是有自己的梦想[她的生命]之一。但她有孩子。And it made me think of all the women that I know who have kids, who when they talk about [anything negative about their lives as mothers], they always say, ‘But I love my kids, I wouldn’t trade them for the world.’ Like they feel guilty for even hinting that they’d want something outside of kids!这是一个奇怪的事情。”

这位44岁还接着说她有多讨厌的事实,妇女往往调节到定义的角色,限制他们,特别是当它有过于情绪和焦虑的事情,常常被羞辱了这些特质,然后标记 as “crazy.” She stated:


There’s a line in the show where someone says [of her Stranger Things character], ‘She’s had anxiety problems in the past.’ A lot of people have picked up on that, like, ‘Oh, you know, she’s crazy.’ And I’m like, ‘Okay, wait a second, she’s struggling.’ Two kids, deadbeat dad, working her ass off.谁不急?

即使这个词,着急。这是一个不好的词。所以像所有的这些话 - 这是什么样的我试着用魂女郎做,为什么我如此投入在这本书中,并试图把它发[作为电影。我的整个观点是,这发生在每一个女孩,几乎是“。



“I don’t regret opening up about what I went through [with depression], because, it sounds really cliché, but I have had women come up to me and say, ‘It meant so much to me.’ It means so much when you realize that someone was having a really hard time and feeling shame and was trying to hide this whole thing …




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