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The Incredible Mitzvah of Meghan Markle Talking About Mental Health Struggles During Pregnancy

未指明的 - 未指明:在此讲义图像中由Harpo Productions提供并于3月5日发布,2021年3月5日,Oprah Winfrey采访哈利王子和Meghan Markle在CBS PrimeTime在CBS 3月7日在CBS 3月7日在CBS 3月7日上市,(照片由Harpo Productions / Joe Pugliese通过Getty图像)

在我们的产前和产后生活中,我们许多人都有这样的时刻梅根纪念日‘s night at皇家阿尔伯特霍尔。

在她最近的两小时采访中,奥普拉温弗瑞,哈利王子和王子的妻子苏塞克斯公爵夫人,在她是心理健康危机的时候打开了一个特定的断裂点bepaly下载官网 - 在伦敦着名的歌剧院的一夜。那天晚上,她穿着一件黑色闪闪发光的连衣裙,依偎着她的宝宝凹凸,她在人群中微笑的时候顽固地摇篮。她是如何完美的,她是,如此完美的是,一个亲密的朋友让她发放她关于她和哈利那天晚上看起来有多可爱的照片。事件中的图片确实很华丽。这对夫妇看起来焕然一转,恋爱,快乐,与他们第一个孩子的诞生的期待。

但是mark告诉奥普拉和数百万个观众在星期天晚上调整,那天晚上是她的一个特别黑暗的时刻。虽然爱情肯定在那里,其他一切都是海市蜃楼。她最近对她的丈夫承认,这是在她的生命中第一次,她“不想再活着了”。那天晚上,感觉完全咆哮,哈利提出她在参加公共活动时她可以留在家。但她告诉他,她太害怕独自一人 - 他们和她的思想独自 - 这是从媒体的不懈欺凌之后觉得它被背叛了她。


许多人讲述了纪念碑对她的心理健康危机和她的自杀意念开辟的重要性 - 这总是一个重要的,堕落,最终是令人难以置信的勇敢的事情,尤其是来自这种突出和广泛的心爱的人物。有些人甚至写过关于她的坦克如何帮助他们开放自己的个人斗争。

但作为一位经历了像Meghan Markle的相同时间表的人 - 我的长子不到一年的年龄archie, and I, too, am about to have another baby this summer — it feels especially meaningful that she opened up about her mental anguishduringpregnancy. Saying you’re suffering from suicidal ideations while pregnant, a time when there are so many expectations on your body, and when the life you want to leave behind is not only fully your own, adds a whole new and excruciating level.

研究表明,自杀意识形来是在的上升among pregnant people. One in 10 women experiences prenatal depression, while one in nine women deals with postpartum depression (these conditions are even more prevalent among Black pregnant people, pregnant people who experience poverty, or have experience with comorbidities and mental illness, and teen pregnant people).Suicide是美国孕产妇死亡原因


Is it possible that Markle would’ve suffered through the same mental health crisis without the pressures and physical constraints of pregnancy and new motherhood weighing on her? We can’t really say. But the fact that Markle says these thoughts were previously alien to her does seem to indicate they could have something to do with her prenatal state.

四分之一世纪前,在一个类似坦率的采访中,哈利的母亲戴安娜公主戴安娜宣传了令人毛骨悚然的东西:她自己与产后抑郁症的经历。在她现在的名义(有人说,臭名昭着)1995年通过采访Martin Bashir,她在生育威廉后谈到了她的经历:





She didn’t know it took me a year not to cry every time I thought about my delivery. She didn’t know the quiet moments of anguish and anger at my body that I still experienced all too frequently. And I was too scared to say anything.

要说你是不是好的,当你是一个新的父母是一个艰巨的前景 - 当你有责任提高和养育和培养新生儿的责任时,你怎能不错,甚至是一个妊娠胎儿?你怎么能怀疑你做一些你想要的东西的能力?

But keeping it private makes it even worse. During her talk with Oprah, Markle opened up about how isolated she was in those years as a royal. She spent months barely leaving the house. It’s something, she confessed, which many had a hard time understanding before the pandemic — while now, a lot of us do.

Being pregnant in isolation is hard. In my last pregnancy, I had occasional breaking points. But in this one, these breaking points come all too often — and it feels like there is no one there to help me through them, aside from an already overwhelmed spouse.

There is no way for me to meet with other pregnant moms, no way for me to get comfort from friends and family outside of FaceTime calls and socially distant meetings that often leave you wanting. Wanting touch, wanting connection, wanting something to bridge the digital divide. After a disappointing diagnosis, a particularly rough day, there was nothing I wanted more than simple moments of respite and comfort that I just can’t attain.


In both the implications of privilege and race, Markle’s situation is unique. Of course, all pregnant people acknowledge that child-bearing is a privilege, but for years, Markle and Prince Harry were part of a wealthy, privileged (and yes, as some have mentioned, colonialist) institution. It’s a level of privilege most of us can scarcely imagine.

Yet, as the first mixed-race person to marry into this longtime institution, the racially charged bullying that Markle experienced — both from the press and from the royal institution, when they expressed their concern about how “dark”archiewould be — is uniquely awful. And yet it’s also a reminder that pregnant people who are Black are way more likely to experience pregnancy complications,mostly because of racism and implicit biasin the medical field.

这是Markle的黑暗时间已经是一年。她走出了另一边。尽管“感到羞愧地承认哈利感到羞耻,但她发现勇于从丈夫寻求帮助。”她一直在寻求“机构”的帮助,而她在暴风雨中。戴安娜公主也试图为皇家家庭的同样的人获得帮助 - 但她从来没有得到应得的支持,哈利王子担心“历史重复自己”。ios下载beplay这最终是为什么这对夫妇决定离开王室,他们告诉奥普拉 - 留下创造危机的有毒环境,并找到一个正常和平感。


在一块纽约时报this last fall, Markle wrote about the importance of asking someone if they are OK. According to experts, that question is actually the best way to catch pre-and post-natal depression.

“We have to ask women how they’re doing during pregnancy and postpartum,” Adrienne Griffen, executive director of the Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance, told theWashington Postthis week, “We cannot wait for them to say, ‘Hey, I need help,’ because typically by the time they raise their hand and say, ‘Hey, I need help,’ they needed help weeks or months ago.”

Meghan Markle需要几个月的帮助。最后,她得到了它。但是只有在为牙齿和钉子争斗之后,才能从她陷入困境的毒性情况后才会被困。好像这是不够的(Dayenu.),Markle然后继续说出她的抑郁症,以便最公开的方式让别人知道有一个有理由生活在另一边。

She let others know that, at a time when new and expecting parents are feeling cavernous loneliness and isolation, they are not alone.

照片由Harpo Productions / Joe Pugliese通过Getty Images

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