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Matt Jones

Matt Jones

I grew up as a Jew on the East Coast where keeping up with the Joneses was just the way of life.Yet,the overwhelming tone in my childhood home was there was never enough money.Moving to the Midwest has helped me reevaluate what I truly value.我得出的结论是,欣赏一种快乐的媒介是很重要的:有钱很好,但是金钱买不到幸福或者换个说法,金钱并不能定义我的价值,但它给了我一个过舒适生活的机会。

我在东海岸的成长经历使我对一个人有多少钱太看重了。直到今天,Istilltake notice of the make and model of cars like an uncontrollable mental tic,"Luxury car?They have money." As a kid,I would often feel like the value of a person was boiled down to their paycheck or bank account.

My dad was always in and out of work and it created a very unsettling feeling in me.When I was younger I thought having money meant you were happy,respected,and worthy (of what exactly?).然后作为一个青少年,I saw everyone's parents going through nasty divorces (including my own).一个人有多少钱并不重要,但事实证明,有钱的人在道德上会破产和痛苦。

的确,if I won the lottery (a miracle because I don't play),not much would change in my life.I wouldn't move because it's too much hassle.I really love my home and I could afford a bigger house,but to what end?A big new house means more space to fill with unnecessary toys and dust bunnies.I don't need an extra bedroom to vacuum each week and my oldest daughter prefers sleeping in her twin sisters' room anyway (so I could actually downsize).

Do I want a house filled with expensive furniture?不,because I will get super frustrated when my kids stain it.让我们真实,they'll pee on it because the twins are potty training right now.我不需要一辆新车,因为我真的不想再想找一辆新车来连续三个座位(我试过了,but我不是小货车妈妈)I wouldn't quit my job because我对自己的工作有如此多的个人价值和热情.

对,我可能会去度假,but we already go on vacation to places I want to go.我不想偿还我的学生贷款,因为我参加了一个贷款免除计划,so I want to keep my income-based repayment plan.Right now,it's doesn't matter if my bank account has $1,000 or $100,000,000 surplus dollars,I am happy.

In my daily life,我是一个真正的吝啬鬼(陷入消极的犹太成见中)。从折扣超市买我们大部分的杂货,因为我对花费比绝对必要的更多的钱感到内疚。此外,I love the thrill of finding a deal.

But my new Midwestern mentality has helped me quell the urge I had as a child on the East Coast to accumulate a ton of money.I live comfortably,which is a relative term.我不租私人游艇和飞机,但我喜欢旅行和带家人去度假(五张机票很贵)。In other words,I have enough money not to worry about money,and that,if I'm being candid,是一个有价值的目标。I can't lie: Money affords me the ability to live a comfortable life

As the matriarch of my own household now,I am thoughtful about how I discuss money with my girls.I emphasize the value of working to earn money and my 5-year0old says,“妈妈和爸爸去上班挣钱买食物,去度假。”

如果我没有提到犹太人的价值tzedakah(aka charity) in my home.I emphasize this value to my 3 daughters and I learnedtzedakahdoes not have to be straight up money.Tzedakahis my time,talent or treasure.I enjoy feeling personally connected and involved in the cause I am giving to,and giving my time—my most valuable commodity.

我正试图打破围绕美元符号制造另一个充满焦虑的童年的循环,所以我尽量保持简单和直截了当。当我们出去购物时,I explain I don't buy every toy we see in the store because I didn't bring "toy money" with me and toys are not on the shopping list.

现在我的大女儿自己带了钱,earned from doing chores,to buy a toy she picks out herself.I can see how carefully she thinks about her selection,and I love seeing the pride on her face while handing overmoney to the cashier,and the thrill of getting her very own receipt.你可以说,这种可爱的互动其实是用钱买的。So I stand corrected;some intangible things I value可以be purchased.

这里表达的意见是作者的个人观点。Comments are moderated,so use your inside voices,把手放在自己身上,不,we're not interested in herbal supplements.
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