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How Not To Sell Clothes That Remind People of Nazis

Lior Zaltzman

Lior Zaltzman

Another week,another oops-we-made-clothing-reminiscent-of-the-Holocaust fiasco.

This time it was the children's retailer Gymboree,which had been selling a plaid dress with six-pointed star patch suggestive ofthosethat Nazis forced Jews to wear.Over the summer,it was Miu Miuwith dresses and jean jackets featuring a similarly offending star,and before thatZaraand 城市户外—the latter two being serial offenders in the Nazi imagery department.(Zara had previously sold floral handbagsfeaturing a decorative swastikas,and more recently Urban Outfitters offered a tapestry that looked a whole lot likethe uniforms gay men were forced to wear in Nazi concentration camps.)


Lior Zaltzman

There are myriad examples.

There wasSearswith the silver rings emblazoned with swastikas,Walmart与纳粹头骨标志t恤, Marc Jacobswith shirts bearing more than a passing resemblance to imagery used by a neo-Nazi rock band,and a 三通弹簧供应商with items purporting to "reclaim" the swastika as a symbol of peace and love.(That went over as well as you'd expect.)

Oh,and in 2002,Umbrocame out with a pair of Xyklon-branded cross-trainers.Yes,sneakers bearing the same name as the gas that the Nazis used to exterminate Jews.

Most of these incidents have come with good-faith apologies and explanations,以及努力迅速从市场上撤除违禁物品。It was all an unfortunate coincidence,we're told.It was inspired by a sheriff's badge (heard that one before?) or an ancient Hindu symbol.

star of david

Lior Zaltzman

But really,enough is enough.Which is why I've compiled some basic rules for retailers who want to avoid selling what looks or sounds like Nazi garb (and the hurt feelings,bad press and mea culpas that come with it).

1。没有六角星斑。Even if they say"Sheriff."Even if they say"Bob."Especially ifthey're yellow.Even ifthey're not.

2.No swastikas.No exceptions.

3.Don't name your gear after gas-chamber gas.Ever.

4.Check out the ADL's onlineHate on Display — Hate Symbols Database.The imagery featured there doesn't belong on your clothing.(Hi,沃尔玛。)

5.And readthis primeron how the Nazis used to symbols to classify prisoners in concentration camps.Use of these emblems are offensive—all the more so when juxtaposed against stripes.(I'm looking at you,Zara!)

The opinions expressed here are the personal views of the author.Comments are moderated,so use your inside voices,keep your hands to yourself,and no,we're not interested in herbal supplements.
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