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dear gefilte

How Do I Know When It's the Right Time to Get Married?

dear gefilte


How do I know when,怎样,为什么要结婚?






Who's Boomer,you ask?


简短的回答是,在我结婚的前几天,他是我写作/饮酒小组的一个可爱的人。关于他,我记得的是,他知道如何扔掉几瓶啤酒,写关于父子吵架的故事。我不太了解布默。Certainly not well enough to invite him to my wedding.但我做到了。That picture is his signature on the non-denominational-but-mostly-Quaker pact Mr.格菲尔特和我让大家在婚礼上签名。

The longer answer is this: There is no definitive WHEN,为什么或为什么。布默代表了所有的荣耀,婚姻的神秘和心痛。

I love that Mr.格菲尔特和我在家里有这个协议。It was written and designed by a beloved aunt,and it basically says we promise to stick by each other through the shit storms and the new sunrises.(它的措辞比那更富有诗意。)这种婚姻契约有许多不同的版本:

-The Jewish婚姻协议.



Ours was cobbled together from a few different texts so it was inclusive of different beliefs,然后我们婚礼上的每个人都加了他们的名字作为证人。

布默的名字绝对是这群人中最大的,which I find hilarious and oddly comforting.正如我所说的,I didn't know him well.从那天起我就没和他说话。I think I invited my whole writing group because I needed to know who my community of ios下载beplaysupport was.我害怕婚姻会把我与朋友和现实隔绝开来,不管我在说“我愿意”之前是谁。


You know who else's signature is on that agreement?


尼克和他的女朋友来了,丹妮尔。他们是我们的好朋友,事实上。他们住在一起,我还以为他们很快就要去祭坛了。But apparently,在看到这条路之后。Gefilte and I gazed into each other's eyes,尼克决定和丹妮尔分手。On the dance floor.在酒后的祝酒词和蛋糕之间的一段时间。


我喜欢看的第三个签名是我侄女的。她才6岁,她非常自豪能让自己的“A”的双方都能在顶部相遇。那个侄女现在正准备参加舞会,她的架子比我以前好多了。Which proves:

-A wedding day is just like any other day,really.时间的飞逝

-Proms are great incentives for learning to write.

-We all must evolve–whether in pairs,尸体,或独奏。

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength,深爱一个人会给你勇气。

~Lao Tzu


婚姻是对明天、第二天和第二天的承诺,even though we have no idea what those days will bring.And in many ways,we don't know who we will be.

我不想让你对我的不回应感到失望。So here goes.


我说至少等到你25岁。It's been proven scientifically that the human brain doesn't fully mature until then.For gefiltes,multiply by five and carry the one.


在盒子里,with a fox,在火车上,in the rain.

Doesn't matter.你只要签个协议,邀请布默,这样你就有证人了。





Because what else are you gonna do on a Saturday night?

因为你觉得平静,引起,和平的,恼怒的,大声的,daring,beautiful,and at home with this person.

Because he may lose his hair and his job.She may start drinking or stop thinking.Both of you will get creaky and cranky.他会看到你喘着粗气,推出一个婴儿。If you're lucky you'll get matching packs of adult diapers.这仍然是一个有趣的想法。

By the way,你不要求得到额外的奖励世界卫生组织

Who is really just the parsley on top,isn't it?我觉得你很有洞察力,所以你把注意力集中在ownreadiness.更容易把注意力集中在给你闪亮戒指或下一次大冒险的人身上。很难看到你自己在那面镜子里,小狗在过道里划桨,看到了今天的你。

The you who is promising to love and nurture the you of tomorrow and the next day and the next day.

With love and schmaltz,



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The opinions expressed here are the personal views of the author.评论被缓和,所以用你内心的声音,keep your hands to yourself,不,我们对草药补充剂不感兴趣。
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