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From the huge dry erase board on which we draw Benjamin’s daily schedule, to the card next to the bathroom sink featuring a pictorial breakdown of the act of hand washing (water on, wash hands, water off, dry), to the playroom closet stuffed with toys and games and visuals his therapist uses during sessions, our house is pretty much blanketed with tools that help Benjamin learn to communicate,遵循惯例, and transition more easily.

8岁的Benjamin,6年前被诊断出来,所以现在这些物品已经成为我们家的景观的自然部分 - 我很少考虑他们的部分。那是,直到Passover滚动。



*本杰明的练习册,年龄4:Atara,Benjamin的旧职业治疗师将此放在一起,所以我们可以练习瑜伽姿势,她正在学校与他一起工作。当我第一次看到它时,我是地板 - 不仅因为她想出瑜伽可以给他一个人需要保持冷静和专注的感官投入,而是因为他实际上可以做到这一点。有我的孩子,谁不能追随一个简单的命令,就像“把它扔进垃圾桶”或“打个招呼到爸爸”,做向下的狗。



*是的!是逾越节的时候了!, age 6: Benjamin has a hard time with change, and things really change over Passover. Megan, Benjamin’s former speech therapist, made us this book to help Benjamin get mentally prepared for a trip to Safta’s house, and for the sudden absence of his favorite foods. This is one I’m going to edit and use again this year.

*日历,7岁:即使我谈论我们move often with Benjamin before it happened, I wasn’t entirely sure how much he understood. To help him process the information, Megan made this calendar, which laid out when everything was happening. Interestingly, every time we tried to go over it with him he became super anxious, showing us that he likely understood way more than we gave him credit for.


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