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Here’s What Happens When Your Kid Is Elected Class Clown


作为父母,我们花了一个过多的时间令我们孩子的学术实力和人气。那么如果你的话,你会觉得怎么样?kind被选为班级小丑?Well, I can tell you how I when it happened to me: confused and concerned, which are precisely the emotions you’d expect to arise when your child wins (by popular vote!) a title that does not include the words “success,” “achievement,” or “honor.”

The word“clown”实际上吓坏了我,也许是因为我希望我的后代似乎将被认为是课程和学者倾向的。我的儿子绝不是王牌学生;让他做作业的日子是一场战斗。然而,他贪婪地阅读,可以为任何对话提供思想和事实。我们没有推动他过于思考,但我们确实加强了他需要做得好,在学校表现得好。是的,他可以是讽刺和犀利 - 基本上,痛苦tuchas但他是否是对课堂讨论中的诙谐和有趣的评论,或者他在黑板上扔吐痰吗?

My idea of a clown was someone who made fun of others, includingauthority figures。但是,真的,我的儿子是一个森林- 他始终是第一个邀请新学生坐在自助餐厅的桌子上的人。他和动物温柔,周围有周到的孩子。他很容易帮助我们的邻居,从来没有接受过他所犯的帮助。

So when I asked my son why he had earned this title, he simply shrugged and said, “People just think I’m funny.” He offered little by way of explanation, although he seemed both proud (“look at what I won!) and hesitant (“I’m not really sure what I won?”). I, too, felt the ambivalence of this alleged accolade. Is the title class clown a reason for纳霍斯或尴尬?


我决定是时候调查了,所以我击中了书籍并彻底彻底打扫互联网,看看我是否可以得到一些清晰度。事实证明,课堂小丑可能是最令人谴责的,误解,并且最少地研究了年鉴“超级产品”。喜欢色情那the definition of class clowning may vary widely, but we all know it when we see it. And, like pornography, there are those that enjoy it (namely, other students) and those that find it repugnant (teachers and guidance counselors).

被许多教育家和心理学家一样,class clowns are routinely defined in the negative. Class clowning is seen as deflection — behaviors that are intended to divert attention away from the embarrassment of academic struggles, perhaps due to an undiagnosed learning disability. Along these lines, class clowns have been described as being emotionally immature, peer conscious, loners, or having注意力缺陷障碍(添加)或其表弟,注意力缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)。

另一方面,班级小丑拥有两个重要的领导素质:自信和直言不讳。在他们的书中聪明地了解天赋教育那authors Dona Mathews and Joanne Foster write, “When thinking about behavior issues and天才,重要的是要区分真正的行为问题或对高兴的尝试进行疾病,以使学校更有趣和相关。当实际从事后者时,许多创意,调整和聪明的学生被指控,在课堂小丑中看到大多数原型。“

也许课堂小丑不是一种偏转的行为,而是,反思行为 - 课堂小丑往往是课堂上不言而喻的需求的声音。如Judy Radigan在她的论文中写道,“课堂小丑和谈判的认识论在教室里,”小丑“在学校的惯例中削减了裂缝,暴露了学生兴趣的底息。”通过这种方式,通过改变教师和学生的传统作用,对知识交流,提出教学的作用。额外的奖金:课堂小丑为一个纠正的环境增添了笑声,这可能实际上可以通过创造更深层次的,有意义的对话来实际促进学习。

一切都,小丑canbe a ploy to divert — or it can be the创造性的表达少年如何让世界和他们的脆弱场所感到欣赏。它可能是颠覆性和破坏性的,或者可能是一个无所畏惧的问题。我觉得我的儿子是一种不完美的注意力和自我肯定的结合。像我们中的许多人一样,我的孩子融合他的渴望与他固有的机智,一种可以蔑视或钦佩所遇到的混合物。

显然,这个故事有两面,一个人谈论痛苦,也可以与自我表达说话。我可能不是kvellingbut neither am I quivering. What started as concern and confusion opened up a new way of looking at — and appreciating — my son.

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