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14 Jewish Facts About ‘The Crown’ That Reign Supreme


I resisted the siren call ofnetflix皇冠for three whole seasons, smugly announcing to everyone that I just “couldn’t get into it.” What a fool I was! This fall, I went from a never-王冠-er to binge-watching it in record speed.

该节目的前两个赛季可能有点慢,但最近的两个赛季如此伟大和引人注目 - 当然,最新赛季的特色是每个人的达林,公主戴安娜。(但是,也许毫不奇怪,monarchy拍摄了众议院的历史上这一争议章节的描写。)

What you may not realize is that sprinkled throughout the series — and in the cast and, yes, in actual royal history — are a spate of Jewish stories. Yes, it’s hard to see how there could be much Jewish about the British royal family, but I assure you, there is! Here are 14 fun facts about皇冠and Jewish royal relations.

1.皇冠是创造的Peter Morgan, a screenwriter and playwright, who created the 2006 movieThe Queen,主演海伦·米兰·伊丽莎白女王二世。摩根的父亲是亚瑟尔根的亚瑟·莫雷根,一个逃离的犹太商人纳粹德国and settled in England in 1933, where he settled and married a Catholic Polish woman who “fled from Stalin.” Morgenthau died when Morgan was 9.

“It is devastating, losing a parent,” he told theLondon Standard。“I don’t really know what the effect is, but I suppose people might call me an ambitious man, and I’d say that an ambitious man is a damaged man. Some of the things I have written about are a way of connecting with my father.”

2.喜欢开放皇冠?谢谢德语犹太作曲家汉斯齐默。The award-winning composer actually spent much of his career not acknowledging his Jewish heritage — he says that growing up, his parents, who escaped Nazi persecution, were also scared to acknowledge it. But now he has embraced his Jewish identity, and will even be participating in a光明节concert与以色列爱乐队。

3.在第1季第6季的第6季的第6季的屏幕上,在普利普利普王子参加的男士俱乐部会议上短暂地展示了一个皇家家庭的中央犹太人。他简单地走了男爵,但他的名字实际上是英镑亨利纳姆,and he was a court photographer and a good friend of Prince Phillip. He came from an Italian Jewish family and started his career taking pictures of ballet dancers. Baron photographed important royal events, like Philip’s wedding to Princess Elizabeth. He later opened his own photography studio, and went on to shoot famous Hollywood celebrities likeMarilyn Monroe。他于1956年去世。

4.A huge plot point in season 2 is the苏伊士危机,又名第二次阿拉伯 - 以色列战争1956年British Prime Minister Eden is scolded by the Queen for colluding to have Israel invade the Sinai Peninsula in order to protect Britain’s oil interests and to remove Egyptian President Nasser, who had just nationalized the canal, from power. The U.K. and France later joined the active conflict, but pressure from the U.S., the U.N., and the U.S.S.R. led all three nations to withdraw from the war.


5.在第2季,公爵和公爵夫人Windsor, the former King Edward the 8th and his American wife, Wallis Simpson (for whom he abdicated the throne!) are revealed through theMarburg文件to beNazi sympathizers.

这些论文揭示了纳粹情节called Operation Willi (lol) to get the exiled former king to help the Nazis with a kidnapping plot that would force the U.K. to surrender to Nazi invasion. It’s possible that the Nazis also offered to reinstate him as king, in exchange for Nazi autonomy in Europe.

While none of the documents proved that the Duke directly colluded with the Nazis, they are pretty damning, and other information seems to indicate that he had sympathies for the Nazi ideology. The couple actually met Hitler in 1937, and the Führer apparently考虑到Edward to be “friendly towards Germany and thought that Anglo-German relations could have been improved through Edward if it were not for the abdication.”

6.我们真的不知道女王的想法是什么,但我们确实知道她的长期美国朋友之一的感受,他们在第2季显示。Billy Graham留下了一位女王伊丽莎白的朋友的大部分生命a fan of Jewish people.在与Richard Nixon的录音谈话中,他向前总统(谁也表达了非常毒性的反动作)制作了真正的邪恶反症言论 -reinforcingnarratives that they control Hollywood and the media, with Graham lamenting “what they are doing to our country.”

