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Dear Rabbis: Please Talk Politics During the High Holidays




This year,as you're mulling over topics for your高圣日地址,I have a request:


我理解一种典型的观点,即拉比讲更高的价值观比站在政治问题的混乱和混乱中更好。但我们都知道,this is no ordinary time.

我相信这就是你成为拉比的原因:在动荡的时代教导社会。To stand up for truth when others twist facts like pretzels.要求当权者谴责和击败新纳粹主义和种族偏见的丑陋。当一个领导者贬低残疾人和贬低妇女时,要大声说出来。

To issue a clarion call when nutritional assistance for the downtrodden and health care for the most vulnerable are imperiled.To cry out when,in contravention of every message in our Torah,政治领导人坚持我们not欢迎陌生人,我们notcare for the less fortunate,我们nottreat others as we want to be treated.

I trust that many,如果不是全部,of you will be talking politics this year,but just in case any of you are on the fence,其余的讨论都是恭敬地针对你的。请允许我,as a congregant,为了让你知道坐在长椅上的感觉,where we're hungering for moral leadership.

Like it or not,the phenomenon of twice-yearly service attendance is not changing soon—so this is your opportunity.

在你用激动人心的曲调和反应灵敏的读物给我们热身之后,after we kiss our prayer books and reach for the Torah,在你将生命重新注入老年人之后Torah portions,don't stop there.


As a past president of a large congregation,I realize that internal politics sometimes clash with external politics.Maybe you don't want to risk offending congregants on the opposite side of the political aisle,especially if they're generous donors.

的确,those few congregants who ios下载beplaysupport the current brand of politics in the United States may at this very moment be putting in their own request,to ask younotto speak about politics.


Maybe you justify the choice not to sermonize about the elephant in the room by saying that it is not necessary because you'll be preaching to the proverbial choir of like-minded congregants.To that I say,前进,preach to the choir—just in case we need some backup,and just in case those with a different perspective listen to you.

Or perhaps you are concerned about rules regarding the synagogue's nonprofit status.No problem—talk Jewish precepts.You don't have to mention political leaders and parties by name—we'll know what you mean.球员们在飞驰;价值观是永恒的,洛多尔(from generation to generation).


我为你们中那些代表会众成立了社会正义委员会,并雄辩地反对仇恨和歧视的人鼓掌。Those are among the many reasons we are proud to be your congregants.I am sure you spoke with passion recently when bigotry hit close to home,when neo-Nazis came out from under their rock in Charlottesville.But while it was essential to condemn those abhorrent commissions and shocking omissions in August,在九月份最重要的布道中,也必须听到这个信息。

I'm asking you to take the next vital step to the High Holy Day pulpit.

有很多犹太人的智慧需要挖掘。歌曲To Lifefrom屋上的提琴手说得最好,of course: "Our great men have written words of wisdom to be used when hardship must be faced;life obliges us with hardship so the words of wisdom shouldn't go to waste."

What does our treasury tell us about welcoming refugees?“因为你在埃及地是外人……”扶助残疾人怎么样?ios下载beplay“你不应该诅咒聋子,nor put a stumbling block before the blind." Feeding the poor?"Let all who are hungry come and eat."

Likewise for climate change,种族主义,sexism,同性恋恐惧症suppression of our freedoms of speech and the press,还有更多。你可能没有时间来激发我们对每一个主题的兴趣,但作为Pirkei Avotsays,“你没有义务完成这项工作,但你也没有权利放弃它。”

Our sages have provided us with quotations so famous you almost don't need to say them.But say them.Remind us that the prophet Micah said,"Do justice,爱慈悲,and walk humbly with your God."

Risk the obvious by quotingHillel's celebrated "If not now,什么时候?”为了更好的衡量,《利未记》19:18:“你要爱你的邻舍如同爱你自己。”这些例子几乎没有触及我们的冲压包装报价仓库的表面。

This year when I attend High Holy Day services,我渴望有一个相关的布道。

Relevant to the tweets we scroll through multiple times a day,relevant to the headlines,relevant to the injustices across our nation.Broadcast journalists are talking politics around the clock;print reporters are investigating the facts and exposing the fiction;comedians are bringing their wit to bear on today's world;每天的市民都在组织和提高他们的声音,这是前所未有的。

So how about you?

当我们迎来5778号时,请不要袖手旁观。就像你的许多同事一样,strengthen us,鼓励我们,inspire us!

Todah rabah,

Jan Zauzmer

这里表达的意见是作者的个人观点。Comments are moderated,so use your inside voices,把手放在自己身上,不,we're not interested in herbal supplements.
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