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Hungarian-Israeli retired Olympic and world champion artistic gymnast Agnes Keleti shows her first gold medal (R) won during the Olympic Games in Helsinki and her second one (L) won in Melbourne as she poses for photos in her apartment in Budapest on November 6, 2020. - Agnes Keleti, a survivor of the Holocaust, won 10 Olympic medals in Helsinki (1952) and in Melbourne (1956) and is considered to be the world's oldest living Olympian. Keleti lived for decades in Israel coaching gymnastics before returning to Budapest a few years ago. She will celebrate her 100th birthday on January 9, 2021. (Photo by ATTILA KISBENEDEK / AFP) (Photo by ATTILA KISBENEDEK/AFP via Getty Images)

The world may seem upside down right now, but this Saturday, we got a wondrous cause for celebration:Olympic gold medalist大屠杀幸存者阿格尼斯·凯莱蒂100岁了。她在一个(Covid保险箱)庆祝了里程碑式的生日在她的家乡布达佩斯庆祝,她从2015年起就住在那里,时隔半个多世纪。

She is, according to theInternational Olympic Committee他是健在的最老的奥运冠军。她也是有史以来获勋章最多的犹太女奥运选手,曾获得10枚奥运奖牌,她的故事确实令人敬畏。

Despite the pandemic, Keleti had a respectable birthday party, thrown by the Israeli Embassy in Hungary. It was attended by local and Israeli press (who Zoomed into the event), and her son, Rafael, who does not often leave her side. Keleti was presented with a beautiful layer cake covered with chocolate shavings (which she happily sampled before getting her own slice), decorated with two alarmingly loud sparkling candles as well as three numbered candles that indicated the milestone birthday. When she was unable to blow them out, she daringly waved at them until they were extinguished. On the table, for a crowd of professional photographers, Keleti displayed her Olympic medals.

她穿着一件缀有珍珠珠的毛衣,谈吐活泼。晚会上,带着历史奖章来的凯莱蒂还收到了一本关于她生活的新书,体操皇后:艾格尼丝·凯莱蒂100年. “That’s an exaggeration,” she countered humbly to the regal title.

“These 100 years felt to me like 60,” shetold现场的记者们。然而,她的100年是动荡和胜利的100年。她出生在布达佩斯的一个富裕的犹太家庭,小时候,她是一个有成就的体操运动员和大提琴家。到了16岁,她已经是匈牙利体操冠军了——这个头衔她被授予了10次。

Keleti was slated to compete in her first Olympics in 1940, but the competition was canceled due to World War II. A year later, she was barred from her gymnastics club for not being Aryan, and her main focus turned to survival. In 1944, she married another gymnast, István Sárkány, after she heard a rumor that married women were not taken to camps. (The couple divorced in 1950.) She paid a Christian maid, Yuhasz Piroshka, to use her identity, and Keleti survived the war by adopting a rural accent and working as a furrier and a housekeeper.

Keleti says she does not remember much about the war, and that talking about its events leaves her with profound sadness. During the siege of Budapest, she recalls helping collect the bodies of dead Jews in the morning: “We dug tunnels with our bare hands to throw the bodies of the Jews inside,” she toldIsrael Hayom.

While Keleti and her mother and sister (who were aided by Swedish diplomatRaoul Wallenberg) survived the war, her father and other relatives were killed in Auschwitz. “I thought about how it was, what a horrible death,” she told国土报in 2005. “Before I left [home] I said, ‘Dad, do like me, don’t wait.’ He said, ‘I don’t have strength anymore for this, I’m too old for this.'”


1956年匈牙利革命后,凯莱蒂离开祖国65年,开始了以色列生活的新篇章。34年来,她在温盖特体育学院任教,对教学产生了强烈的热情。“快乐就在那——当你看到体操运动员如何开始形成稳定的体形,当她拿到更好的成绩单时……”她告诉记者国土报. “I was able to give my heart, you know, my soul, for a girl. I didn’t deal too much with the talented ones. I wanted the weak ones first, to advance the weak ones — that was the joy, that they made progress.”

在许多方面,凯莱蒂帮助以色列的艺术体操成为今天的样子。“我们从来没有见过像她这样的人,”查亚·哈尔佩林说,她9岁时就成了她的学生。然而很多年来,凯莱蒂并没有得到她在犹太国家应得的认可,她的职业生涯大部分时间都在以色列为她喜爱的运动争取资源。然而,在过去几年里,这一切都发生了变化。今年,以色列体操协会宣布,将以2017年参加艺术体操比赛的凯莱蒂命名赢了the Israel Prize, the country’s greatest honor.

Israel marked another important chapter in her life, as it was there that she started her family. In 1959, she married Reuven (Robert) Biro, and the couple had two sons, all while Keleti was in her 40s, which, her son Rafael reminds国土报, was quite unusual in the 1960s. “It was very extraordinary. For her, starting a family with kids and all that, that was her victory against the Nazis.”


Mazel tov, Agnes. You are truly an inspiration. May you live to be 120!


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