7. Prince Phillip followed a Jewish educator from Germany to Scotland.菲利普,谁呈现在皇冠由于与他的家人有着非常复杂的关系,于1933年送到德国的Schule Schloss Salem - 学校被亲戚所拥有,从而节省了不太富裕的家庭珍贵学费。然而,学校有一个犹太创始人Kurt Hanh。随着纳粹崛起的力量,汉纳逃离了德国,搬到了苏格兰,在那里他创立了Gordonstoun学校。在塞勒姆的两个学期后,菲利普转移到苏格兰学校。

8。尽管如此,菲利普王子王子的两个姐妹们结婚了杰出突出的纳粹。His sister Cecile’s funeral, filled with Nazi regalia, is shown in season 2 of皇冠。他的另一个妹妹,索菲,名叫她的儿子卡尔傲尔夫 - 致敬希特勒

9。The episode that recounts the story of Prince Phillip’s estranged mother, Princess Alice — a devout Christian who started an order of nuns in Greece, where she spent most of her life — is perhaps one of the most emotionally resonant episodes of the show. However,Princess Alice’sHolocaust heroism在这一集的这个泪滴中没有提到:在战争期间,爱丽丝庇护了希腊犹太家庭,科恩斯,从纳粹拯救他们。

According toYad Vashem,“科恩斯在公主住在解放之前留在了公主。有时德国人变得可疑,而艾丽斯公主甚至受到盖帕皮的采访。用她的耳聋,她假装不要了解他们的问题,直到他们独自离开。“

Alice被YAD VASHEM作为国家的义人民认可,并被埋在东耶路撒冷。

10. Josh O’Connor,the very talented actor who plays Prince Charles,是犹太人。具体而言,他的母亲伟大的祖母是犹太人,阿什肯纳齐和象牙遗产。(这意味着根据严格对犹太法律的严格解释,O'Connor是犹太人,因为他的外祖母和他的母亲都是。)

o'Connor从未谈过他的犹太人遗产,据我们所知,但他的母亲女士Madeleine Bunting写在她的书中热爱国家:穿过赫布里德的旅程。She is also the author of the book模型职业,about what happened when the Nazis occupied the British islands, which, she claims, had a small part in the Channel Islands’ process torecognizetheir legacy in the Holocaust.

11.海伦娜Bonham Carter,谁在第3和4季扮演玛格丽特公主,也有迷人Jewish heritage.Her grandfather,Eduardo Propper de Callejon, is actually a Righteous Among Nations, formally recognized by Yad Vashem for helping save thousands of Jews as a Spanish diplomat during the war. While both Callejon’s father and his wife (Bonham Carter’s grandmother) were Jewish, he considered himself Catholic. Callejon worked in France during the war, and he issued thousands of visas that helped French Jews to escape to Portugal. A mensch and a a hero!

12.说到玛格丽特公主,斯诺登勋爵在婚姻后面有很奇怪和残酷的方式折磨她。据称,其中一个包括在内,a very strange antisemitic curse。According to Margaret’s good friend,夫人格伦康纳:“例如,她告诉我,她不再打开她的抽屉柜 - 她让她的女仆这样做 - 因为托尼已经制定了在里面离开令人讨厌的小笔记的习惯。其中一个人说:'你看起来像一个犹太美甲师,我讨厌你。“

Another strange but actually fun Jewish fact about this troubled couple is that they once hired acheffrom a London kosher restaurant to be their personal cook. The chef himself wasn’t Jewish, but he was an expert in the practice of kosher cooking, and sad to leave his former place of employ, saying he was conflicted about leaving because “because Mr. and Mrs. Bloom have been so good to me and working here is almost like being one of the family.”

13.好的,这是一个有趣的一般皇家犹太人的事实:如果你不知道,有...a royal mohel。That’s right, according toHaaretz:“查尔斯威尔士王子被拉比雅各布雪人M.D割礼,当时伦敦领先的Mohel和王国队的王国。”And this wasn’t a one-time thing — it’s a longstanding royal tradition: “The fact that the delicate act was performed upon the royal princes by a Jewish practitioner, a custom dating back to George I, who brought it over from his native Hanover, has long been a source of pride within the local community,” Anshell Pfefferwrites

14. While there are no Jewish royals, there is a犹太温莎! That’s right, Jewish actressSophie Lara Winkleman,你可能知道的人好汉两个半,is the wife of Lord Frederick Windsor, the son of Queen Elizabeth’s first cousin Prince Michael of Kent. She is known as夫人弗雷德里克温莎

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