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这是赎罪日,I'm Becoming a New Kind of Overprotective Parent


日子一天天过去,I wonder fervently if I am doing enough as a mother to protect my children from the world.This is tempered only by the worry that perhaps I am doing too much,and sheltering them in such a way that they will be unprepared as they slowly emerge into a life where Mama cannot provide justice.

Yom Kippur通常被翻译成“赎罪日”,这个现代的定义来自希伯来语。科弗,which refers to a "protective covering." In the Torah,God said to Noah,"Make an ark out of gopher wood,and you shall coat it from within and from without with科弗—pitch–(a protective coating)." God knew that in order to withstand the harsh flood waters,Noah's ark would need a protective covering to keep it and its precious inhabitants safe.

While I am protective of both my children,I will admit that my steel resolve turns to mush when it comes to my daughter.除了有创造力,adorable,难以置信的顽强,she has special needs.查娃被诊断为阿斯伯格综合症,on the autism spectrum,at age 6.我们的教室很小local Jewish day school,还有无数理解力强的老师,管理员,and specialists.She receives help from a resource room teacher,occupational therapist,以及日常的言语治疗师。

Chava thrives on routine,but like so many of us,she hates being told what to do.She has a strong,vibrant mind that loves to imagine and create inventions,stories,and art.她是独立的。The reality of sitting at a desk all day following instructions is really a drag.She would rather be roaming around the room making her happy humming noises,拍打她的手,and acting out story lines that only she can hear in her head.

I was a bookworm of a kid.本质上具有竞争力,成功意味着先把我的数学表做完,and raising my hand to answer the questions no one else knew.所以,while I personally understand and appreciate the importance of classroom learning and reinforcing schoolwork at home,at times it is simply too much for me to bear as a parent of a child with special needs.After eight hours of instructional learning,my kid needs a break.Downtime to explore,run around,并找出如何使完美的牙科诊所out of pop-up tents.

Which brings me back to Yom Kippur.I think sometimes we,as parents,focus too much on the outer layer of protection around our children.We feel pressure to prepare them for the "real world" of projects,最后期限,坐着不动。On this holy day of fasting and forgiveness,I will embrace the first half ofGod's instructions to Noah:"You shall coat it from within and without."

Within.我想帮助我的女儿和儿子在他们的内心深处成长和培养一层厚厚的保护层,composed of innovative thinking,仁慈的行为,and counting how many seconds they can hold a headstand.I will fight to preserve their inner truth,so that they can learn how tobreak out of stereotypesand labels.

God commanded Noah to build an ark that would withstand the pressure of the flood.在这个赎罪日上,I will ask God to forgive me for my trespasses,and to help me find the strength to follow His commandment: to stop the flood by building a protective layer around the sweet souls and strengths of my unique,美丽的,and determined children.

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