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Hamantaschen as savory hors d'oeuvres?Or perhaps as a hearty supper dish?也许可以重新想象成一个美味可口的个人披萨?For too long thehamantaschen已经被逼到了一个甜蜜的假期。When culinarily considering the iconic普林cookie,很明显,它最重要的特点是它的形状。它的三角形是用来嘲笑清教徒的恶棍。Haman's帽子,or even more insulting,耳朵。And beyond the shape,a hamantaschen is about the crust that holds or cradles a flavorful filling.

香洋葱哈曼塔森咬是一个有趣和幻想的采取纯粹的对待重新解释为成年人,将是美味的一杯美味的葡萄酒或者鸡尾酒。Thinly-sliced red onions are sautéed in balsamic vinegar and scattered with tangy goat cheese crumbles or if you prefer a more assertive flavor: blue cheese crumbles.然后全部放在酥脆的烤盘里,薄片状的,buttery hamantaschen dough.薄皮的咸味,due to the parmesan,使其独一无二且不可辩驳。

The Steak and Mushroom Hamantaschen是犹太人吃的英国牛排和肾派。面包皮很耐嚼,加上橄榄油和干草的味道。面团被磨碎了vegan,美味地保存着哈曼塔森披萨的馅料。

…因为如果不包括一个版本的pizza hamantaschen为了孩子们……我们在开谁的玩笑?The adults as well.你可以用新鲜的芝士或切碎的奶酪,干罗勒或新鲜条;do it just the way you like your pizza.Or hamantaschen.


It's important that the hamantaschen dough is sturdy enough to hold its triangular form while baking,但仍然很嫩,有牙齿。Both doughs start off with a shaggy appearance and texture,但是在冰箱里包装和冷藏几个小时或过夜之后,一切都很好地结合在一起。

Olive Oil- Herb Dough

2 cups all-purpose flour/whole wheat flour



¼ cup olive oil (extra-virgin is fine)

½ cup cold water


1.In a large bowl whisk together the flour,salt,and herbs.

2. Add oil to the bowl and mix into flour with a fork.Add water and mix in with the fork until it is absorbed.

3. Knead lightly until the dough comes together somewhat.把面团揉成一团,用塑料袋包裹,and flatten into a disc.Place in fridge and chill for two hours or overnight.

Butter Parmesan Crust

1 2/3 c.通用面粉




1块不加盐的黄油,cubed and chilled

6-8 tablespoons ice water


Yields enough dough for 5-6 hand-pie sized hamantaschen or 12-15 hors d'oeuvre sized hamantaschen

1. In a large bowl whisk together the flour,发酵粉,salt,and cheese.

2. (Here's where it gets messy and especially fun for kids) Add chilled butter cubes and rub it into the flour mixture until pea-sized crumbles result.

3. Add 4 tablespoons of water and teaspoon of vinegar,and mix in to form a dough,adding more water,一次一汤匙,as needed.



Balsamic Red Onion


1 tablespoon butter

2 red onions,先削皮,然后切成薄片

2 tablespoon balsamic vinegar




1. Heat a skillet over medium-high heat for 30 seconds and then add olive oil and butter.

2. When the butter has melted add the thinly sliced onions,and sauté until the onions are tender about 3-4 minutes.

3.加入香醋和蜂蜜。Season with salt and pepper,to taste.


Pizza Margarita


4 oz.or ½ cup of fresh mozzarella cubed

1-2 basil leaves cut into thin strips

Steak & Mushroom Filling


12盎司。beef chuck,cut into ½" cubes



4 oz.蘑菇,cleaned and diced



3 tablespoons all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce


½ cup vegetable or beef stock


1. Add vegetable oil to a large skillet and cook beef cubes over medium-high heat until browned on all sides.About 5 minutes.

2.从锅中取出,加入切好的洋葱粒,必要时添加更多机油。Cookstirring every so often,直到柔软,3-4 mins.加入大蒜,再搅拌一分钟。


4. Add salt,pepper,flour,and Worcestershire sauce,拌匀。

5.加入啤酒和股票,and stir well,making sure to lift up the bits stuck to the bottom of the pan.把肉烧开,放回锅里。Lower the heat,盖上盖子煮45分钟,or until the meat is tender.

To Assemble:

1. Remove dough from fridge and let it rest for 15-20 minutes.In the meantime preheat oven to 400F.

2. Prepare a flat,轻轻撒上面粉使表面整洁

3. Lay out utensils in arms reach: A rolling pin,一个3英寸的圆饼干刀,或者一个直径3英寸的酒杯,一个汤碗(用于大餐大小的哈曼塔森);a dough scraper or metal spatula,and a couple of baking trays covered with parchment paper or sprayed with PAM.

OK,现在开始卷:把面团从塑料袋里拿出来,place on the lightly floured surface and gently but firmly roll the dough out in brisk strokes,直到达到1/4“-1/8”的一致性。按下玻璃边缘,bowl,or cookie cut in flour,然后从面团上剪下圆圈。根据面团的大小,在中间放上大汤匙或茶匙可供选择的填充物。Re-roll dough scraps until all dough is used.

For the Balsamic Onion–scatter blue or goat cheese crumbles across the top of the onions,before folding over each side of dough snugly over filling.如果你愿意的话,可以在放入烤箱前用鸡蛋清洗剂(1个蛋黄+1汤匙水)刷洗2英寸。烤12-15分钟,或者直到边缘呈金黄色。

For Margarita Pizza spread thickly in the center of the dough,place mozzarella cubes and basil strips and proceed as above.

为了得到更多瑞秋的食谱,看看她的食谱 Get Cooking: A Jewish American Family Cookbook.对于更多的纯粹主义书籍,服装,and accesorries,visit Amazon其中一部分利润将用于支持Kveller。ios下载beplay苹果beplay

The opinions expressed here are the personal views of the author.评论被缓和,所以用你内心的声音,keep your hands to yourself,and no,我们对草药补充剂不感兴趣。
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