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阅读Jordana从一天的联合国之前的帐户123., 和4.

It’s Monday morning after the week of General Assembly meetings, and I have just about recovered. I didn’t even write Day 5, which was the biggest day of all as it was the day of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas speeches before the General Assembly. And you know why I didn’t write it? Because I was really, really busy.

我写了我的演讲这里,所以我不会改变。这是令人难以置信的exciting to have a front row seat at what may prove to be an important moment in Jewish history. Okay, not literally the front row – that’s where the United States Ambassador to the UN sits – but the front row of the media box, which is an awesome vantage point and as close as I’ll get in this lifetime.

我没有写过什么耶路撒冷邮政,并将与您分享,是作为与来自世界各地的记者混合的记者的迷人元素。这在本大会期间采取了特别亲人的调味,因为主要问题是以色列 - 巴勒斯坦冲突,巴勒斯坦人的竞标,争取国家,以及所有的戏剧将如何发挥作用。




是的,以色列确实在奥巴马的讲话和联合国的讲话很多。但这没什么好的。正如Netanyahu指出在他的演讲中,以色列“比世界各国更频繁地谴责谴责。27大会决议中的二十一岁谴责以色列 - 中东的一个真正民主。“

Regardless of your politics as to Israel, that’s a heaping dose of condemnation, and that isn’t regularly served up to nations like Iran (many in fact choose to sit and listen to the hate-filled rhetoric of its leader), Syria, Libya or North Korea. In Jewish history, on multiple occasions, things fall apart due to “Sinat Chinam.,或无阻塞仇恨。而仇恨采取多种形式,有时明显,有时更加阴险。

我不是任何延伸的阴谋理论家,但本周对世界观的意识都是有意义的。是的,我说“我们” - 我们作为犹太人。以色列是犹太国家。无论你从哪里来,我们都是“小团体”,记者暗示了可口,会话反犹太主义。

We do not control the world (unless I missed the meeting – I really should write things down), and I’m not one to cry “wolf” when it comes to anti-Semitism. But everything from that one little remark to the experience of the General Assembly illustrated that even now, 60 years after the Holocaust, there are those who regard us with suspicion, contempt, or outright hatred…and there are a lot of them. And as politics, internationally and nationally, devolve into polemics, such people and sentiments will become more and more visible, and perhaps, less risible.




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